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Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon Original Version IBM PC MPS Labs 1990

Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon 1990

MPS Labs of Microprose developed Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon for IBM PC MS-DOS 2.0 in 1990. Railroad Tycoon was designed by Sid Meier and Bruce Shelly; it was programmed by Sid Meier.

Railroad Tycoon is a real-time business strategy computer game. Time passes in scaled intervals (depending on game-speed settings), but you can pause the game at any time (freeze the passage of time).

Railroad Tycoon requires an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2, Compaq, Tandy 1000 or such-like IBM compatible with at least 512K of RAM. Railroad Tycoon displays in 256-color VGA 320x200. However, its palette is EGA-like. Railroad Tycoon audio supports IBM Sound, Tandy Sound, AdLib and Roland MT-32.

Railroad Tycoon was distributed on 3x 5.25" 360kB DS DD floppy disks, 2x 3.5" 720kB DD diskettes or 1x 3.5" 1.44MB HD diskette. The hard disk drive install size is 1 meg.

Railroad Tycoon How to Build Stuff

Some people may have difficulty getting started because there is no initial option to build a train station, yet there is an option to build a train. But to build a train you must first build a station, and to build a station you must first lay down a stretch of track. You must go to Detail View (F4) and lay down at least one segment of track first. To do that, click the map where you want to build a station and then hold down the Shift key and press a number key on the numeric keypad. Of course, the manual tells you how to do this but the instructions are not exactly found in the first paragraph.

  • Railroad Tycoon manual written by Bruce Shelley: 180 pages.
  • Railroad Tycoon technical supplement: 14 pages.

Railroad Tycoon Beginner's Guide

  • Start New RR
  • Western USA
  • Investor
  • Game - Game Speed - Frozen (pauses the game)
  • It's 1866 and you have one million bucks
  • Go to Action - Name RR and name your railroad company
  • Save game
  • Navigate to New Orleans in the southeast of the map
  • Go to Detail Display (F4)
  • Build Tracks: From New Orleans to Mobile in the northeast
  • You will need to build one wooden trestle bridge
  • Save game
  • Build Station: Build Terminal Stations at both New Orleans and Mobile
  • Build Improvement: Build a Restaurant and a Post Office in each town
  • New Train: Build a 10-wheeler in New Orleans
  • Add a Mail Car and a Passenger Car to the train
  • Save game

Even if you just let that train go back and forth, you should post record profits by the end of the fiscal period, but of course you should build a new line north to the next town: expanding as you accumulate wealth.

Transport Tycoon IBM PC 1994

Chris Sawyer / MicroProse released Transport Tycoon for IBM PC MS-DOS 5.0 in November of 1994. Programmed by Chris Sawyer, Transport Tycoon displays in 256-color SVGA VESA 640x480. Transport Tycoon requires an i80386 clocked at 25 MHz with 4 megs of RAM and SVGA VESA graphics card. 

Transport Tycoon code supports memory managers such as HiMem, EMM386, QEMM386 and 386MAX. Transport Tycoon audio supports Sound Blaster 16/Pro, SoundScape, Pro Audio Spectrum/16, SoundMan Wave, Ultrasound and AdLib Gold.

RollerCoaster Tycoon Windows PC 1999

Chris Sawyer released Roller Coaster Tycoon for IBM PC Windows 95-XP DirectX 5.0 in March of 1999. Programmed by Chris Sawyer, RollerCoaster Tycoon displays in 640x480, 800x600 or 1024x768. RollerCoaster Tycoon requires a Pentium 90 MHz, 16 megs of RAM, 1 meg of vRAM, 4X CD-ROM and 300 megs of HDD space, but a Pentium 200 MHz and 32 megs of RAM is recommended.

Note that Chris Sawyer was one of the best IBM PC coders from 1988 to 1999. For example, Chris Sayer programmed the IBM PC versions of GoalZarch and Frontier Elite 2 in addition to Transport and RollerCoaster Tycoon. All of these games were programmed in i80x86 assembly language.

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