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IBM PC EGA 640x350 games

IBM PC EGA 640x350 games

Only a few famous EGA games supported 640x350 resolution because EGA 640x350 required a high-resolution monitor.

This is a chronological list of IBM PC games that were coded to display in EGA 640x350 as opposed to EGA 320x200.

Cyrus Chess IBM PC 1985

Cyrus is a chess simulator. Intelligent Chess Software Ltd. developed Cyrus for IBM PC MS-DOS in 1985. Cyrus' playfield displays in 16-color EGA 640x350. I wrote "400" in the infographic because the text employs more v-pixels. But the graphics drawspace is 640x350.

cf. Battle Chess of 1988 on PC and Chessmaster 2000 of 1986 on Amiga.

Risk IBM PC 1986

Risk was released for IBM PC MS-DOS in 1986. A graphics-strategy game, Risk was coded by Russell Fleming. Requiring 384 kbytes RAM and 256 kbytes vRAM, Risk displays in 16-color 640x350 EGA. Supports 1-6 players.

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