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Fallout 2: Best Weapons & Builds

Fallout 2 Best Weapons & Builds

Welcome to the cRPG blog on the best weapons and builds in Fallout 2, a cRPG Definition developed by Black Isle Studios in 1998.

Fallout 2 Best Weapons

The best weapon in Fallout 2 is the H&K P90c. This rests on its rate of fire, damage and ease of acquisition.

The H&K P90c Small Gun fires 12x 10mm rounds per burst, and can fire three bursts per turn (3 AP per burst). While two bursts empties the clip, we still have enough AP to reload and fire the third burst if we have the Fast Shot trait, the Bonus Rate of Fire perk and Action Boy x2. If we have another P90c on switch, we can fire 4 bursts on our turn that can do between 500-1200 dmg per burst. The P90c can also fire in single shot mode with an AP expenditure of just 2 with such a build (max 6 shots per turn).

The burst-only Bozar Big Gun fires 15x .223 rounds per burst. While its bursts are more damaging than the HK P90c (700-1500 dmg), it can only fire a max of three bursts per turn (4 AP per burst with an AP pool of 12).

Fallout 2 Best Armor

Advanced Power Armor is the best armor in Fallout 2. Since player characters wear APA and its Mk II variant, the best armor for Fallout 2 companions is basic Power Armor and Hardened Power Armor.

If playing the game properly (not bee-lining to APA), Metal Armor is one of the best early-game armors.

Fallout 2 Best Builds

As in Fallout 1 Best Builds, the best builds in Fallout 2 are Snipers and Slayers. However, Fallout 2 makes changes to traits, perks and skills, so build foundation and progression are not the same between the two games, and nor are the results (though they are the same in spirit).

The following Sniper and Slayer builds also work well in the Best Fallout 2 Mods.

Fallout 2 Sniper Build

Relevant Perks and stats for the Fallout 2 Sniper build are as follows:

Sniper Build Foundation

  • SPECIAL Stats: Strength should be 6. Agility should be 8-10. Intelligence, Perception and Luck 8. Endurance and Charisma don't matter. However, if you want to be able to recruit Sulik, Vic and Cassidy as they become available, and without the use of mentats (which are unavailable at the point of their recruitment, aside from cheesy meta-gaming), you should start with Cha 6. In that case, I recommend stats of 6-8-2-6-7-10-8.
  • Skill Tags: Small Guns, Doctor + one more of your choice. I'd go for Speech, Lockpick or Steal.
  • Traits: Gifted & Small Frame or Fast Shot. Finesse can also be good if you want to later Mutate to Fast Shot, but I wouldn't bother.

Sniper Build Progression

That is a proper gunslinger build aka Bozar build and Small Guns build (H&K P90c) that will OWN everything once it gains a few levels. If you want more mobility, trade in BRD or LA for Bonus Move. You can take Action Boy if you bother to level further.

A variant gunfighter is the Small Guns and Energy Weapons build that eschews Fast Shot Machinegunner in favor of Energy Weapons and tactical targeting, aka Aimed Shots. And while it is situationally extremely powerful, Fast Shot builds are stronger, overall.

Capable of inflicting 300 damage eye crits, the YK42B Pulse Rifle is the best Energy Weapon in Fallout 2.

Solar Scorcher is one of the rare energy weapons alluded to in the H&K P90c section above. However, it isn't good enough to justify farming for its random encounter.

Rarist of all is the Phazer because it is only found in data files, not in-game.

In the early going (Temple of Trials + Klamath's Trapper Town), Sniper builds may want to crank the Melee skill a bit in order to wield a Sharpened Spear more effectively vs. the many mooks (ants, rats and rads). Guns are not as good in the early stages of Fallout 2 as they are in the early stages of Fallout 1.

Note that, once in the Den, you should get the .44 Magnum revolver from Flick. Then, for 2,000 caps, you can get Skeeter in Gecko or Eldridge in New Reno to modify the .44 with a speed loader. This will reduce its reloading AP cost by 1 and increase its range by 5 hexes, making it one of the best small guns in Fallout 2.

Fallout 2 Slayer Build

The Slayer build wields Spiked Knuckles, Haymaker (level 9 special unarmed attack) and then the Mega Power Fist. This is a proper Stealth Slayer build that insta-kills things before they even know the Slayer is there. As an assassin, Stealth Slayer sneaks up on the victim and then OWNS them with one massive punch that blows them apart.

Note: This build is NOT for Fallout 2 newbies. But it is one of the coolest cRPG builds ever.

Slayer Build Foundation

Slayer Build Progression

Unlike its Fallout 1 variant Fast Shot in Fallout 2 does not impact Unarmed or Melee Weapons AP expenditure.

For mobility you want to pack in at least one Bonus Move. Depending on proximity mobile assassins can do silent takedowns of a few super mutants in a single turn.

Veterans should not take Awareness: Toughness is better. If you don't want stealth go for stacked Toughness and Lifegiver. However, Stealth Slayer is superior to Tank Slayer: we don't often need +HPs and +DR when the enemy is going to get guaranteed insta-gibbed (= it won't be fighting back).

A mix of Toughness, Action Boy or Bonus Move is advised if leveling further.

Supertanker Slayer

Supertanker Slayer is notable for its deep HP pool, damage resistance and AC. In a nutshell, Supertanker Slayer sacrifices stealth, skilfulness, mobility and language proficiency for tanking and survivability. Suffice it to say that such a Slayer is hard to kill while still packing some serious punch. And "temp-buffs" assist with some of its deficiencies.

Still, this Slayer build is not recommended since it sacrifices too much in order to focus heavily on staying power vs. Enclavers and other epic-level enemies that would grind Stealth Slayer into mincemeat if both parties squared up and went toe-to-toe.

The Jinxed trait causes enemies to sometimes fall down, take damage, lose their ammo or miss their turn when their missed attacks become critical misses, for which there is a 50% chance. Thus, Jinxed adds up to (effectively) more defense. Jinxed really shines when taking on tough mobs or mook-multitudes, and it very rarely impacts the Slayer.

Mega Power Fist versus Super Sledge

Mega Power Fist inflicts more damage than Super Sledge (average dmg per hit: 30 vs. 27) and its AP cost is 1 point cheaper (3 vs. 4) but Super Sledge has 2-hex reach and inflicts Knockback, which proc can be good or bad and funny or annoying, depending on scenario. In addition, Mega Power Fist needs to be reloaded with Small Energy Cells whereas Super Sledge needs no ammo.

Mega Power Fist has the lowest Strength requirement (ST 1) but that is irrelevant to martial builds, which are not going to be lacking in Strength. MPF can also take advantage of the One Hander trait and HtH Evade perks which increase accuracy and convert unused AP and Unarmed skillpoints to AC: (2 * Free APs) + (Unarmed Skill / 12) = AC Bonus.

Ripper is the least damaging of the top-tier close-combat weapons, inflicting an average of 23½ damage per hit. However, its SEC capacity is 10 more than MPF (40/30), and its armor penetration perk is useful vs. heavily armored foes.

Which weapon is better depends on scenario, but I have found the Mega Power Fist to be the most effective and consistent close-quarters weapon, overall.

Other notable Melee Weapons include Louisville Slugger and Super Cattle Prod.

Fallout 2 Power-building

Power-built Fallout 2 characters almost always take Gifted and Fast Shot or Gifted and Jinxed / One Hander traits. Unless relying on buffs, their SPECIAL statline often reads as follows:

  • Strength (ST): 6 (+4 APA)
  • Perception (PE): 6-8 (Slayer/Sniper)
  • Endurance (EN): 6
  • Charisma (CH): dump
  • Intelligence (IN): 6-8
  • Agility (AG): 10
  • Luck (LK): 8 (raised by 2 to reach 10 through Zeta-scan at church in NCR)

If power-builders want companions (see Companion section below), they must compromise their build's optimization; something has to give way for CH. But that something is never AG, LK or IN. Usually it is ST, PE or EN. And in such a case, we can only get our best perks by temp-buffing. For example, the PE 6 build takes a Mentat in order to qualify for Sniper (PE 8).

Also, power-built characters delay their most important perks in order to gain the most out of perks that empower the build over the maximum level range.

Unless building Stealth Slayer (which needs its stealth perks or it is NOT a Stealth Slayer) power-builders would always choose Lifegiver x2 at 12th and 15th level in order to maximize LFGs hitpoint bonus over the most levels: conferring +8 HPs per level, the difference in staying power between LFG and non-LFG builds is huge. 

In addition to Quick Pockets power-builders almost always take Bonus Move x2 and Toughness x3 for +4 hex-movement and +30 DR.

If leveling higher, they will take Action Boy x2 and maybe even Faster Healing x3 as well; the Tag perk is also commonly taken in order to maximize skillpoint investment efficiency.

Even power-built gunslingers often invest in the Melee Weapons skill due to the effectiveness of spears in the early game (if playing the game properly rather than cheesing the Prologue; cf. Fallout 1 vs Fallout 2).

I mean, 8½ average damage per hit coupled with 2-hex reach is solid on non-Unarmed fledgling builds. In the meantime Small Guns is humbly increased by reading Guns & Bullets magazines.

On the other end of the damage-dealing spectrum, the Vindicator Minigun screencapped above is more of an end-game weapon option due to its location, price and ammo rarity. The Vindicator Minigun and its 4.6mm caseless ammo are randomly found for sale at Red 888 in San Francisco (max rounds on offer: x200). Get two and give one to Marcus for some epic shredding.

Power-builders never waste skillpoints on Repair, Science, First Aid or Outdoorsman skills; at least not in the 1-100 range. Instead, textbooks are read which are purchased from Flying Dragon 8 in San Fran.

If taken at all perks that give +x% to skills are only taken when the skill is already heavily invested in but has become too expensive to increase by means of skillpoints, yet we want it higher. But aside from Living Anatomy, there are simply much better perks to take up to level 36 or thereabouts.

  • Gambler: +20% to Gambling
  • Harmless: +20% to Steal
  • Living Anatomy: +10% to Doctor (+5 dmg vs. bio-critters)
  • Master Thief: +15% to Lockpick and Steal
  • Medic: +10% to First Aid and Doctor
  • Mr Fixit: +10% to Repair and Science
  • Negotiator: +10% to Speech and Barter
  • Ranger: +15% to Outdoorsman
  • Salesman: +20% to Barter
  • Speaker: +20% to Speech
  • Survivalist: +25% to Outdoorsman
  • Thief: Now +10% to Sneak, Lockpick, Steal and Traps

Super Stimpaks are farmed from FD8 and Dr. Fung across the street. Super Stimpaks are notable for their strong healing and assassination abilities -- in that using multiple super-stims on NPCs silently slays them.

In Navarro runs rapid wealth accumulation and power progression come from picking Navarro clean and stealing money from FD8 and R888 [1]. In addition, Enclave Patrols encountered around Navarro are farmed primarily for their YK32 Pulse Pistols, which are bartered for textbooks, super-stims, ammo and top-tier arms and armor, such as the M72 Gauss Rifle and Power Armor.

Note: Perks accrue over levels. Skillpoints also accrue over 99 even though only a max of 99 SPs are shown to be held in reserve. That means we can hold our perks and skills in reserve, spending them only when needed.

Minimum number of levels required to reach hit point cap of 999: 71.


If the Fallout 2 Unofficial Patch Updated is installed most merchants cannot be stolen from because they don't carry money on their person, let alone cash reserves that regenerate over time. Thus, you will have to accumulate wealth by stealing from their guards and farming Enclave patrols.

Unity Patrol random encounter:

Throwing Build Fallout 2

Aside from focus in the Throwing skill Fallout 2 Throwing Builds (Grenadiers) are built the same as stock builds. However, the limited range and blast radius of grenades means they are rarely (if ever) superior to firearm burst-fire or multiple single-fire shots.

In order to make focused Grenadiers viable alternatives to stock power-builds, Black Isle should have made grenades bypass AC and increased their shrapnel damage, throwing range and blast radius. In addition, grenades should have been able to target unoccupied hexes, which would have allowed us to impact two close but separated single foes or mobs.

But really, when you start thinking about things like this, it's time to go and play a real tactics cRPG such as Jagged Alliance 2. Because Fallout will never satisfy you.

Fallout 2 Best Traits

As in Fallout 1 the best traits in Fallout 2 are Gifted and Fast Shot. However, Unarmed builds should take One Hander or Jinxed. New players should not take Fast Shot in chargen or they won't have access to tactical targeting, aka Aimed Shots.

Fallout 2 Best Perks

The best perks in Fallout 2 are Bonus HtH Attacks or Bonus Rate of Fire and Better Criticals. New players should not forego Awareness under any circumstances.

Sniper and Slayer are also great, but come later in the game.

Best Skills to Tag Fallout 2

The best skills in Fallout 2 are Small Guns or Unarmed. Note that M72 Gauss Rifles are NOT Energy Weapons, they are small guns. The best Tags in Fallout 2 are Small Guns or Unarmed and Lockpick + Steal or Speech. Note that Barter has been nerfed in Fallout 2 (it was very useful in Fallout 1).

Skill Point Cost Fallout 2

  • 1-100 costs 1 skill point
  • 101-125 costs 2 skill point
  • 126-150 costs 3 skill point
  • 151-175 costs 4 skill point
  • 176-200 costs 5 skill point
  • >200 costs 6 skill point

Max skill level is 300.

How High to Raise Skills Fallout 2

How high Fallout 2 skills are raised depends on your playstyle, what perks you want, how much you are going to level, how you want to solve problems and how reliant you want to be on buffs and skill-boosting items (e.g., Dean's Electronics textbooks + Super Toolkits for Repair).

For firearms skills 150 is NOT enough to reach 95% to-hit chance on long-range shots taken at night. You want 180-200 on gunfighters even if you are not going for eye-crits with Aimed Shots. In most cases 150 on gunfighters is an absolute joke. On the other hand, close-quarters combat skills can get away with 150.

Remember that Science, Small Guns, Repair, Outdoorsman and First Aid can be raised to 100 via textbooks.

  • Small Guns: 180-200
  • Big Guns: 180-200
  • Energy Weapons: 180-200
  • Unarmed: 130-150
  • Melee Weapons: 150
  • Throwing: 150
  • First Aid: 100
  • Doctor: 60-100
  • Sneak: 150 (if you actually want to be good at sneaking)
  • Lockpick: 100
  • Steal: 100 (if you don't want to save-scum too much)
  • Traps: 0 (don't waste SPs on this skill)
  • Science: 100-175 (depends on how scientific you want to be)
  • Repair: 100
  • Speech: 100
  • Barter: 0-100 (optional)
  • Outdoorsman: 0-100 (optional)

Weapon- and Perk-permitting each of the top six martial skills can be used to beat any enemy in Fallout 2. Most power-builders are going to invest heavily in two or three of the top five skills, tagging up to four of them (3 + Tag perk).

Fallout 2 Best Companions

The best companions in Fallout 2 are Sulik, Vic and Cassidy. Conveniently, companions are found as we progressively explore from Arroyo in the west to Vault City in the east: Sulik is found in Klamath, Vic in The Den and Cassidy in Vault City. That means we can get our companions early, when we need them the most. It also means they will level quickly assuming that we bee-line to them at low level.

Companion action points and other stats scale with each companion "level" attained. Note that companions level up when the player character does so, but they don't level until the PC reaches a certain level, and whether they level or not is random. You can save your game just before reaching your next level, and just reload until they level as well (save-scumming).

Companion APs Focus HPs Carry Comment
Sulik 9 -- 85200 level_minimum=6, level_up_every=3
Sulik 1 10 57 MW93 200 Grandfather teaches. We Learn.
Sulik 2 1067 MW103 200 We learn more from da spirits, Mahn.
Sulik 3 11 82 MW113 200 We be learnin' now.
Sulik 4 11 92 MW 123 200 Da great spirit move in Sulik now.
Sulik 5 12 100 MW 134 225 We be wit da Grandfather Bone now, Mahn.
Sulik 6 13 110 MW 146 225 We be da Grandfather now.
Vic 8 --70 150 level_minimum=5, level_up_every=4
Vic 18 36 SG 78 150 Boss! I think I'm finally getting the hang of this.
Vic 2 9 46 SG 78 150 I'm actually getting better!
Told you I wouldn't let you down, Boss.
Vic 3 9 61 SG 102 150 Hey, wait. Now I get it.
I don't think I'm leading my targets enough.
Vic 4 10 82 SG 111 175 See, Boss. You can teach an old dog new tricks.
Vic 5 10 101 EW 117 200 You know what, Boss.
I think I'm actually learning a thing or two.
Vic 6 12 129 EW 132 200 I'm getting pretty good at this.
See, Boss. All good things get better with time.
Cassidy 8 -- 80 175 level_minimum=10, level_up_every=4
Cassidy 1 876 SG 92 175 It's all comin' back to me now...
Cassidy 29 96 SG 104 175 Heh. Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.
Cassidy 3 9 107 SG 116 175 Looks like all this travelling has paid off.
Cassidy 410 127 SG 128 175 I've learned some new tricks.

Fallout 2 Companion Stats

The following infographics show Fallout 2 companion stats, skills and modifications to attack and defense based on armor worn and weapon wielded. Companions stats are cited at companion max levels, which are easy to attain due to their limiting level caps.

Sulik Fallout 2

Sulik is a tribal companion in Fallout 2. Sulik is found in the Buckner House in Downtown Klamath, which is located four tiles east of Arroyo. Talk to Sulik, talk to Maida to free Sulik from the House, recruit Sulik and then get Vic's radio from the nearby shack before heading to The Den to get Vic.

Vic Fallout 2

Vic is a handyman companion in Fallout 2. Vic is found in the Slaver's Guild in the East Side of The Den, which is located three tiles southeast of Klamath. Give Vic the radio found in Klamath. Once freed from Metzger, Vic can join the party and mark Vault City on the world map, which leads to Cassidy.

Cassidy Fallout 2

Cassidy is a veteran warrior companion in Fallout 2. Cassidy is found in the Bar of the Courtyard of Vault City, which is located 15 tiles east of The Den. Next, head to Gecko to get Lenny.

Lenny Fallout 2

Lenny is a Ghoul doctor companion in Fallout 2. Pretty useless but easy to recruit, Lenny is found in the Management Office of the Settlement section of the town of Gecko, which is located two tiles northeast of Vault City.

As can be seen, Lenny can fire the best weapon in Fallout 2, but at the lowest RoF imaginable. You could also give him the speed-loader Magnum. If the Fallout 2 UPU is installed, Lenny can wield neither (conventional rifles only).

Marcus Fallout 2

Marcus is an ex-Unity Super Mutant companion in Fallout 2. Marcus is found in Downtown Broken Hills, which is located 11 tiles south of Vault City. In order to recruit Marcus into the party, you will need to complete two easy quests in Broken Hills: Find the Missing People and Fix the Mine's Air Purifier.

Bare minimum required to get Marcus in the party:

  • Talk to Marcus on the Downtown map, accepting both quests
  • Go to the Residential map, drop down the manhole that is found amidst crops outside the mine, loot a note from one of the human corpses and return to Marcus
  • Next, talk to Zaius in the building located just outside the mines, and agree to fix the air purifier
  • Go to New Reno's western district of Commercial Row and get the Mine Parts from Renesco at Renesco's Pharmacy
  • Return to Broken Hills, enter the mine, find the air purifier, put the part into your quickslot, click use and then click on the air purifier
  • Return to Marcus and he will join the party

Marcus can shred with Bozar or Vindicator Minigun. But due to the threat of friendly fire, it is much safer to have him beat enemies to death with the Mega Power Fist.

As can be seen in the above infographics, all companions except Marcus can wear Power Armor. As such, Marcus lacks AC and Damage Threshold in comparison to PA wearers. If he could wear Super Mutant Armor, Marcus would have an AC of 43 along with more DT, but there is no SMA itemized in-game.

Best Weapon for Sulik

The best weapon for Sulik is the H&K P90c, which he fires up to five times per turn or twice per turn in burst mode [2]. Before that, he is pretty good with a Sharpened Spear in Klamath's rat-infested Trapper Town; probably more useful than any non-melee player build at that point, but PCs quickly take over afterwards. Sulik could also wield the Super Sledge for its 2-hex reach and Knockback, if we need him on the frontline. Naturally, Sulik wades into the fray and everyone else hangs back to fire their guns from safe distance.

[2] Favorable Sequence roll. Usually he only fires three times per turn in single shot mode. Sulik can also swing his sledge six times in a row if he has good positioning and gets a favorable Sequence roll, though he usually only gets three swings.

Best Weapon for Vic / Cassidy

The best weapon for Vic and Cassidy is the M72 Gauss Rifle, which they can each fire twice per turn.

That equates to 6 attacks per turn in addition to the PC's max of 6, which results in 12 attacks per turn for the party. So for the cost of six SPECIAL statpoints (Charisma) we gain six attacks or basically double our attack rate and damage output in the early-going (sort of; it depends), not to mention our carrying capacity. Or we can start with 4 CH and take 2x Mentats to reach CH 6 (Mentats only stack once).

Companions will only equip weapons that their animation sets support. For example, Vic and Cassidy cannot wield the H&K P90c (even though it is a Small Gun) because their sprites only support rifle and shotgun graphics, not SMG graphics.

If you have Sulik, Vic and Cassidy in the party, you're SET. There is no need for any other companions; indeed, Vic and Cassidy firing gauss weapons suffices. No companion is likely to survive shootouts with Enclavers, but companions are useful up until that point. Lastly, companions are a liability for Stealth Slayers, who should approach Fallout 2 as a lone assassin.

Fallout 2 Pregen Builds

To no surprise, Fallout 2 pregen build foundations are suboptimal. However, this can result in added challenge or players may get some build ideas from their stats and stories.

Narg Build

While certainly far from being an optimal foundation, the Narg build is workable due to its Agility score and decent Skill Tags. However, the 30% crit chance penalty from HH is unappealing.

Chitsa Build

The Chitsa build foundation lacks Agility, Luck and good Skill Tags. As such, the Chitsa foundation is poor in that having access to five companions doesn't make up for its shortcomings in the most important stats.

Mingan Build

The main issue with the Mingan build is the Skilled trait and average Luck, but its max Agility, solid Perception and sensible Skill Tags could result in a decent Marksman down the line.

Fallout 2 Quest List

There are approximately 114 quests in Fallout 2. Quests range in difficulty from simple FedEx quests to involved quests that span the length, breadth and depth of the Wasteland.

Arroyo Fallout 2

  • Kill the evil plants that infest Hakunin's garden.
  • Obtain flint to have Mynoc sharpen your spear.
  • Rescue Nagor's dog, Smoke, from the wilds.
  • Retrieve the GECK for Arroyo.
  • Find Vic the Trader.

Arroyo Locations

  • Arroyo Bridge
  • Arroyo Village
  • Arroyo Temple Entrance
  • Arroyo Wilderness
  • Arroyo Temple Interior
  • Destroyed Arroyo: Destroyed Bridge

Den Fallout 2

  • Free Vic from his debt by getting his radio from his house in Klamath and paying Metzger.
  • Sabotage Becky's still.
  • Get car part for Smitty.
  • Return Anna's locket.
  • Collect money from Fred.
  • Get book from Derek.
  • Deliver a meal to Smitty for Mom.
  • Lara wants to know what is being guarded in the church.
  • Get permission from Metzger for gang war.
  • Find weakness in Tyler's gang guarding the church.
  • Help Lara attack Tyler's gang.

Den Locations

  • Den West Side
  • Den East Side
  • Den Residential

Klamath Fallout 2

  • Refuel the still.
  • Rescue Smiley the Trapper.
  • Guard the brahmin.
  • Rustle the brahmin.
  • Kill the rat god.
  • Rescue Torr.

Klamath Locations

  • Klamath Downtown
  • Klamath Trapper Town
  • Klamath Rat Caves
  • Klamath Trapping Grounds
  • Klamath Grazing Area
  • Klamath Canyon

Modoc Fallout 2

  • Something strange is happening at the farm northeast of Modoc. Investigate and report back to Jo.
  • Cornelius has lost his gold pocket watch. Find it and return it to him.
  • Farrel wants you to find Cornelius's gold pocket watch. Find it and return it to Farrel.
  • Jonny is missing. Find him and bring him home to Balthas.
  • Jonny's in the Slag caves. Find a way to get Jonny back home to Balthas.
  • Farrel has a rodent problem in his garden. Remove the infestation.
  • Deliver Slag message to Jo in Modoc.
  • Jo is suspecious of the Slags. Find out about the dead bodies at the Ghost Farm and find out what happened to Karl.
  • Go to the Den and tell Karl it's alright to come back home.

Modoc Locations

  • Modoc Main Street
  • Modoc Bed & Breakfast
  • Grisham's Brahmin Pastures
  • Farrel's Garden
  • Down the John
  • Modoc Town Well

Vault City Fallout 2

  • Get a plow for Mr. Smith.
  • Deliver Moore's briefcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno.
  • Deliver a sample of jet to Dr. Troy.
  • Solve the Gecko powerplant problem.
  • Deliver Lynette's holodisk to Westin in NCR.
  • Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua.
  • Deliver beer and booze (10 each) to Lydia.
  • Deliver pliers (tools) and a wrench to Valerie.
  • Scout the eight sectors around Gecko and return to Stark.
  • Enter NCR and return to Stark.

Vault City Locations

  • Vault City Courtyard
  • Vault City Inner City
  • Vault City Council
  • Vault City Vault

Gecko Fallout 2

  • Solve the Gecko powerplant problem.
  • Repair the powerplant.
  • Optimize the powerplant.
  • Get super repair kit for Skeeter.
  • Get 3-step plasma transformer for Skeeter.
  • Find Woody the ghoul for Percy. Try the Den.

Gecko Locations

  • Gecko Settlement
  • Gecko Power Plant
  • Gecko Junkyard
  • Gecko Access Tunnels

Broken Hills Fallout 2

  • Fix the mine's air purifier.
  • Find the missing people for Marcus.
  • Beat Francis at armwrestling.
  • Break Manson and Franc out of prison.
  • Blow up the mine's air purifier.
  • Divert more electrical power to Eric's home.

Broken Hills Locations

  • Broken Hills Downtown
  • Broken Hills Residential
  • Broken Hills Mine

New Reno Fallout 2

  • Recover your stolen car.
  • Find out who was responsible for Richard Wright's overdose.
  • Suspect: Jagged Jimmy J
  • Suspect: Jules
  • Suspect: Lil' Jesus Mordino
  • Suspect: Renesco
  • Find a way into the Sierra Army Base.
  • Track down Pretty Boy Lloyd, recover the stolen money, and make an… example of him.
  • Go visit Renesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's tribute of $1000.
  • Help guard a secret transaction taking place in the desert.
  • Find some endorphin blockers to make a cure for Jet.
  • Bust up Wright's still beneath the train station.
  • Assassinate Westin in NCR without making it look like a murder.
  • Murder Carlson in NCR.
  • Deliver ten Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty.
  • Deliver a laser pistol to Eldridge.
  • Deliver Big Jesus's package to Ramirez at the Stables.
  • Collect tribute from the Corsican Brothers.
  • Assassinate Boss Salvatore for Big Jesus Mordino.

New Reno Locations

  • Virgin Street, New Reno
  • 2nd Street, New Reno
  • Commercial Row, New Reno
  • New Reno East Side
  • New Reno Chop Shop
  • New Reno Boxing Arena
  • Vertibird Area

NCR Fallout 2 (New California Republic)

  • Retrive Parts/Gain Access to Vault 15.
  • Take care of Officer Jack for Mira.
  • Complete brahmin drive.
  • Retrive papers from Dr Henry.
  • Test mutagenic serum on a super-mutant. Try Broken Hills.
  • Eliminate Mr. Bishop.
  • Deliver Westin's holodisk to Lynette in Vault City.
  • Get the map from the NCR Rangers, for Vortis the slaver.
  • Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers.
  • Deliver Hubologist's field report to AHS-9 in San Francisco.
  • Kill Hubologist in NCR for Merk.
  • Stop brahmin raids.

NCR Locations

  • NCR Bazaar
  • NCR Downtown
  • NCR Council Hall
  • Westin Ranch
  • Grazing Lands

Vault 13 Fallout 2

  • Fix the Vault 13 computer.
  • Talk to Goris.

Vault 13 Locations

  • Cave Entrance
  • Vault 13

Redding Fallout 2

  • Find out who cut the woman.
  • Find the excavator chip
  • Break up the bar brawl.
  • Kill Frog Morton.

Redding Locations

  • Redding Downtown
  • Great Wanamingo Mine
  • Redding Mining Camp
  • Downtown Tunnels
  • Mine Tunnels

San Francisco Fallout 2

  • The tanker needs fuel.
  • The navigation computer needs the NavComp part to work.
  • You need to use a FOB to access the navigation computer.
  • Kill the Shi Emperor.
  • The Hubologists need plans for a vertibird from Navarro.
  • Steal the vertibird plans from the Shi.
  • The Hubologists need fuel for their spaceship.
  • Kill Badger so the tanker vagrants will embrace the Hub.
  • Kill the AHS-9.
  • The Shi need plans for a vertibird from Navarro.
  • Steal the vertibird plans from the Hubologists.
  • Find Badger's girlfriend in the hold below the ship.
  • The Dragon wants you to take out Lo Pan - hand to hand.
  • Lo Pan wants you to take out the Dragon - hand to hand, if possible.
  • Get Chip's spleen.
  • Get some hardened power armor from Crockett.
  • Get the vertibird plans for the Brotherhood of Steel.

San Francisco Locations

  • Chinatown
  • Docks
  • Tanker
  • Shuttle Exterior
  • Shuttle Interior
  • Hubologists
  • Shi Temple

Navarro Fallout 2

  • Deal with the deathclaw.
  • Fix K9.
  • Retrieve the FOB from the base Commander.

Vault 15 Fallout 2

  • Rescue Chrissy
  • Kill Darion
  • Complete Deal with NCR.
  • Give Spy Holodisk to authority in NCR.

Vault 15 Locations

  • The Squat
  • Vault 15
  • East Entrance

Sierra Army Base Fallout 2

  • Battlefield
  • Depot Level 1: Personnel
  • Depot Level 2: Storage Bay
  • Depot Level 3: Robotics Lab
  • Depot Level 4: Bio Research Lab

Military Base Fallout 2

  • Entrance
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4

Enclave Fallout 2

  • Dock
  • Detention Center
  • End Boss
  • Barracks
  • Presidential Area
  • Reactor
  • Trap Room

Unimplemented Quests Fallout 2

A list of unimplemented quests or quests that lack descriptions.

  • The Abbey Quests
  • Primitive Tribe Quests
  • EPA Quests
  • Ghost Town Quests
  • Car outta Gas Quests
  • Destroyed Arroyo Quests
  • Toxic Caves Quests
  • Den Slave Run Quests
  • Raiders Quests
  • Desert Encounter Quests
  • Mountain Encounter Quests
  • Ruined City Encounter Quests
  • Coast Encounter Quests
  • Golgotha Quests

Holodisks Fallout 2

  • Vault 13 Holodisk
  • Military Base Outside
  • Military Base Level 1
  • Military Base Level 2
  • Military Base Level 3
  • Military Base Level 4
  • Sierra Depot Exp. Log
  • Sierra Depot Medical Log
  • Sierra Depot Evac. Notice
  • Sierra Depot GNN Transcript
  • Sierra Mission Statement
  • Hubologist Teachings
  • Vault City Desginer Notes
  • Vault City Travel Log
  • NCR Spy Holodisk
  • NCR History Holodisk
  • Westin Holodisk
  • State of the Nation
  • Word List
  • The Project
  • Power Plant Operations

Random Encounters Fallout 2

Fallout 2 random encounters are battles that can occur while travelling across the Fallout 2 overworld. The Outdoorsman skill and certain perks impact the rate at which random encounters occur. With a high Outdoorsman skill, you can even choose whether or not to engage the enemy. The composition of random encounters (which critters are battled) depends on the region in which the random encounter occurs. For example, Enclave Patrols are never found in the east, only in the west around Navarro.

It is possible to flee random encounters if you can reach an exit grid.

Of all random encounters Robber Caves aka Robber Caverns are the most lucrative in terms of kXP and loot. But since they are rare, Enclave Patrol farming is more efficient.

The Morton Brothers ambushes are scripted, not random. cf. Kill Frog Morton.

Special Encounters Fallout 2

Unlike Fallout 1 special encounters (which yield Alien Blaster, LE BB, Stealth Boy and 10,000 caps), Fallout 2 special encounters are basically worthless from a power progression and wealth accumlation PoV. That is, they are not worth farming for powergamers.

  • Whale
  • Tin Woodsman
  • Talking Head (giant stone head)
  • Federation Shuttle (A crashed shuttle)
  • Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer
  • Bridge
  • Trader and Guards (Alien Blaster)
  • Cafe of Broken Dreams (Dogmeat)
  • Holy Hand Grenade 1 (King Arthur's Knights)
  • Holy Hand Grenade 2 (King Arthur's Knights and Vorpal Rat)
  • Guardian of Forever (Solar Scorcher)
  • Toxic Waste Dump
  • The Pariah (a lone surviving dog)
  • Mad Brahmin

Fallout 1 SPECIAL Fallout 1 Best Builds Fallout 1 vs Fallout 2
Fallout 1 Traits sfall Fallout 2 Best Fallout Game
Fallout 1 Skills Fallout 1 Versions Fallout 2 Military Base
Fallout 1 Perks Fallout 1 Time Limit Arcanum Best Build

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