1990s PC Game: Amigan Jealous
This is a chronological list of early 1990s IBM PC MS-DOS games that may have made some Amiga owners jealous, either because the PC games were not available on Amiga, came out on PC before Amiga or were simply better on PC than on Amiga. Or maybe even because the Amigan felt like the PC should not have been graced with this or that "Amiga game". If nothing is added in parenthesis, that means the PC game was not available on Amiga.
Each section represents one year and lists the games in alphabetical order. An appended asterisk (*) signifies that the PC version is much better than the Amiga version.
Some PC game-releases may have petrified Amigans in the early 1990s. Since it amuses me to do so, I have appended [P] for Petrifying to such game-entries.
The PC got some good ports of famous Amiga games; not enough to replace the Amiga across all genre, but perhaps enough to annoy Amigans even if a port came out one year later. Especially if such a port equaled or exceeded the Amiga original, which some actually did.
In the late 80s many PC versions of arcade-action games were quite weak in comparison to the Amiga versions (e.g., Arkanoid, Speedball and Super Hang-On of 1988), but by the early 90s the pendulum began swinging the other way. And I have given reasons for that in my histories; but basically: VGA + 386DX + more RAM + soundcard + hard disk drive + massive market penetration = Win.
1990 PC DOS Game: Amigan Jealous
Remember that 1989-91 constitutes the Amiga's heyday. But you can see the PC becoming strong across more genre in 1990, not just in flight sims and the like. In 1990 the PC was getting what would end up being some of the greatest games of all-time -- before the Amiga. And even when the Amiga versions of those games came out, the PC version remained superior in almost all cases.
- BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 (*)
- Buck Rogers Games IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 SSI (*)
- Commander Keen Original Version IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 id Software [1]
- Crystals of Arborea IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 Silmarils (*)
- DragonLance Games IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 SSI (*)
- Golden Axe IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 (*)
- King's Quest 5 IBM PC MS-DOS Sierra On-Line 1990 (* Amiga 1991)
- Knights of the Sky IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 MPS Labs (* ST/Amiga 1991)
- LHX Attack Chopper IBM PC MS-DOS Electronic Arts 1990 (*)
- LINKS: The Challenge of Golf 1990 Access Software (* Amiga 1992)
- Loom IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 LucasFilm Games (*)
- Operation Stealth IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 Delphine (*)
- PGA Tour Golf IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 Sterling Silver Software
- Prince of Persia IBM PC MS-DOS Brøderbund 1990 (* ST/Amiga 1990)
- Red Baron IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 Dynamix (* Amiga 1992)
- Secret of Monkey Island IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 LucasFilm (*)
- Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon IBM PC 1990 MPS Labs (* ST/Amiga 1991) [P]
- Wonderland IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 Magnetic Scrolls (*)
- Wing Commander IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 Origin Systems (*)
- Xenon 2 IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 Assembly Line (Amiga 1989) [2]
[1] 40 FPS screen-scrolling.
[2] The release of Xenon 2 on the PC may have annoyed some Amigans; many Amigans (falsely) considered Xenon 2 to be "their Amiga game". And now the PC gets Xenon 2, which has -- wait for it -- better screen-scrolling than the Amiga version (which was an Atari ST port).
1991 PC DOS Game: Amigan Jealous
As good as they are, Gods and Speedball 2 coming out on PC in 1991 are mere footnotes in comparison to Civilization and the technical marvel that is Falcon 3.0 -- a PC-exclusive.
- Catacomb 3-D IBM PC MS-DOS 1991 id Software
- Chuck Yeager's Air Combat IBM PC MS-DOS Electronic Arts 1991 [P]
- Cruise for a Corpse IBM PC MS-DOS 1991 Delphine (*)
- Duke Nukem IBM PC MS-DOS 1991 Apogee
- Eye of the Beholder IBM PC MS-DOS Westwood 1991 (*)
- F-117A Stealth Fighter 2.0 IBM PC MS-DOS 1991 MPS Labs (*)
- Falcon 3.0 IBM PC MS-DOS 1991 Sphere Inc [P]
- Gateway to the Savage Frontier IBM PC 1991 Beyond Software (*)
- Gods IBM PC MS-DOS 1991 Bitmap Brothers (ST/Amiga 1991)
- Gunship 2000 IBM PC MS-DOS 1991 MPS Labs (Amiga 1993 *)
- Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge IBM PC MS-DOS 1991 LucasArts (*) [P]
- Neverwinter Nights IBM PC MS-DOS 1991 Beyond Software
- Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe IBM PC MS-DOS LucasFilm Games 1991
- Sid Meier's Civilization IBM PC MS-DOS 1991 MPS Labs (* Amiga 1992, ST 1993) [P]
- Speedball 2 IBM PC MS-DOS 1991 Bitmap Brothers (ST/Amiga 1990)
1992 PC DOS Game: Amigan Jealous
There are just too many good PC games in 1992. This is an insanely strong line-up:
- Aces of the Pacific IBM PC MS-DOS Dynamix 1992 [P]
- Alone in the Dark IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 I-MOTION [P]
- B-17 Flying Fortress IBM PC MS-DOS Vektor Grafix 1992 [P] (Amiga 1993)
- Caesar IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 Impressions Software (*)
- Captive IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 Mindscape Tony Crowther (arguably *)
- Darklands IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 MPS Labs [P]
- Dune 2 IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 Westwood Studios (*) [P]
- Gary Grigsby's Pacific War IBM PC MS-DOS SSI 1992 [P]
- Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis IBM PC 1992 LucasArts [P]
- Ishar: Legend of the Fortress IBM PC 1992 Silmarils (*)
- Joe and Mac: Caveman Ninja IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 Elite Systems (*)
- King's Quest 6 IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 Sierra On-line (* Amiga 1994)
- Laser Squad IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 Target Games (*)
- Links 386 Pro IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 Access Software [P]
- Moonstone IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 Images Software Ltd (Amiga 1991)
- Spelljammer IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 Cybertech Systems (*)
- Street Fighter 2 IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 (*) [P]
- Star Control 2 IBM PC MS-DOS Toys for Bob Accolade 1992
- Star Trek: 25th Anniversary IBM PC MS-DOS Interplay 1992 (* Amiga 1994)
- Ultima Underworld IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 [P]
- Wolfenstein 3D IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 id Software [P]
1993 PC DOS Game: Amigan Jealous
1993 is arguably stronger than 1992. And as this list makes plain, it wasn't just Doom that may have petrified Amigans.
- 7th Guest IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Trilobyte (640x480)
- Alien Breed IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Audio Visual Magic Ltd (Amiga 1991)
- Betrayal at Krondor IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Dynamix [P]
- Bio Menace IBM PC MS-DOS Apogee Software 1993
- BloodNet IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 MicroProse (* Amiga 1994)
- Dark Sun: Shattered Lands IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 SSI
- Doom IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 id Software [P]
- Duke Nukem 2 IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Apogee Software
- Dungeon Hack IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Dreamforge
- Empire Deluxe IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 White Wolf
- F-15 Strike Eagle 3 IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 MPS Labs
- Frontier: Elite 2 IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 David Braben (*)
- Gary Grigsby's War in Russia IBM PC MS-DOS SSI 1993 [P]
- Halloween Harry IBM PC MS-DOS SubZero Software 1993
- IndyCar Racing IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Papyrus [* P]
- Ishar 2: Messengers of Doom IBM PC 1993 Silmarils (*)
- Lands of Lore IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Westwood Studios
- Lotus: The Ultimate Challenge IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 (ST/Amiga 1990)
- Master of Orion IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Simtex [P]
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0 IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Bruce Artwick [P]
- Mortal Kombat IBM PC MS-DOS Probe Software 1993 [P]
- Populous 2 IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Bullfrog Productions (* 640x400, Amiga 1991)
- SimCity 2000 IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Maxis (640x480 *)
- Space Hulk IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Electronic Arts (*)
- Star Wars: X-Wing IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Totally Games [P]
- Star Wars: Rebel Assault IBM PC MS-DOS LucasArts 1993 [P]
- Star Trek Judgment Rites IBM PC MS-DOS Interplay 1993
- Strike Commander IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Origin Systems [P]
- Syndicate IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Bullfrog Productions [P] (640x400 *)
- TFX IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Digital Image Design [P] (*Amiga 1997)
- Unlimited Adventures IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 MicroMagic
- Warlords 2 IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 SSG [P] (640x480)
- Zone 66 IBM PC MS-DOS 1993
- Zool IBM PC MS-DOS Gremlin Graphics 1993 (Amiga 1992)
1994 PC DOS Game: Amigan Jealous
The Amiga had a snowball's chance in Hell of competing in 1994:
- Al-Qadim IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Cyberlore Studios
- Alien Carnage IBM PC MS-DOS SubZero Software 1994
- Beneath a Steel Sky IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Revolution Software [P]
- Chaos Engine IBM PC Bitmap Brothers 1993 (Amiga 1993) [2]
- Elder Scrolls Arena IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Bethesda
- Ishar 3: Seven Gates of Infinity IBM PC 1994 Silmarils (*)
- Jazz Jackrabbit IBM PC MS-DOS Epic MegaGames 1994 (*)
- Lords of the Realm IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Impressions Games (*)
- Master of Magic IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Simtex [P]
- NASCAR Racing IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Papyrus (640x480) [P]
- Panzer General IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Strategic Simulations (640x480) [P]
- Raiden IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 (cf. Amiga Raiden 1994)
- Raptor IBM PC MS-DOS 1994
- Ravenloft Games IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Dreamforge
- Rise of the Robots IBM PC MS-DOS Mirage 1994 (*, 640x400) [P]
- Settlers IBM PC MS-DOS Blue Byte 1994 (640x480) [P]
- Sid Meier's Colonization IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 MPS Labs (*) [P]
- Star Wars: TIE Fighter IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Totally Games [P]
- Superfrog IBM PC MS-DOS Team 17 1994 (Amiga 1993)
- System Shock IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Looking Glass (640x480) [P]
- Theme Park IBM PC MS-DOS Bullfrog Productions 1994 (640x480) [P]
- Transport Tycoon IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 MPS Labs (640x480) [P]
- U.S. Navy Fighters IBM PC MS-DOS EA 1994 [P]
- Ultima 8 Pagan IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Origin Systems
- WarCraft IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Blizzard Entertainment [P]
- Wing Commander 3 IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Origin Systems (640x480) [P]
- X-COM UFO Defense IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Mythos Games (*) [P]
cf. PC Games of 1995 and PC Games of 1996.
Every Sierra On-Line and LucasFilm adventure game was better on PC than on Amiga. In addition, practically every cRPG and strategy game was better on PC than on Amiga. That said, the Amiga hosted a few cRPGs that were unavailable on PC, such as:
But those games were based on oldhat flip-screen tech of Dungeon Master of 1987. And they pale in comparison to what was coming out on PC from 1991-93.
Naturally, every 3D game was better on PC than Amiga by the late 80s. And those were only VGA 320x200. Now consider the square-pixel SVGA 640x480 games listed above...
And now consider the Roland MT-32 + Sound Blaster combo of 1993 versus Paula of 1985.
Note how every single game in that list is an IBM PC MS-DOS game, not a Windows game. PC games did not need DirectX Windows to demolish Amiga games in the early 1990s; the Amiga was demolished before Windows 95 came out -- and yet, in the early 90s the vast majority of MS-DOS games were installed, configured and loaded via command-line; "user-friendly" mouse control was rarely employed by installation programs of the early 90s.
At this point, one should take a moment to reflect on the computer-literacy of the PC user of the early to mid 1990s. Consider the command line along with config.sys, autoexec.bat, IRQ levels, DMA channels, memory managers, TSRs, disk-caching and disk-compression. And now contrast that with your average Steam and GoG fanboy of 2025.
The PC even began to challenge the Amiga in what had traditionally been "Amiga genre." New genre were being invented on PC, not on Amiga. Instead, Amiga developers mainly tried to refine or expand some old genre via the A1200 of 1992 (14 MHz 68020, 2 megs of RAM, AGA graphics), but such games were beaten out by the Genesis and SNES console games most of the time [1]. Thus was the Amiga losing the battle on two fronts.
If an Amigan purchased an PC in 1993 in order to play Doom and such-like, they could still play some good ol' ST/Amiga games such as Gods, Alien Breed, Xenon 2, Chaos Engine and Lotus on PC, even though such games were no longer in-vogue. In addition, the PC got most of the English football games that were famous on the Amiga.
In the early 1990s the Amiga missed out on so many big-name games that it isn't even funny. This was a crushing defeat that made it hard not to jump ship because gamers go where the games are. And when the Amiga did get a big-name game or coinop conversion, the PC version was often far superior to the Amiga one; Street Fighter 2 of 1992 and Mortal Kombat of 1993 are but two cases in point. Note that this was not the fault of Amiga developers of big-name ports.
Of course, the Amiga held on in the early 1990s by virtue of its custom chipset and the aptitude of its Amiga-loyal assembly coders, pixel-art graphicians and Paula composers; mainly in scrolling shoot 'em ups, platform games and sprite-scaling and top-down racing games. But due to the raw processing power of the PC coupled with the advent of VGA the writing was on the wall and the Amiga's days were numbered.
Indeed, even the Father of the Amiga effectively said that the Amiga's days were numbered. In 1988.
That said, the Amiga most certainly had a few great years. And many of us treasure the memories of those years; for many of us, they were the best years.
It wasn't because A1200 hardware could not compete with Genesis/SNES hardware, it was because Amiga AGA developers could not compete with Genesis/SNES developers. As it pertains to computer games, Amiga AGA developers did not have enough time to exploit the A1200's capacities before the Amiga lost the two-front battle against the PC and the new Sega and Nintendo consoles.
As of 2025 the AGA chipset of the Amiga 1200 and 4000 still remains largely untapped by developers; that is, as it pertains to Amiga games AGA was simply not exploited to the degree that the OCS/ECS chipsets of the A500, 1000 and 2000 were. To this day, we don't know how far the AGA chipset could have been pushed and what it was really capable of.
Go and look at something like Chaos Engine of 1993. It runs from diskettes on 7 MHz M68K A500s with 1 meg of RAM. Now imagine AGA TCE designed, programmed, drawn and composed from the ground up for M68020 14 MHz A1200s with trapdoor Fast RAM and hard disk drive.
It could have been an arcade-quality run and gun game; indeed, better than most run and gun coinops.
- 1980s IBM PC Games that made Atari ST and Amiga owners jealous
- 1980s Atari ST games that made Amiga owners jealous
- 1980s Amiga games that made Atari ST owners jealous
- 1980s Atari ST and Amiga games that made IBM PC owners jealous
- History of Computer Games 1976-2024
- History of 1990s Computer Games
- History of Shoot 'em Ups 1976-2000
- Western Computer-game Machines
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