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Illusion Spells Baldur's Gate 2

Illusion Spells Baldur's Gate 2

Illusion spells are Baldur's Gate 2 spells that hide or ward Mage BG2 (and variant spellcasters) from mundane sight. Illusion spells can be brought down by scrying spells BG2.

The best illusion spells are Blindness and Mirror Image. That goes for SCS BG2 as well. Project Image and Improved Invisibility are also godly, but were toned-down by BG2 Fixpack.

Note that some Baldur's Gate enemies have innate true-seeing. That is, they can see through illusions, dispelling them immediately. Examples include Ravager BG2, Planetar BG2 and TorGal BG2.

Return to BG2 Best Spells -- Baldur's Gate 2 (Index).

Sorcerer Spells BG2 Spell Ward Removers Immobilization Spells BG2 Summoning Spells BG2
God-tier Spells BG2 Combat Protections BG2 Divide & Conquer Spells Illusion Spells BG2
Spell Protections BG2 Weapon Ward Removers  Direct Damage Spells BG2 Scrying Spells BG2

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