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Sorcerer Build Baldur's Gate

Sorcerer is a BG2 Best class in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Sorcerers don't scribe spell scrolls to their spellbooks like Mage BG2 does. Instead, Sorcerers choose spells as they level up. We need foreknowledge of the arcane repertoire in order to know which Baldur's Gate Spells to choose as we level up, but once we know what's what, it's all over. Just cast them over and over again; rinse repeat.

Sorcerers are the best BG2 solo class because they get natural access to KEY spells not all the scrolls for which are readily itemized for Mages until later in the campaign.

That is the REAL advantage of the SorcererEspecially the solo Sorcerer: over-leveled as we are, the campaign is not balanced relative to the spells at our disposal.

For example, Mages are forced to source many of their spells from Spell Store Baldur's Gate 2 whereas Sorcerers can just choose their spells as they level. Indeed, Mages must go on City-wide shopping sprees in order to purchase the spells they need.

Sorcerer Description

Sorcerers are practitioners of magic who were born with the innate ability to cast spells. It is thought that the blood of some powerful creature flows through their veins; perhaps they are the spawn of the gods themselves, or even dragons walking in humanoid form. Regardless, the Sorcerer's magic is intuitive rather than logical. They know fewer spells than wizards, and acquire spells more slowly, but they can cast spells more often and have no need to select and prepare spells ahead of time. Sorcerers cannot specialize in magic the way wizards do. Other than these differences, a Sorcerer is very similar to the wizard.

Sorcerer Spell Range per circle 1-9 

Spell range per circle is the number of unique spells per spell level.

  • Sorcerer: 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-4-9
  • Generalist Mage: 21-21-24-23-23-24-20-14-21

Thus, the Sorcerer is limited to 48 spellpicks whereas the Generalist Mage, Multi-Class Mage and Dual-Class Mage have access to 191 spells (Wild Mage BG2: 194). 

Sorcerer Spell slots per circle 

Spells slots per circle is the number of rounds the gun can fire before needing to reload, aka Rest to Replenish Spell Slots.

  • Sorcerer: 6-8-7-7-6-7-7-7-6
  • Generalist Mage: 5-5-5-5-5-6-6-6-4
  • Specialist & Wild: 6-6-6-6-6-7-7-7-5

What does that mean, though? It means what I said it means above: Sorcerers can cast more spells before they need to rest, but have a much stricter spell range.

Sorcerer or Mage

Mage BG2 is more of a strategist who can tailor their spellbook to any combat encounter or utility purpose whereas Sorcerers are tacticians who make do with what they have (which is more than enough if we choose the "correct" spells, aka we have foreknowledge of BG2 Best Spells). Played by clueless newbies, Sorcerers can conceivably be gimped by choosing "incorrect" spells.

Best Sorcerer Spells BG2

The best Sorcerer spells are Web, Mirror Image and Melf's Minute Meteors. These are the best Sorcerer spells for parties, solo or even No Reload Run Baldur's Gate.

Most of the spells listed below are god-tier.

Best Level 1 Sorcerer Spells

The best Level 1 Sorcerer spell is Blindness.

Best Level 2 Sorcerer Spells

The best level 2 Sorcerer spells are Mirror Image and Web.

Best Level 3 Sorcerer Spells

The best level 3 Sorcerer spells are Skull Trap and Melf's Minute Meteors.

Best Level 4 Sorcerer Spells

The best level 4 Sorcerer spells are Stoneskin and Minor Sequencer. If the BG2 Fixpack is not installed, Improved Invisibility is also godly.

Best Level 5 Sorcerer Spells

The best level 5 Sorcerer spells are Animate Dead, Breach, Sunfire and Spell Immunity.

Best Level 6 Sorcerer Spells

The best level 6 spells are True Sight and PfMW.

Best Level 7 Sorcerer Spells

By a country mile, and even if the BG2 Fixpack is installed, the best level 7 Sorcerer spell is Project Image. In SCS BG2, RRoR is vital.

Best Level 8 Sorcerer Spells

The best level 8 Sorcerer spell is ADHW.

Best Level 9 Sorcerer Spells

The best level 9 Sorcerer spells are Chain Contingency, Time Stop and Wish.

Best Sorcerer HLA Spells

The best HLAs for Sorcerers are Extra Spell Slot 6-8, Improved Alacrity and Summon Planetar.

Spells to cast non-Conventionally

Don't waste precious spellpicks on these spells!

We can quibble over a spellpick here and there, but at the end of the day those picks are going to get Sorcerers through the game easily, whether partied or soloing. That, no one can deny.

Take what spells seem interesting to you but I wouldn't ignore the spells I've bolded unless you know exactly what you're doing. It is also recommended to fast-track the acquisition of Mirror Image BG2 and Stoneskin BG2, or you won't last long in the BG2 Prologue. You should have Sunfire BG2 by the time you start questing in Athkatla.

Quick Reference to Sorcerer Spell-types

BG2 Best Spells Spell Ward Removers Immobilization Spells BG2 Summoning Spells BG2
God-tier Spells BG2 Combat Protections BG2 Divide & Conquer Spells Illusion Spells BG2
Spell Protections BG2 Weapon Ward Removers  Direct Damage Spells BG2 Scrying Spells BG2

Sorcerer Build Solo BG2

Soloing or "going solo" is when you take one character, and only one character, through the entire BG2 campaign. In other words, even though you can create up to six characters, and even though you can recruit companions at any time, you ignore those features entirely.

Sorcerer Race

For race choice, Elf is better than Human due to armor class +1 and 90% resistance to Sleep and Charm spells.

Sorcerer Gender

The gender of the Sorcerer has no impact on the abilities of the Sorcerer.

Sorcerer Alignment

I'd go for Lawful Good alignment for Draw Upon Holy Might (Bhaalspawn ability) and the reputation bonus of LG.

Sorcerer Stats

As it pertains to Sorcerer stats Intelligence and Charisma do NOTHING for Sorcerer spellcasting outside of Int 9 allowing us to cast from wands and scrolls (which is the min. Int required anyway). Indeed, we can dump every stat and still succeed easily, but I would stick to my recommended stats: 

  • Str 14 --- lets us carry enough stuff
  • Dex 18 --- gives us good natural AC
  • Con 16 --- gives us a solid HP pool (>16 does not grant +HPs for non-warriors)
  • Int 9 --- lets us cast spells from wands and scrolls (it's the min. anyway)
  • Wis 18 --- lets us get the best out of the Wish spell without quaffing an Insight potion
  • Cha 18 --- is better than having to waste a ring slot on the Ring of Human Influence [RING30]
  • Minimum stats: 3-3-3-9-3-9.

If soloing max Strength so that you can carry more and physically hit things and force open locked doors and receptacles if you need to (without casting Knock BG2). If you can't get a good roll, dump Wis and just quaff an Insight potion if you want to Wish rest.

Sorcerer Spell Picks

Solo Sorcerers begin Baldur's Gate 2 at seventh character level or 89,000 XP. The initial spellpicks are the most important to consider since they determine whether or not we make it out of Irenicus Dungeon Level 1.

Level 7 Sorcerer Spell Picks (Chargen selections: 89,000 XP)

You can see that we focus on offense and defense. We need single-target and AoE direct damage as well as immobilization.

  • Level 1 spells (x5 selections): Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Magic Missile, Shield, Protection From Petrification.
  • Level 2 spells (x3 selections): Blur, Mirror Image, Web.
  • Level 3 spells (x2 selections): Skull Trap, Melf's Minute Meteors.

Level 8 Sorcerer Spell Picks (90,000 XP)

We take Spider Spawn for the incredibly powerful Web + Spider Spawn combo.

  • Level 4 spells (x1 selection): Spider Spawn.

Level 9 Sorcerer Spell Picks (135,000 XP)

  • Level 2 Spells (x1 selection): Invisibility.
  • Level 3 Spells (x1 selection): Slow.
  • Level 4 Spells (x1 selection): Stoneskin.

Level 10 Sorcerer Spell Picks (250,000 XP)

Sunfire gives us a massive boost to direct damage. This is why we didn't take Fireball.

  • Level 5 Spells (x1 selection): Sunfire.

Level 11 Sorcerer Spell Picks (375,000 XP)

We pack in a few Mage-duel spells at 11th level.

  • Level 2 Spells (1x selection): Resist Fear.
  • Level 3 Spells (1x selection): Remove Magic.
  • Level 4 Spells (1x selection): Secret Word.
  • Level 5 Spells (1x selection): Breach.

Level 12 Sorcerer Spell Picks (750,000 XP)

At this point True Sight is more useful to us than PfMW (because we have Stoneskin + Mirror Image for defense).

  • Level 6 Spells (1x selection): True Sight.

Level 13 Sorcerer Spell Picks (1,125,000 XP)

We take Animate Dead because they will soon scale to Skeleton Warriors. Then we take Improved Haste in order to double the attack rate of our undead and spider summons (and later our Mordswords + Planetar).

  • Level 4 Spells (x1 selection): Minor Sequencer.
  • Level 5 Spells (x1 selection): Animate Dead.
  • Level 6 Spells (x1): Improved Haste.

Level 14 Sorcerer Spell Picks (1,500,000 XP)

  • Level 7 Spells (x1 selection): Project Image.

Level 15 Sorcerer Spell Picks (1,875,000 XP)

  • Level 5 Spells (x1 selection): Spell Immunity.
  • Level 6 Spells (x1 selection): Protection From Magical Weapons.
  • Level 7 Spells (x1 selection): Spell Sequencer.

Level 16 Sorcerer Spell Picks (2,250,000 XP)

  • Level 8 Spells (x1 selection): Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting.

Level 17 Sorcerer Spell Picks (2,625,000 XP)

  • Level 7 Spells (x1 selection): Mordenkainen's Sword.
  • Level 8 Spells (x1 selection): Pierce Shield.

Level 18 Sorcerer Spell Picks (3,000,000 XP)

Upon reaching 18th level we break into HLAs and 9th level spells. When leveling further be sure to take Improved Alacrity, Time Stop and Wish. Everything else is icing on the cake.

  • Level 9 Spells (1x selection): Chain Contingency.
  • HLA (1x selection): Summon Planetar.

Best Items for Sorcerers

Sorcerers don't strictly need items per se, but items can certainly improve our build. For added challenge you can try soloing a Sorcerer who only uses items that are critical to plot-advancement (Sorcerer Solo Poverty Run).

The best items for Sorcerers are the Robe of Vecna and Staff of the Magi.

Sorcerer Weapon Proficiency

In chargen choose proficiency in Sling and Quarterstaff weapons. Please don't kid yourself into thinking that Sorcerers can't bludgeon something to death with DUHM + Staff of the Ram: 22.5 dmg at 2 ApR is not a joke in solo games, and nor is THAC0 4 (though Armor Class scores are voided on immobilized victims).

Solo Sorcerer Tips

  • Make sure you're buffed with Mirror Image BG2 and Stoneskin BG2 at all times. Recast as needed during battle.
  • Swing your quarterstaff at the enemy while awaiting one-round cooldown between casting spells (preferably hasted and buffed with DUHM).
  • Trip traps while protected by Mirror Image. Maze BG2 traps are the most dangerous: ward with Spell Immunity BG2. If a trap dumps a bucket of acid on our head, what spell would protect us? That's right -- Protection From Acid.
  • MMM is your ace-card offensive spell in the early going. Sunfire, too.
  • It is easier to align with the Shadow Thief faction than it is the Vampire one.
  • Getting enough cash flow and Reputation going is easy: Trademeet is the easiest to tackle, and also the most lucrative. Take on the Planar places after the mundane places have been bulldozed.

Sorcerer Cheese

Sorcerers are inherently cheesy as a class, without factoring in spellcasting tactics that Mages also have access to.

  • Sorcerers don't need to find scrolls for spells because they get natural access to spells (a huge advantage).
  • Since Sorcerers don't need to scribe scrolls, they can dump Intelligence. Remember that Mages are hamstrung by spell scroll scribing failure unless they crank or buff their Int score to genius levels.
  • Since Charisma does not impact spellcasting for Sorcerers, they can dump Charisma as well. In D&D 3rd Edition cRPGs such as IWD2 Sorcerer BuildNWN Sorcerer Build and ToEE Sorcerer Build, Charisma sensibly dictates Sorcerer spellcasting prowess.
  • Sorcerers are very powerful spellcasting machines even with all stats dumped and no items equipped.
  • In conclusion, the inclusion of Sorcerers in BG2 is an example of bad cRPG Design.

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Baldur's Gate 2 Best ClassesBaldur's Gate 2 Item CodesBaldur's Gate Dual-classing
Baldur's Gate 2 Best SpellsBaldur's Gate 2 THAC0Baldur's Gate Specialist Mages
Baldur's Gate 2 Best WeaponsBaldur's Gate 2 Armor ClassBaldur's Gate 2 Weapon Proficiency
Baldur's Gate 2 Best Companions
Baldur's Gate 2 ApRBaldur's Gate Thieving

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