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Fallout Nevada Guide

Fallout Nevada Guide

Fallout Nevada is an sfall mod for Black Isle's cRPG Definition of 1998, Fallout 2. There are approximately 170 quests in Fallout Nevada.

In the early- and mid-game, farm random encounters on the eastern highway that links Salt Lake City to Las Vegas. Move north and south along that trade route, slaying Bandits, Raiders, Wild Ghouls, Neon Gangsters, Kings Gangsters and Bloom Brothers for 10mm SMGs, combat shotguns, pancor jackhammers, hunting rifles, laser rifles and laser pistols, which are then sold to cashed-up merchants in SLC Business Center and Vegas Parking Lot.

Then you can afford to buy Metal Armor and the Helical Pistol Machine Gun Small Gun from Salt Lake City Business Center merchants, which optimal Fallout 2 Builds can fire at a rate of six shots per turn or four bursts per turn. Then, get Francis or some other armorsmith to upgrade your armor to Metal Armor Mk III (Reinforced + Strengthened + Mirror-coated) for some serious pre-power armor staying power.

Fallout Nevada features king-tier area design and solid factional reactivity, but its questlines are subpar, its writing is mediocre and its main quest is an absolute snoozefest that caused me to quit the game several times out of sheer boredom. However, it is a good mod with some great moments. In my opinion, the standout segments of this mod are Hawthorne, Area 51 and Train Depot.

A few tips and things:

  • There are no companions aka recruitable NPCs. That means there is no Katja to pick locks, no Vic to fix things, no Lenny to mend crippled limbs and no Ian to shoot you in the back. It means you have no mules aka packrats. It means you need to rely on storage or carrying capacity. It means your build has to be smart, strong and skillful. See: Fallout 2 Best Builds.
  • Don't go near vehicles unless you want to get irradiated.
  • Mouse-over interactables, placeables and fixed graphics to get descriptions of their function. If you don't interact with the environment, I can guarantee you will get stuck.
  • Unlike most other mods, the AI is good at taking a shot and then ducking back behind a wall or even a cactus plant, which forces the player to adjust their character's positioning for re-targeting, thereby expending extra Action Points.
  • You can bash down doors or blow them up (many Fallout 2 mods don't allow it). With sufficient Strength, you can force unbreakable doors open.
  • Communication (radio transmissions), computer and security mechanics are prevalent.
  • Hold onto any "Junk" (an item) you find. Being a collection of scrap metal, Junk is used with the Repair skill.
  • Your progress can be gated by global karma or locational reputation.
  • Get your main firearm skill to 150 and the core utility skills to 100. When Lockpick, Repair and Science reach 100, continue raising your chosen firearm skill(s) to 180. If Unarmed or Melee-based, 150 suffices.
  • As mentioned above, get upgraded Metal Armor and the Helical Pistol Machine Gun before you take on more difficult quests.
  • kXP: Kill Experience Points: the XP awarded for killing critters.
  • qXP: Quest Experience Points: the XP awarded for completing quests.

A feature of sfall, you can hold down the left Shift key to highlight interactables in the gameworld. But note that a plot-critical item is not flagged to highlight in the first area: look for a fallen road sign on the street, which is used as a lever to move aside a pile of rocks on a ledge, which is reached via a tow rope found in the trunk of a car. To retrieve data from the autonomous environment monitoring devices, put the Empty Holodisk into a quickslot, click the quickslot and then click on the AEMD.

Vault 8 Fallout Nevada

You start off in Vault 8. You can't open the elevator doors because the lower levels are off-limits until end-game. Assemble your temporary party consisting of Dr. Moreau, Vault Securtiy Guard and Citizen. Then, click the computer to open the door, click the console on the wall to open the vault door, click the door entry computer outside the vault to close the vault door and then click the VDU to exit the vault to Outer World.

Fallout Nevada Map

The Fallout Nevada map has lots of deadspace in its central, mountainous region, which I have omitted. Only Battle Mountain is located in its center. New Reno is south of Lovelock in the two left panels, and Las Vegas is south of Salt Lake City in the two right panels.

Several locations get map-marked through NPC dialogues or PC actions. However, most locations are discoverable by simply exploring the map.

Vault City Fallout Nevada

Speak with Chief of Security, Sergeant Graves, to get a permit and kick off the main quest. Get your gear from Sam at the Warehouse -- especially the Crumpled Piece of Paper. Then, head to the Vault City Desert aka Wasteland map and from there hit the overworld for Black Rock.

  • Retrieve the device that was been stolen by the biker (search: Mysterious Device)
  • Pursue the kidnappers of the Overseer
  • Fulfill your mission in the government vault
  • Complete the warehouse's special assignment
  • Bring Sam a magazine
  • Find the missing scout robot
  • Decipher deputy Sheriff's disk
  • Learn more about Gerlach's community
  • Destroy Gerlach's community
  • Spy on a suspicious citizens couple
  • Collect blood samples of pigrats, coyotes and geckos for doctor Willmouth
  • Get up on feet: talk to Graves, Willmouth, take your gear from the warehouse
  • Biker chase: learn more about Jay in Black Rock (from William)
  • Biker chase: learn more about Jay in New Reno (from Mordinom New Reno)
  • Biker chase: contact the biker gang (in Stryker's Fallout Shelter, New Reno)
  • Biker chase: receive a message in Hawthorne (automatic)
  • Biker chase: find Jay in Hawthorne (by using the signal jammer on the radar equipment)
  • Get rid of the tracker inside your Pip-Boy
  • Expose doctor Willmouth
  • Find information about project Vault 8 in Area 51
  • Discover the true purpose of Vault 8
  • Blow up the government vault

Vault City Maps

  • Wasteland
  • Vault City
  • Vault Doors
  • Opal Mine
  • Vault 8
  • Laboratory

Black Rock Fallout Nevada

Black Rock is located several squares southeast of Vault City. Talk to William at the Atomic Cafe to learn that Jay was heading south, probably to New Reno.

  • Save the community from the contagion
  • Deal with runaway slaves
  • Investigate the brahmin's disappearance
  • Investigate the delivery man's disappearance

Black Rock Maps

  • Settlement
  • Black Rock Caves

New Reno Fallout Nevada

New Reno is located seven squares south of Black Rock (Fallout Nevada Map).

Go and speak with Mordino on the second floor of the Hotel Silver. Mordino recommends using some radio equipment to contact the Bikers, and refers you to Stryker. Next, take the south exit grid from HS and pay a visit to Stryker's place at the Stadium. When you shell out some cash, Stryker gives you the Bunker Key to the Fallout Shelter located behind his building.

In the evacuation bunker, use the Crumpled Piece of Paper on the console to enter the alpha-numeric codes that unlock the door. Then, use the computer in the next room to contact the Bikers and get their current location marked on your map, which is Bridgeport.

  • Patrick asks to cure Itchie
  • Patrick asks to return the package
  • Patrick needs help in the organization of film exhibition
  • Help Harding with his sufferings
  • Deal with the debt of Mrs. Clover
  • Find the missing prospectors from the slums
  • Find and punish graffiti maker
  • Bring Ted Bundy to justice
  • Solve the mystery of Ted Bundy's photo
  • Punish fake bikers
  • Find the source of bad rumors about bikers
  • Become a legendary champion of New Reno ring
  • Become a star in New Reno
  • Carry out the Solomon's dirty task
  • Deliver a comedian from Vegas to Cotton club
  • Meet Nick Hauer at Silver hotel
  • Arrange the escape of Deveraux family from the city
  • Install bugs at the Eldorado casino
  • Get information about food shipments
  • Wright: explore the situation in Uranium City
  • Wright: fulfill the C-4 delivery
  • Wright: recapture the mine from competitors
  • Wright: hunt down a strange guy in the slums
  • Wright: have a meeting with Oliver Luciano
  • Bertolini: meet with the informant at the ranch
  • Bertolini: set the restaurant against the ranch
  • Bertolini: put Luciano out of business without killing him
  • Bertolini: offer assistance to Luciano
  • Bertolini: follow Huey
  • Luciano: help Johnny Chase
  • Luciano: frame Eldorado casino
  • Luciano: steal a briefcase with money from Bertolini
  • Luciano: provoke a conflict between gangsters
  • Luciano: make a secret deal in the outskirts of the city
  • Stryker: eliminate Patrick the Mormon
  • Stryker: get chemicals from dealer
  • Stryker: gather intelligence in the Thompson's headquarters
  • Stryker: eliminate Betty Page
  • Stryker: prepare the invasion to Thompson's
  • Thompson: punish street thugs
  • Thompson: investigate the attack on the propaganda team
  • Thompson: persuade Mordino to cooperate
  • Thompson: sabotage Striker's deal
  • Thompson: prepare the invasion to Stryker's

New Reno Maps

  • Hotel 'Silver'
  • Eldorado
  • Stadium
  • Railway Station
  • Luciano's Ranch
  • Boxing Arena
  • Assault Location
  • City Hall
  • Outdoor Cinema
  • Abandoned Farm

Bridgeport Fallout Nevada

Bridgeport is located five squares southeast of New Reno (Fallout Nevada Map). The bikers are hanging out in Bridgeport, waiting for Jay. A biker in town tells you that Jay is the lone wolf of the gang; that he is currently at Hawthorne Military Base looking for a government vault. Hawthorne is now map-marked.

  • Help Dante to complete challenges (needs gun and painkillers)
  • Convince Dante not to join the biker gang
  • Get brahmin to the corral
  • Cure the child by yourself or bring medical supplies
  • Help to equip caravan from New Reno to Bridgeport
  • Find the missing resident
  • Bring back electricity
  • Get the village rid of biker gang

Hawthorne Fallout Nevada

Hawthorne is located two squares northeast of Bridgeport (Fallout Nevada Map). You arrive at the Railway station map of the Hawthorne Military Base, where you receive a message from Jay on your Pip-Boy.

Make your way through the Dead City map to arrive at Garrison Territory. Slay x3 Security Bots guarding the Garrison building perimeter (900 kXP).

On the ground floor of the Garrison building, use Science on one computer to cancel the building's security protocols (250 XP); on the other, learn that you can disable the permanent security system at V9 Hangar.
On the first floor (upstairs), loot the Parade Uniform and a holodisk containing A Report on Derserters. The Awarded Pistol is found on a corpse behind a door that you can bash down or blow up. Give the uniform and pistol to General Wesker at Wind of War (2,000 qXP).

If active, you can use Repair on the forcefield generator to disable the yellow forcefield (200 XP). At the computer, check the monitoring data on Vault 8 to learn of a military radio station located at Lovelock, aka Cheyenne tribe, which gets map-marked.

RoboEye: 100 kXP.

Next, enter the Army Warehouse map, pick the place clean of arsenal and then proceed to the Underground Hangar, where you find the Signal Jammer, Central Processing Unit (Power Armor) and Reactor Access Card.

If you got shredded by the five security turrets wielding dual miniguns: "Get good, son."

Turrets x5 (1,800 kXP)

Use the Reactor Access Card on the locked door, go down the elevator to arrive at Reactor Facilities and use the terminal in the nuclear reactor chamber to shut off power to the garrison, which disables the security turrets and triggers system reboot (1,200 qXP).

Robot: 500 kXP.

Lastly, do what Jay told you to do in the Pip-Boy message: head back to the Garrison building, go up to the first floor and use the Signal Jammer on the radar equipment to meet Jay Kukish (1,250 qXP).

After the dialogue, use the terminal in the reactor chamber to open its door, pick up the Mysterious Device that Jay left on the floor, loot your stuff from the locker, and take your leave of Hawthorne, slaying the Stalkers as you go.

Stalker x3: 750 kXP, Assault Rifle. The Stalkers are Clones of the Reaper of Souls.

Jay carries a Plasma Pistol and some grenades, which you can slay him for (350 kXP).

Hawthorne Maps

  • Railway Station
  • Dead City
  • Garrison Territory
  • Hangar V9
  • Reactor Facilities

Lovelock Fallout Nevada

Lovelock is located three squares northeast of New Reno (Fallout Nevada Map). At the Cheyenne tribal camp at Lovelock, Chief Ogima the Black Cloud can take you to the Lovelock radio station if you have strong positive karma (100 is not enough) or the Cult of Personality perk. To be clear, the radio station is a map within Lovelock, not a separate location on the overworld.

Fix the generator with Repair skill + Junk (350 XP), grab the Security Card from the desk and then take the stairwell to reach Underground.

Use the Security Card on doors to pass through them. Fix another generator near the stairwell and flip the wall-switch to restore power (500 XP). You can hack the password and crack the safe with sufficient Science and Lockpick skills (your core utility skills should be verging on 100 by now). The safe holds a Case with Documents containing comms docs for Vault 8. You can find a couple of Science books as well, but the computer is only for a lore-dump on the FATMAN Project.

Return to Vault City to learn from Sergeant Graves that your city has been attacked and the Overseer has been kidnapped by assailants wearing combat armor and wielding a paralyzing agent. He also tells you that the assailants are traveling eastward by train. Tell Graves that you tracked down Jay, your Pip-Boy was bugged, that you were attacked by Stalkers and that you have the Mysterious Device and a Case of Documents as proof that Vault 8 has been under surveillance. For all that, you earn a paltry 1,000 + 500 qXP.

Graves also tells you to find another radio station. What he doesn't tell you is that he marked its location on your map (and the feedback window doesn't tell you either, which it usually does).

  • Destroy raiders terrorizing the Cheyenne tribe
  • Neutralize Big Louie
  • Defeat Makozid in a fistfight
  • Ogima requests to fix the water tank
  • Clear plantation of carnivorous plants
  • Help Mold, the drug addict
  • Return to Niskigvan his belongings, taken away by a raider named Furiouser
  • Acabidab asks to find Gizhiyash in New Reno
  • Find a way to cure poor Makkon
  • Louie: Find a way to get to Hawthorne
  • Louie: Collect and bring the toll from Stryker
  • Louie: Kill the traitor named Balder
  • Louie: Take revenge on drug dealer Solomon in New Reno
  • Louie: Stop the drug courier from Vegas
  • Louie: Organize the show in Vegas

Cheyenne Maps

  • Tribal Camp
  • Raiders' Base
  • Plantations
  • Radio Station

Battle Mountain Fallout Nevada

Marked on the map by Sergeant Graves, Battle Mountain is located nine squares east of Vault City (Fallout Nevada Map). Head through Main Street to Radar Station and the Biker Camp, fix the generator (Repair) in the shack to power the mainframe, and then use the computer in the building to follow the tracker signal emitted by the Overseer's Pip-Boy, which is moving to the northeast of Salt Lake City. However, tracking a signal from a radar station does not mark SLC on our map, when surely it should.

To get into the building, click on the wooden door and then ask Phil about it. The door will be open post-dialogue.

Note: The next three locations are optional (Wind of War, Area 51 and Poseidon Oil NPP). The main reason you would want to explore them is to get the Power Armor. Skip to the Salt Lake City section to continue the main questline.

Power Armor Fallout Nevada

Power Armor is found unassembled on a workbench at the workshop of Francis the mechanic at the Nuka-Cola factory in Salt Lake City. In order for Francis to assemble a complete set of Power Armor, we need to bring him several power armor components. The two-phase assembly of Power Armor costs $10,000 and yields 4,900 qXP.

  • Central Processing Unit (Hawthorne)
  • Autonomous System of T-51b Armor (Wind of War Vault)
  • Laboratory Helmet (Area 51)
  • Blueprints T-51, Part 1 (Area 51 or Phil at Battle Mountain)
  • Blueprints T-41, Part 2 (Area 51 or Phil at Battle Mountain)
  • Anti-Radiation Suit (Poseidon Oil NPP)
  • Gas Protection Suit (Roger Quok, Merchant at Business Center, Salt Lake City)

Wind of War Fallout Nevada

Wind of War is located five squares west of Las Vegas (Fallout Nevada Map). Bribe the guard, enter the Garrison map, go to General Wesker's command center, waltz into the computer room and use Science on the computer to get the coordinates for the Vault and Area 51 via the local disposition entry. Also, hack the engineering archive to get Power Armor Blueprints: T-51 Part 1.

Go to the Vault map, use a coil of rope (a harness) on the hole to get into the Vault and loot Grenade Launcher 40mm ext. mag and Autonomous System of T-51b Armor (Power Armor) from the locker.

Note how they didn't even bother to append "b" on "T-51" for the blueprints. Also note how you can just waltz in and start using military computer systems without anyone giving a damn.

  • Deal with the local thugs that attacked you
  • The intendant ordered 30 bottles of beer
  • Help the prisoner escape
  • Robert and Jessica want to run away from the settlement
  • Find memorial information in Hawthorne
  • Punish the soldiers, that beat the caravan merchant
  • Find survivors from the Speed Hawk caravan
  • Copy radio frequencies for the spy or tell about him to the Military
  • Investigate the incident at the post and report to Wesker
  • Regain the farmer's trust

Wind of War Maps

  • Free Parking
  • Vault
  • Non-residential Area (Garrison)

Area 51 Fallout Nevada

The Hangar segment of Area 51 is a well-designed cRPG Dungeon. In atmosphere, lore and mechanics it is reminiscent of The Glow in Fallout 1.

Area 51 is located three squares northeast of Wind of War. Area 51 cannot be discovered by merely exploring the map; it can be marked on the map by getting its coords from the computer at Wind of War.

On the Taxiway map (Airplane Landing Area), download the Broadcast Report from the computer to learn that someone has been tracking you via a bug in your Pip-Boy.
Using Junk, repair the generator on the Personnel map (Barracks). This causes the doors of the buildings to function intermittently, which is highly annoying. In one of the buildings, pick the safe's lock to get the first of three Poisoning Gas Cylinders (PGC). You can find other stuff in the buildings, such as a Minigun.

Next, go to the Hangar map and enter its alien-infested Upper Level. Use Science on the computer to read order 1123 and get summarized data on Project Vault 8. Get the second PGC as well.

Optionally, descend to Hangar Underground Level 1. Get door access and set the force fields to thermal or cold, then learn from another computer that aliens are vulernable to fire. As in Fallout 1, the force fields can be disabled by using the Repair skill on their generators. Try to save a ghoul stuck in strange, noxious, biological goo and then loot its corpse for Access Card to Laboratory Alpha.

Loot: Third PGC, Piece of Paper with Passwords to the Safes, Stealth Boy, Power Armor Blueprints: T-51 Part 1, Power Armor Blueprints: T-51 Part 2, Laboratory Helmet (Power Armor), CL-3000 Lab Equipment, Remote Control, Striker Shotgun, Plasma Pistol, Laser Pistol etc.

Then, attach the three cyclinders to the gas release system and enter the code on the piece of paper (013-486-498) to initiate the gas release that destroys the goo. You have 30 seconds to evacuate before the gas starts eating away at your HP pool and knocking you down.

Escape through the Ventilation Shafts. As you vacate the hangar, you notice a broken air processing unit that cannot be fixed.

Poseidon Oil NPP

Poseidon Oil NPP is located two squares northeast of Vault City. Using Science on the terminal next to Joshua in Vault City marks Posiedon Oil NPP on the map. As in the Glow of Fallout 1, the zone is radiated. Thus, you should bring Rad-X and RadAway in order to resist radiation exposure and cure radiation poisoning.

On the Gecko-infested Village map, unlock the door to the reactor (500 XP) and then use Science on the console to hack the security system (1,500 qXP), thereby causing the patrolling Robots to greet you kindly instead of attacking. You should then attack them as well for more XP and weapons.

Notable loot includes Operational Staff Pass (reactor access), Cattle Prod, Welding Machine, Flamer and Anti-Radiation Suit (confers +75% radiation resistance, component of Power Armor). 

In the reactor room, loot the corpse of a ghoul for the Warehouse Pass if you lack Lockpicking skill. Using Science on the terminal yields the Lovelock radio station location (500 XP).

Crack the wall-mounted safe for 500 XP, $600, RadAway, Rad-X and Magnum revolver.

On the Outskirts map, loot the Dynamite, Geiger Counter and coil of Rope from the buildings. Then, attach the rope to the crane, use the crane to place piles of debris near the garage wall, climb onto the roof, drop down into the garage from the skylight and then remove the Fuel Cell Controller from the Corvega patrol car. After looting the car of other items as well, exit the garage via its rolling door.

Salt Lake City Fallout Nevada

Salt Lake City is located 14 squares east of Battle Mountain (Fallout Nevada Map). As it pertains to the main quest, you are in Salt Lake City to acquire a train (locomotive) in order to follow the Overseer's kidnappers. If you head north through Business Center and Renaissance Square maps, you will arrive at an abandoned, rundown Railway Depot, aka Railroad Depot. The train you need is housed in a barricaded hangar whose interior can only be reached via tunnels beneath the depot.

Due to its three-layered non-linear exploration, scripting mechanics and visuals, the depot map is one of the best examples of area design that I have seen in 25 years of playing Fallout 2.

There are two double-storey structures (eastern building and western hangar) that are connected by an overhead, collapsed walkway and an underground tunnel system. By means of tunnels, you need to get from the eastern building to the western, barricaded hangar that houses the train.

Pick the lock to the front door of the eastern building. With 120 Lockpick you can crack the code to the wall-mounted safe upstairs as well (500 XP, $800).

If you can't pick the lock, go back outside, head to the building housing a generator in the west of the trainyard and drop down the manhole to reach the southern section of Underground Communications. Then, make your way east through the tunnel and up a ladder to reach a small, sealed-off workshop back on the surface, where you find the Communications Key on a workbench.

Back in the eastern building, head downstairs to reach the northern section of Underground Communications (the tunnels), unlock the door with skills or key, head to the sump and use either the valves on the wall (500 XP) or Science on the terminal (650 XP) to open the floodgates and drain the water.

Climb down the ladder to the emptied sump, wind your way through the tunnel and then climb up another ladder to reach the interior of the barricaded hangar housing the train.

Use Repair on the generator upstairs as well as on the wires downstairs to restore power to the hangar's electrical grid. Then, use the terminal upstairs to get the crane to move combustible barrels of chemicals to the barricaded gate.

Next, grab the lighter from the locker and use it on the barrels to blow the barricade out.

Click on the train door, remove its inoperable on-board computer, have Francis the mechanic repair it at his workshop in the Nuka-Cola Factory map, and then install the functioning on-board computer (2,000 qXP).

Lastly, go to Renaissance Square and pay the Unemployed Man standing outside the Sheriff's office $1,000 to operate the train (500 qXP). Then, meet him in the 6th Bullet Hotel at Business Center and tell him to go to the train.

10,000 qXP for arriving at the Governmental Vault.

  • Fix the on-board computer of the train
  • Machinist is needed for train operation
  • Artesian tower needs water filter
  • Case of missing dog
  • Deal with Mark's problem
  • Execute the robbery of the century in Salt Lake
  • Help beggar to get a job
  • Get Nuka-Cola selling license
  • Make a diversion on Nuka-Cola factory
  • Nuka-Cola: get a deal with Cotton club
  • Nuka-Cola: get a deal with Silver restaurant
  • Nuka-Cola: get a deal with Hard Rock cafe
  • Nuka-Cola: get a deal with the Wind of War
  • Fix automated logical controller for Nuka-Cola factory
  • Deal with Nuka-Cola merchant
  • Get Gary Gilmore to justice
  • Slaughter Provo's population
  • Kill Salt Lake City sheriff on Provo's request
  • Return the keys to Nuka-Cola factory
  • By any means take the encoder from caravan merchant

Salt Lake City Maps

  • Business Center
  • Renaissance Square
  • Railroad Depot
  • Wastewater Canyon
  • Temple
  • Slums
  • Nuka-Cola Factory
  • Provo District is located south of Salt Lake City. To get it map-marked, purchase a map from Roger Quok at Business Center, Salt Lake City.

Governmental Vault Fallout Nevada

The Governmental Vault is a separate area independent of the Fallout Nevada Map. You can only reach GV by train from Salt Lake City.

Cross the bridge to reach a deserted camp, enter the hangar, slay 2x turrets (600 kXP) and proceed to Level 1.

On Level 1, loot the holodisk holding a Medical Report and talk to the Overseer who tells you about the President and the Reaper of Souls (250 qXP). After noting the remains of Jay Kukish, loot a Super Sledge from a corpse and the Combat Armor from the locker before heading down to Level 2 via the stairwell in the west, not the elevator.

On Level 2, deal with x5 Turrent (1,400 kXP). You need 140 Lockpick to crack the code on the wall-mounted Presidential Safe, though it only holds useless cash (500 XP, $3,000). Loot the Special Pass from a corpse in the boardroom as well, and find a holodisk holding Records of a Citizen: Diary Entries. The door to the stairwell can be unlocked conventionally (115 XP).

On Level 3, loot the Huge Access Card from floor in the dead Overseer's chambers guarded by 2x Turrets (600 kXP). Loot 2x Plastic Explosives on this level as well.

The doors to the mainframe are opened with the Special Pass. The central terminal AI uploads data to a holodisk: Exodus: Governmental Vault Project (500 XP).

President's Head Fallout Nevada

On the fourth and final level of the Vault, use the Huge Access Card on the Hermetic Doors and slay 2x Turrets (600 XP) to meet the President's Head suspended in an automated liquid tank.

The President's Head has 990 HPs. If you want to slay it conventionally, Plasma weapons are recommended (2,000 XP).

Reaper of Souls Fallout Nevada

Return top-side to the camp to meet the Reaper of Souls, aka Jason Bayum. Slay 6x Clones. The Reaper of Souls has 500 HPs, uses Psycho and wields a PPK12 Gauss Pistol (2,800 kXP).

I play Fallout 2 on Hard Game difficulty and Rough Combat difficulty. Due to the duck and cover tactics employed by the AI, this battle wasn't easy without Power Armor.

Cross the bridge, click on the train door to return to Salt Lake City (5,000 qXP), and then make your way back to Vault City's vault to meet Colonel Knight.

Mysterious Device Fallout Nevada

We learn from Colonel Knight that the Mysterious Device is a component of the Automated Vault Control System (AVCS). The Col. tells us that it is basically a hard drive made out of refractory crystals that can only be destroyed at extremely high temperatures, which requires dedicated lab equipment. Thus, he laughs when we threaten to destroy it.

Give the Col. the device for 10,000 qXP. The main quest will be over, but you can keep playing if you have the Tirelessness perk.


The x16 Clones guarding Levels 1-3 have 145 HPs, wear Combat Armor and wield H&K P90c, Miniguns and Laser Rifles. Colonel Knight has 500 HPs, wears Power Armor and wields a Plasma Pistol (5,800 kXP).

Once they are slain, take the elevator to the lowest level and use Science on the AVCS terminal in the incubator rooms to be given two options:

  • Plug in the Mysterious Device and initiate the purging of hostiles from the Vault (10,000 qXP)
  • Initiate the labs self-destruct sequence, thereby sacrificing yourself (game over)

Unless you chose the second option, you can keep playing if you have the Tirelessness perk.

Las Vegas Fallout Nevada

Las Vegas is located six squares east of Wind of War (Fallout Nevada Map).

  • Investigate the latest crimes in the city by the request of mayor
  • Find archivist's missing daughter
  • Sam Phillips is accused of spreading poison
  • Help the police to send Sam Phillips to prison
  • Get proof of freaks innocence
  • Help to exile freaks
  • Secretly plant drugs to the freaks hotel
  • Get Bob Neil's personal gun for Wallace
  • Bob Neil made a counter-offer
  • Solve the problem with workers at the Hoover Dam
  • Investigate the attack on the Speed Hawk caravan
  • Help slaves to escape the pen
  • Turn the Black Caravan over to the police
  • Help the police to raid the Pound
  • Become the legendary ring champion in Vegas
  • Get into Vegas drug lab
  • Eric asks to get his brother out of imprisonment
  • Pizza delivery: casino, shop and ring
  • Deal with thief Kevin's debt
  • Orris asked to deal with Murphy's problem

Las Vegas Maps

  • Parking Lot
  • Hoover Dam
  • Clean City
  • 'Hard Rock' Cafe
  • Slavertown
  • Dead Hotel

Gerlach Fallout Nevada

Gerlach is located eight squares south of Vault City (Fallout Nevada Map).

  • Fix the water pump
  • Save Steve from execution
  • Move to Vault City
  • Gecko hunting: the trial
  • Gecko hunting: egg collection
  • Hunt the Legendary Scorpion (can be encountered independently of the quest on the overworld)

Gerlach Maps

  • Settlement
  • Hunting Grounds

Uranium City Fallout Nevada

Uranium City is located three squares south of New Reno.

  • Get rid of mutants in Uranium City
  • Change the mine owner
  • Return the workers in Uranium City: administrator
  • Return the workers in Uranium City: machine operator
  • Return the workers in Uranium City: supplier
  • Return the workers in Uranium City: cabaret girl
  • Courier delivery of Lewis Birch's report
  • Become Uranium City's sheriff
  • Carl asks to find a fuse

Uranium City Maps

  • Workers' Settlement
  • Mining Camp
  • Mining Tunnel

Car Fallout Nevada

The car in Fallout Nevada is located in the Caravaners' garage on the Railway station map at Wind of War. Enter the Caravaners' building, find out about the car from the Caravan Master clad in Metal Armor, give the Fuel Cell Controller to Anders, wait one day and then finalize the $35,000 purchase with Anders (6,000 qXP).

  • Get your own car
  • Improve the pickup with Chryslus Motors catalogue upgrades
  • Repaint the pickup's body
  • Expand and reinforce the trunk
  • Install gravi-plates
  • Decrease power consumption with fuel regulator
  • Increase pickup's speed capacity with the help of biker in Battle Mountain
  • Restore pickup's headlights
  • Take a hitchhiker to Vegas

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