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IDENTIFY: Baldur's Gate 2 BG2

Identify is a Baldur's Gate spell in BioWare's cRPG of 1998-2001, Baldur's Gate. As its name suggests, Identify allows us to identify the nature of magical items.

Note that Identify All Items of Tweaks Anthology renders the spell useless.

  • Identify (Divination) 
  • Level: 1
  • Range: 0 
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Casting Time: Special 
  • Area of Effect: 1 item
  • Saving Throw: None 

When this spell is memorized, go to the history page of an unidentified item and press the identify button.  The chance of identifying the item is 100%.  The spell identifies the item's name, what it does, and if it is cursed. 

◦ Identify (Divination, SCRL75): A utility spell that identifies one magical item in the inventory per casting. Unless we have a Bard in the party, this is extremely useful. Note that Edwin cannot cast ID because Divination is the opposition school of Conjuration.
Rank: Top-tier.

In BG2, the Glasses of Identification can ID items [MISC3P].

cf. Baldur's Gate Lore and Baldur's Gate Items.

Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate Mage Baldur's Gate Magic
Baldur's Gate Best Spells Baldur's Gate Sorcerer Baldur's Gate Magic Resistance

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