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SCS 34.3 is the most recent release of Sword Coast Stratagems for BioWare cRPGs of 1998-2000, Baldur's Gate 1 and Baldur's Gate 2.

Note that SCS now requires BG2 Fixpack to be installed. SCS has also integrated ToBEx BG2 since v16 2011, and its scripts support Spell Revisions.

Before Installing SCS BG2

At its core, BG2 is not an actual authentic tactics cRPG. Lacking even the survival aspect of the original Baldur's Gate, BG2 is more of a general cRPG that appeals to a wide audience (BG1 vs BG2). If you seek proper tactics cRPGs designed from the ground up for cRPG connoisseurs, tactics aficionados and champions of resource management (that is, elite gamers), SCS BG2 will not satisfy you because SCS is mostly just an AI mod for a tactics-lite game. Genuine tactical gameplay is offered by Jagged Alliance 2 1.13, OpenXcom, Silent Storm and ToEE, not SCS BG2.

Moreover, SCS BG2 does not seek to properly overhaul BG2's cRPG Combat Encounter Design (CED). Enhanced AI and broad-brush enemy ability and enemy number scaling is NOT enough to make BG2 CED truly tactical or strategic. You also need to factor in campaign structure, area design, mob composition, mob formation and resource management enforced by rest restrictions.

Even Icewind Dale 1, Icewind Dale 2 and Swordflight have better CED than BG2 because they are focused on the most important aspect of cRPGs, which is combat. As such, their campaign structure, area design, mob design and resource management are tailored to battle tactics and cRPG dungeon strategy; their cRPG Itemization is also much stricter. In addition, they don't constantly interrupt gameplay with banal narrative, torrential dialogue and unskippable cutscenes, which are part and parcel of cRPG Design that seeks, above all, to appeal to a wide audience of generalist gamers who probably haven't even heard of the above-named tactics cRPGs, let alone played them, let alone played them modded to the hilt for tactics.

This is reflected in BG2 community "modding" focus. Instead of combat encounter design and strategic resource management mods, we instead see dozens of lame NPC mods, low-effort kit mods, and sad little spell and item mods -- as if BG2 was ever lacking in NPCs, kits, spells and items.

What a laughing stock!

BG2 SCS Review: Obervations & Criticisms

SCS takes AGES to install. Even if we have an SSD, Super-CPU and loads of RAM. And the installation can bug-out in both batch and incremental install modes, yet Tactics Mod BG2 and Ascension BG2 flawlessly install in the blink of an eye. I have installed them 20 or 30 times over the years; they have never failed me.

Tactics and Ascension don't have all the features and tailorability of SCS, but they give a solid boost to BG2 difficulty without all the fuss and bother. And let us remember that SCS is built from concepts originated by such older mods and has been in development for 15 years longer than them. SCS wasn't the first mod to beef up BG2. Or even BG1 for that matter. For example, SCS employs Dark Side of the Sword Coast kobolds.

Indeed, Dark Side of the Sword Coast (June, 2000) is the best mod ever made for an Infinity Engine game, not SCS. DSotSC works on the original BG1 as well -- SCS doesn't, never has and never will. SCS doesn't work properly on EasyTutu anymore, either (see below section on bugs).

SCS neglects the original Baldur's Gate games. It has always ignored the original BG1 engine (to which BG2 and SCS owe their very existence), but now SCS even neglects the original BG2 engine. All the bugs are proof of that. SCS is made for the casual EE crowd that hates the originals, not veterans of the originals. If SCS was made for the originals, it wouldn't have all the bugs. It is no coincidence that SCS started getting buggy when the EEs came out.

The original BG1 is harder than SCS BG1 in the BG2 engine, which again -- laughably -- is the only way SCS can be played: in the BG2 engine. WHICH ISN'T BG1. More accurately, we are not playing BG1 in the BG2 engine but are rather playing the BG2 engine skinned with BG1 campaign assets: an abomination.

The original BG1 does not have Rest Until Healed, 100% spell learning, Max HPs on level-up, inventory pause, nerfed respawns, nerfed waylays, nerfed poison, nerfed disease, nerfed enemy powers, fast movement, a dozen OP kits, 19 Strength in chargen, invincible summons, OP familiars, blanket ward modals, dual-wielding, double crit threat range, BG2 Sorcerer, and hundreds of extra spells, items and abilities. Want an authentic challenge? Play the original BG1 -- a historically significant PC game, unlike its sequel.

SCS is now reliant on BG2 Fixpack. Solution: Just play an older version of SCS -- before the bloat and reliances.

Another problem I have with SCS is that it seeks to preserve much of BG2's terrible combat encounter design. SCS modifies the AI and adds optional components that fly in the face of dev intent -- even going so far as to introduce Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition spells into the Original BG2 (a disgusting option; see also IWDification Mod) -- but shies away from adding an option to modify mob composition and mob positioning to a similar extent. That is, SCS only seeks to address one half of combat encounter design.

SCS doesn't give enemies initial positioning formations like Black Isle did in IWD1 and IWD2, and aVENGER did in Siege of Dragonspear. Enemies are not spaced out in lines, files and wedges but rather spawned into untactical blobs. If enemy AI is smarter, wouldn't enemies position themselves better in the first place?

IWD of 1999 offers much better combat gameplay than SCS does in 2024. That's because IWD is a proper combat cRPG whereas SCS is built on BG2, whose campaign framework is non-committal in focus. Again, BG2 is a reddit RPG Game that appeals to mainstream "sensibilities." A theme-park RPG Game through and through, BG2 can't be turned into a tactical cRPG without first being demolished and then rebuilt from the ground up.

But since the BG2 community can't stop polishing what amounts to a turd:

It would be much better if mobs of enemies could move in formation and regroup for consolidation, like the player's party can.

There needs to be more ranged attackers (Archer BG2). And they need to be placed behind obstructions so that avenue of approach is limited. Archers should have terrain advantage. Avenue of approach and terrain advantage are super-basic yet highly impactful tactical concepts that SCS doen't even begin to employ.

In order to eliminate rest-spam, rest restrictions should be enforced in all combat areas. You shouldn't be able to rest to heal and replenish spell slots after every battle. Enforced rest restrictions makes players more careful: they don't want to incur damage, they don't waste spells. Players should be forced to use healing potions and spells if they incur damage. Or backtrack to a temple or inn. Sloppy players should be punished with tedium.

A component that increases mob-size across the board should be added. Mobs in BG2 are pathetically small.

Where appropriate, mob composition should be semi-randomized. The original BG2 barely put any thought into mob composition anyway, so who cares if generic mobs are randomly composed?

For every dialogue segment, a skip dialogue option should be included. Like Tweaks Anthology did with Gaelan Bayle's nonsense. Hell, why not remove most dialogue completely, including interjections? For veterans, these are nothing but time-wasters.

Umber Hulks in Icewind Dale 1 Original pulsate round-by-round AoE Confusion, even if they don't know we're there (invisible). Why don't SCS umber hulks? In addition, IWD1 Original salamanders have AoE cold and fire auras. Why don't SCS salamanders?

SCS Difficulty

Most notably, SCS now (optionally) ties the difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings (the ones the Infinity Engine can or does natively scale) to the difficulty slider: Options → Gameplay.

We can also tailor mod options on the fly through dialogue selections called up by a special ability modal:

Example: By choosing option 20 for the de'Arnise Keep, we get this submenu:

Such customizability is powerful, flexible and useful: we can experiment with different setups without having to reinstall components of the mod every time we want to make a change. On the other hand, it makes our settings non-committal if we're adjusting settings on the fly.

SCS Batch Install

The ability to perform a batch install is cool: we select all of our options first, then let WeiDu install them all at once, while we do something else.

Pity it's buggy.

IWDification of SCS

In addition, SCS has optionally added Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition arcane and divine spells. If installed, it will probably make the game easier due to having access to more powerful summons, buffs and so on because Icewind Dale 1 Original is famous for its martial buffs such as arcane Emotion Spells and divine buffs, which together result in THAC0 +10, damage +9, saving throws +8, HPs +7-13 and ApR +1.

SCS Item Changes

SCS item modifications are toggled in Stratagems.ini with =0/=1.

SCS 34.3 Bugs

A lot of BG2 mods have installation bugs in 2023. I don't remember mods having installation bugs in the past. They certainly had lots of bugs, but not installation bugs. It's really annoying to spend time installing a mod that, in the end, skips a component or even refuses to load chargen. Quality of BG2 modding seems to have taken a nose-dive of late (and it was never high), and that's why I usually stick with old versions of mods -- that actually work.

Installation is pristine BG2: SoA & ToB installation patched to v2.5.26498.

  • Incremental (step-by-step) installation of "Improved Fiends & Celestials" component could not install. Batch mode worked, though.
  • SCS 34.3 bug: Search this document for "Basic Installation" (no quotes). Baldur's Gate 2 hangs while loading chargen. In 20 years of my playing BG2, I have never had BG2 hang while loading character generation. Ever.
  • SCS 34.3 bug: SCS seems to be playing around with HD rolls under EasyTutu installs. How to test: reduce difficulty to Easy for max HD rolls, make a Dwarf with 19 Con and level to the cap (=120 HPs, as expected). Now install SCS and do the same. You'll get a random HD roll. Uninstall SCS. Do the same. Back to 120 HPs. Next test: Install SCS v20. HPs? 120. Exact same installation foundation.

I'd like to invest more time in SCS 34.3, but my v.30 setup (see: Best BG2 Mods) has been rock solid for several playthroughs now (even with RR + aTweaks), so I'm not sure how much time I'll dedicate to experimenting with 34.3. Also, the SCS documentation suggests that aTweaks may have compatibility issues with 34.3.

WeiDu Log for the SCS 34.3 Installation

TobEx - Core: Beta 0025 + Improved GUI

See: ToBEx BG2.

  • Enable Animation Attack Sounds: Beta 0025
  • Make All Attack Animations Genuine Attacks: Beta 0025
  • Colorize icon of not memorized scrolls
  • Hide "Write magic" button for already known spells and for opposition schools
  • Show Hit Points on NPC/Party -> All NPC + Party
  • THAC0 and Damage info on Inventory screen
  • Dark portraits on party when dragging not allowed item
  • Show Total Roll on Character Generation screen
  • Journal with folding quests -> Large text area

Ascension v1.41 Components

BG2 Fixpack Components

  • BG2 Fixpack: Core Fixes: v10
  • Game Text Update -> GTU Light (by Wisp): v10

SCS 34.3 WeiDu log

  • Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
  • Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
  • Faster Bears
  • Improved shapeshifting (Shapeshifter BG2)
  • Ease-of-use party AI
  • Cosmetic change: stop Stoneskins from changing the caster's colour
  • Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)
  • Smarter general AI
  • Better calls for help
  • Smarter Mages
  • Smarter Priests
  • Potions for NPCs
  • Improved Spiders
  • Improved golems
  • Improved fiends and celestials
  • Smarter genies
  • Smarter dragons
  • Smarter beholders
  • Smarter mind flayers
  • Smarter githyanki
  • Improved Vampires SCS
  • Smarter Throne of Bhaal final villain
  • Smarter Illasera SCS
  • Smarter Gromnir SCS
  • Smarter Yaga-Shura SCS
  • Smarter Abazigal SCS
  • Ascension versions of Irenicus and Sendai use SCS abilities and AI
  • Make the starting dungeon slightly harder
  • Improved Shade Lord
  • Spellcasting Demiliches
  • Tie difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings to the difficulty slider
  • Improved Random Encounters
  • Improved de'Arnise Keep ("Tactics Remix")
  • Improved Unseeing Eye
  • Improved Bodhi BG2
  • Ascension version of Bodhi uses Improved-Bodhi abilities
  • Improved battle with Irenicus in Spellhold
  • Improved Sahuagin
  • Improved Beholder hive
  • Improved Drow
  • Improved Watcher's Keep
  • Improved Fire Giant temple
  • Improved Sendai's Enclave
  • Improved Abazigal's Lair
  • Improved Minor Encounters

Install Bigger Fonts for Baldur's Gate 2: v0.1.

SCS 34.3 Basic Installation

Under this basic SCS installation (no Improveds, no Smarters), Baldur's Gate 2 hangs while loading chargen (new game, starts to load, hangs). The installation is pristine BG2: SoA & ToB installation patched to v2.5.26498, then patched with Fixpack v13. Before installing SCS, Baldur's Gate 2 worked with Fixpack v13.

SCS was batch-installed. Note that the above installation (SCS 34.3 WeiDu log) was also batch-installed, yet did not hang.

  • BG2 Fixpack - Core Fixes: v13
  • BG2 Fixpack - Game Text Update -> GTU Light (by Wisp): v13
  • Improved Spell Animations: v13
  • Remove Dual-Classing Restriction from Archers and Stalkers: v13
  • Wizard Slayers Cause Miscast Magic on Ranged Attacks: v13
  • Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: 34.3
  • Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: 34.3
  • Faster Bears: 34.3
  • Improved shapeshifting: 34.3
  • Treat mages' and priests' High-Level Abilities as innate abilities rather than memorisable spells (each may be taken only once): 34.3
  • Ease-of-use party AI: 34.3
  • Cosmetic change: stop Stoneskins from changing the caster's colour: 34.3
  • Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): 34.3
  • Smarter general AI: 34.3
  • Better calls for help: 34.3
  • Tie difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings to the difficulty slider: 34.3

SCS Summon Spells

Spell Scroll item codes for testing the new summon spells:

Baldur's Gate 2 OriginalTactics Mod BG2Baldur's Gate 1 Original
BG2 Best ModsSCS BG2BG1 Best Mods
ToBEx BG2BG2 Improved GUIDark Side of the Sword Coast
Ascension BG2IWDification ModDSotSC Items
BG2 FixpackSword Coast Stratagems GuideDrizzt Saga Baldur's Gate

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