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Improved Invisibility BG2

Improved Invisibility is a BG2 Best Spell of Illusion spells BG2 type in BioWare's cRPG of 2000-2001, Baldur's Gate 2. Improved Invisibility (Illusion, SCRL1Y) is a single-target combat buff that grants the recipient an effective 4-point AC bonus as well as a 4-point all-saves bonus. This isn't really a scouting and mobility spell like second circle Invisibility because its duration is only 10 rounds.

Contrary to the above description, in BG2, this fourth circle illusion erroneously prevents us from being targeted by enemy spellcasters even as we whale away on them with a weapon. Thus, it is god-tier when that cheese is taken into account. However, this exploit is fixed by BG2 Fixpack.

Improved Invisibility can be used in combo with Spell Immunity: Divination (vs. True Sight) or SI: Abjuration (vs. Dispel Magic) to ensure we can't be scried. However, enemy spellcasters are probably going to be dead before they decide to try and reveal our presence.

This spell gives its advertised combat benefits in BG1, but not in BG2.

Note that the Staff of the Magi sports on-equip invisibility.

  • Improved Invisibility 
  • (Illusion/Phantasm) 
  • Level: 4
  • Range: Touch 
  • Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
  • Casting Time: 4 
  • Area of Effect: Creature touched 
  • Saving Throw: None 

This spell is similar to the invisibility spell, but the recipient is able to attack, either by missile discharge, melee combat, or spellcasting, and remain unseen. Note, however, that there are sometimes telltale traces, a shimmering, so that an observant opponent can attack the invisible spell recipient. These traces are only noticeable when specifically looked for (after the invisible character has made his presence known). Attacks against the invisible character suffer -4 penalties to the attack rolls, and the invisible character's saving throws are made with a +4 bonus. Note: after making an attack the mage is no longer completely invisible. Opponents can target the mage.

Rank: Top-tier.

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Web BG2 Spell Immunity BG2 Spell Sequencer BG2 Wish BG2
Melf's Minute Meteors Sunfire BG2ADHW BG2 Improved Alacrity
Skull Trap BG2 Improved Haste BG2 Simulacrum BG2 Summon Planetar BG2

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