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THAC0 Baldur's Gate Original

Baldur's Gate Best THAC0

THAC0 Lords: The Armor-piercers

Welcome to my cRPG blog on Baldur's Gate THAC0. The purpose of this post is to explain the THAC0 mechanic in Baldur's Gate 1 and Baldur's Gate 2.

Baldur's Gate 2 Warriors have the best THAC0 progression, Kensai BG2 attain the lowest THAC0s (-44), and the enemy with the best THAC0 is Abazigal (-28).

THAC0 Definition & Explanation

To put it simply, our To Hit Armor Class Zero aka THAC0 score measures our accuracy in landing a hit in melee or from range. As with AC, lower THAC0s are better THAC0s. Thus, given a conventional scenario (such as a martial duel), the lower the THAC0 the more likely we are to land a hit.

CHARNAME THAC0 - enemy AC = what Charname needs to roll on a d20 in order to hit (the to-hit number), with each gained point of THAC0 granting +5% to-hit vs. AC 0. In order to hit, the number rolled on the d20 must be equal to or greater than the THAC0 minus the AC.

Natural 20s always hit (critical hit); natural 1s always miss regardless of THAC0/AC (critical miss).

THAC0 Progression Table

Citation of THAC0 progression 2DA. The top row shows the character level; the leftmost column the character class. Note how the rate of THAC0 reductions differ between classes as they level. 

The above shows us that warriors and monks gain natural THAC0 reductions per level up to 21st, with their THAC0 capping out at base 0. For Clerics and Druids, it's THAC0 -2 per three levels; for Thieves and Bards, it's THAC0 -1 per two; for Mages and Sorcerers it's THAC0 -1 per three. 

Remember: the above 2DA only shows base THAC0. The gap between Warrior THAC0 and non-warrior THAC0 widens due to THAC0 modifiers that are unavailable to non-warrriors, such as Exceptional Strength and level of Weapon Proficiency.

Strength & Dexterity Modify THAC0

In addition, the Strength score modifies THAC0 for melee and Dexterity modifies THAC0 for ranged weapons such as bows.

Strength Adjustment to THAC0

Strength score / THAC0 modification:

  • 0: -20
  • 1: -5
  • 2-3: -3
  • 4-5: -2
  • 6-7: -1
  • 8-16: 0

Exceptional Strength Adjustment to THAC0

  • 17-18/50: +1
  • 18/51-99: +2
  • 18/00-20: +3
  • 21-22: +4
  • 23: +5
  • 24: +6
  • 25: +7

The above shows us that, as it pertains to THAC0, a Strength score of 8 is just as "good" as a Strength score of 16.

Dexterity Adjustment to THAC0

Dexterity score / THAC0 modification:

  • 0: -20
  • 1: -6
  • 2: -4
  • 3: -3
  • 4: -2
  • 5: -1
  • 6-15: 0
  • 16: +1
  • 17-18: +2
  • 19-20: +3 
  • 21-23: +4 
  • 24-25: +5

As per Strength, the above shows us that, as is pertains to THAC0, a Dexterity score of 6 is just as "good" as a Dexterity score of 15.

Potions, spells, proficiencies and weapon enchantment level (e.g, +2) can also modify THAC0. Other things can, too.

Example of THAC0 Formula

For argument's sake, Charname is a 10th level Fighter BG1. Thus, her base THAC0 is 11. But she has a Strength score of 18/00. Thus, her THAC0 drops 3 points and becomes 8 (modified THAC0 of 8). Next, she is wielding Varscona BG1, a +2 large sword. Thus, her THAC0 drops by two more points and becomes 6. Then, she has High Mastery in large sword. Thus, her THAC0 drops by three more points and becomes 3. Lastly, the party's Cleric casts Bless on Charname, dropping her THAC0 by 1 point. Charname now has a modified THAC0 of 2.

Charname now attempts to attack a tanky opponent with an AC of -8. THAC0 - AC = to-hit. Therefore, Charname must roll a 10 or greater on a d20 in order to hit (2 - [-8] = 10). A 50% chance.


Natural or base THAC0 caps out at zero but modified THAC0 can reach negative numbers even in BG1. In the sequel (BG2), natural Archer BG2 and Kensai BG2 bonuses to THAC0 reach godly lows of -12 and -13 respectively. As this post will show, coupling that with 20 standard warrior levels as well as with items and buffs, allows us to reach THAC0s in excess of -40. Thus, the moniker of THAC0 Lord.

As with its counterpart, AC, THAC0 is very important but it's not the be-all and end-all for physical-based damage dealers. Ideally, we want to balance our ApR BG1, dmg and THAC0. For example, Coran BG1 wields the Composite Longbow +1 BG1 for +dmg because he doesn't need the +THAC0 offered by Dead Shot; short of the 5% chance of a critical miss he's going to hit anyway so he might as well inflict more damage.

Moreover, enemies under the effect of immobilization (e.g, held by Web BG2) have their ACs voided and are therefore hit regardless of THAC0. Of course, not all enemies can be immobilized due to saving throws, resistances and immunities.

At the end of the day, we want our THAC0 lord around for when we face off against big, tanky AC Lords, culminating in Abazigal BG2.

Best Melee THAC0 in Baldur's Gate 1

The best melee THAC0 in Baldur's Gate 1 is -6.

Melee THAC0 Sources BG1

Relative to the AC of its enemies, this is an incredibly accurate hitter. (25 Strength is achieved through DUHM stacking with Strength potions.)

Sample of Monster THAC0 in BG1

Sarevok BG1Fighter15-921.54-5135Resistances
Aec'Letec BG1True Tanar'ri--013.54-9106Death Gaze
Demon Knight BG1Fighter Mage15-521.5-4125Fiend
Shandalar BG1Mage3088.51-2496AC Lord
ZhalimarFighter11817.53-1115Irone Throne
RahvinFighter9617.54-185Det. Arrow
DrasusFighter88123087Speed Boots
GretekFighter9914.53-270Helm & Cloak
DelgodFighter999.5222Glass Cannon
Greater GhoulUndead--510.53448Paralyze
Crypt CrawlerWorm--91.55332Paralyze
Greater WyvernWinged---1233-594Poison
Air AspectWinged--5183-4110Poison
Skeleton WarriorUndead--414.52280Resistances
Battle HorrorConstruct--5113-558Flame Blade
AnkhegWorm--9202252Acid Spit
Greater DoppelgangerShapechange--76.55065Mirror Image
Greater BasiliskReptile--113.53278Petrification

Best Melee THAC0 in Baldur's Gate 2

The best melee THAC0 in Baldur's Gate 2 is -44.

Melee THAC0 Sources BG2

  • Base for 20 warrior levels (0) (0)
  • Grandmastery (+2) (-2)
  • Kensai to-hit bonuses for 39 levels (+13) (-15)
  • Strength 25 (+7) (-22)
  • Weapon with +5 enchantment (-27)
  • Armor Piercing Strike (+10) (-37)
  • Pale Green Ioun Stone (+1) (-38)
  • Bless (+1) (-39)
  • Aid (+1) (-40)
  • Skald Song or Enhanced Bard Song (+4) (-44)

This character is capable of surgically-precise dismemberings, decapitations and quarterings.

Coupled with high ApR, and assuming our Mage has done her job in stripping off protections, such a character will move in and rip a new asshole for AC Lords such as Abazigal and Demogorgon.

Armor Piercing Strike is a function of Spectral Brand BG2, on-hand. 25 Strength is achieved by wielding Crom Faeyr BG2, off-hand.

We could also take 20 levels of Kensai, dual to Mage (Kensage BG2), and then cast three Tenser's Transformation spells from Chain Contingency. This erroneous stacking equals the above THAC0. A Kensai 21 Thief 31 could also come close to pure Kensai THAC0 due to UAI opening up gauntlets, as well as the backstab mechanic granting +4 THAC0 (for the purposes of backstabbing only).

Best Ranged THAC0 in Baldur's Gate 1

The best ranged THAC0 in Baldur's Gate 1 is -9.

Ranged THAC0 Sources BG1

  • 8 warrior levels (+13) (13)
  • High Mastery (+3) (10)
  • Dexterity 24 (+5) (5)
  • Weapon: Dead Shot (+3) (2)
  • Arrows of Piercing (+4) (-2)
  • Bracers of Archery (+2) (-3)
  • Helm of Balduran (+1) (-4)
  • Potion of Power (+3) (-7)
  • Bless (+1) (-8)
  • Elf racial bonus wielding longbows (+1) (-9)

Since Drizzt's AC is -16 and since our THAC0 is -9, that means we hit Drizzt on mere 7s. Firing piercing arrows at 5 ApR, he's dead meat.

Longbow of Marksmanship +3: The Dead Shot and Arrows of Piercing outstrips Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy: The Guide +5 and Bolts +1 by one point of THAC0. 24 Dex is achieved through stacking Potion of Mind Focusing.

Best Ranged THAC0 in Baldur's Gate 2

The best ranged THAC0 in Baldur's Gate 2 is -44.

Ranged THAC0 Sources BG2

  • Base for 20 warrior levels (0) (0)
  • Grandmastery (+2) (-2)
  • Archer to-hit bonuses for 36 levels (+12) (-14)
  • Dexterity 24 (+5) (-19)
  • Weapon with +4 enchantment (+4) (-24)
  • Arrows of Piercing (+4) (-28)
  • Armor Piercing Shot (+7) (-35)
  • Bracers of Archery (+1) (-36)
  • Helm of Balduran or Pale Green Ioun Stone (+1) (-37)
  • Bless (+1) (-38)
  • Aid (+1) (-39)
  • Elf racial bonus wielding Longbows (+1) (-40)
  • Skald Song or Enhanced Bard Song (+1) (-44)

Give this character a long-range target and she will hit it right between the eyes. Still, it's a 5% chance of a critical miss - even with Critical Strike.

Armor Piercing

Armor Piercing Shot is a function of the Heartseeker +4 longbow. Again, 24 Dex is achieved through stacking Potion of Mind Focusing.

Note: The THAC0 bonus granted by the Armor Piercing special ability of Heartseeker and Spectral Brand is erroneously applied to base THAC0, meaning that it impacts the accuracy of any equipped weapon.

Some players may get butthurt when their Kensai or Archer critically misses their target. It's like, WHAT?! How dare you? Still, at 10 ApR and with the kind of damage such classes inflict, enemies are falling around us like leaves in Autumn.

Sample of Monster THAC0 in BG2

Irenicus BG2Mage30111.51-596Spellcaster
Slayer IrenicusSlayer30-1231.52-10217--
Illasera the QuickFighter2077.53-398Pathetic
Gromnir Il-KhanBarbarian20-14305-5235Half-orc
Yaga-ShuraBerserker25-1428.5-6186Fire Giant
Sendai BG2Multi-class--3--2-8217Drow
Abazigal BG2Kensai---2845.53-16290Half-dragon
" "Blue Dragon---1341---15220--
Balthazar BG2Monk---1223.53-8298Stances / Specials
The Ravager BG2Taint---1622.55-12534Supertanker
TorGal BG2Troll--5223-6140--
Firkraag BG2Red Dragon---1235.54-12184--
Adamantite GolemGolem---3371380Resistances


Baldur's Gate 1 OriginalBest Races Baldur's Gate 1Baldur's Gate 1 Magic
Best Classes Baldur's Gate 1Item Codes Baldur's Gate 1Baldur's Gate Dual-classing
Best Spells Baldur's Gate 1Baldur's Gate 1 THAC0Baldur's Gate 1 Specialist Mages
Best Weapons Baldur's Gate 1Baldur's Gate 1 Armor ClassBaldur's Gate 1 Weapon Proficiency
Best Companions Baldur's Gate 1Baldur's Gate 1 ApRBaldur's Gate 1 Thieving

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