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Divide & Conquer Spells Baldur's Gate 2

Divide & Conquer Spells Baldur's Gate 2

Divide & Conquer spells are Baldur's Gate 2 spells that break mobs up into more manageable, bite-sized chunks, but they can also be employed on single targets in order to gain a powerful temporary ally. For example, turn the sergeant against his soldiers.

Spell Protections, Chaotic CommandsBerserker Enrage and Barbarian Rage are some of the strongest wards vs most divide and conquer spells.

Best Divide & Conquer Spells BG2

In terms of long-lasting usefulness (how much use it gets), the best Divide & Conquer spells are Blindness, Confusion and Chaos. In SCS BG2, Maze and Imprisonment become much more useful.

Return to BG2 Best Spells -- Baldur's Gate 2 (Index).

Sorcerer Spells BG2 Spell Ward Removers Immobilization Spells BG2 Summoning Spells BG2
God-tier Spells BG2 Combat Protections BG2 Divide & Conquer Spells Illusion Spells BG2
Spell Protections BG2 Weapon Ward Removers  Direct Damage Spells BG2 Scrying Spells BG2

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