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ATTACKS PER ROUND, Baldur's Gate 2, Maximum ApR

Attacks per Round Baldur's Gate

The purpose of this post is to explain the Attack per Round (ApR) mechanic in Baldur's Gate 1 and Baldur's Gate 2.

ApR Definition

Attacks per Round (ApR) represents the number of attacks a character can perform in a given round or six seconds of realtime combat (attack rate). ApR is an especially important stat on the Infinity Engine; indeed, ApR is King.

Maximum ApR

The maximum ApR that can be represented in Baldur's Gate 1 is 5; in BG2, 10.

Baldur's Gate ApR Sources

  • Every character, no matter the Baldur's Gate class chosen, receives one base attack at first level, aka 1 ApR.
  • Warrior classes (Fighter, Paladin, Ranger) and warrior kits can Specialize in a weapon for +½.
  • Warriors also receive +½ at 7th and 13th levels (which is why many players dual-class at those levels).
  • Fighter Grandmastery grants a full attack but is not reachable in BG1. GM is reachable in BG2 but it does not grant +ApR. Thus, only in Icewind Dale 1 and Planescape: Torment does GM grant +ApR.
  • Darts BG1 set ApR to 3. That means even Mages can throw darts at 3 ApR.
  • Bows and some crossbows grant ApR +1 (Light Crossbow of Speed).
  • Haste confers ApR +1 and Improved Haste doubles ApR in BG2 only.
  • BG2: Dual-wielding grants ApR +1 (an off-hand attack).
  • BG2: The Boots of Speed erroneously grant +½ on top of fractional ApR (a rounding up). Thus, 3½ ApR + BoS = 4 ApR, but 3 ApR + BoS ≠ 3½ ApR. In addition, that fractional attack is not doubled by Improved Haste. So if we have 4½ ApR, put on the BoS for 5 ApR and then cast IH, we do not have 10 ApR. We only have 9 ApR.
  • Tuigan BG2 confers ApR +1 on top of the normal bow 1-point bonus to ApR.
  • Belm BG2 confers ApR +1 (an extra on-hand attack).
  • BG2: Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization grant ApR +½.
  • BG2: Offensive Spin HLA confers ApR +1 (Blade BG2 only).
  • BG2: Boon of Lathander special ability confers ApR +1 (Priest of Lathander only).
  • BG2: Whirlwind & Greater Whirlwind Attack BG2 HLAs set ApR to 10 (except for throwing knives/daggers, which are bugged under GWW: the max for them is ApR 7 under Improved Haste).

Baldur's Gate 1 ApR

Breakdown of Attacks per Round (ApR) sources:

  • Base ApR: 1 (1 ApR)
  • Specialization (available at Warrior 1st lvl): +½ (1 ½ ApR)
  • Warrior class 7th lvl bonus: +½ (2 ApR)
  • +ApR item/spell (e.g, bow/Haste): +1 (3 ½ ApR)

Thus, the max ApR in melee is 3½ and the max ApR with bows is 4½ (when hasted). It is impossible to reach the 5 ApR max in BG1 because we cannot attain Grandmastery. Taking into account party member abilities, the maximum collective or party-wide ApR would be 24 (6x companions wielding bows or darts at 4 ApR). cf. Maximum Ranged Weapon Damage.

Sample of Monster ApR in BG1

Aec'LetecTrue Tanar'ri--013.54-9106Death Gaze
Demon KnightFighter Mage15-521.5-4125Fiend
ShandalarMage3088.51-2496AC Lord
ZhalimarFighter11817.53-1115Irone Throne
RahvinFighter9617.54-185Det. Arrow
DrasusFighter88123087Speed Boots
GretekFighter9914.53-270Helm & Cloak
DelgodFighter999.5222Glass Cannon
Greater GhoulUndead--510.53448Paralyze
Crypt CrawlerWorm--91.55332Paralyze
Greater WyvernWinged---1233-594Poison
Air AspectWinged--5183-4110Poison
Skeleton WarriorUndead--414.52280Resistances
Battle HorrorConstruct--5113-558Flame Blade
AnkhegWorm--9202252Acid Spit
Greater DoppelgangerShapechange--76.55065Mirror Image
Greater BasiliskReptile--113.53278Petrification

Baldur's Gate 2 ApR

Breakdown of Attacks per Round (ApR) sources:

  • Base ApR: 1 (1 ApR)
  • Specialization (available at Warrior 1st lvl): +½ (1 ½ ApR)
  • Warrior class 7th lvl bonus: +½ (2 ApR)
  • Warrior class 13th lvl bonus: +½ (2 ½ ApR)
  • Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization: +½ (3 ApR)
  • Dual-wield: +1 (4 ApR)
  • Belm/Kundane/Scarlet: +1 (5 ApR)
  • Haste: +1 (6 ApR) or Improved Haste: ApR x2 (10 ApR)

Thus, it is possible to attain 10 ApR without WW or GWW. That does not make WW or GWW redundant, however, because those HLAs confer 10 ApR with ranged weapons (except throwing knives), sword n board and two-handed weapons. 

Fractional Attacks

How do half attacks aka fractional attacks work? Say, if I have 4½ ApR? Turn on Autopause: End of Round to see for yourself: the character will perform four attacks in the first round followed by five in the second.

Some weapons inflict on-hit negative status effects such as stunslow and vorpal — so, it stands to reason that the more often we can attack with these weapons, the more often these devastating effects are going to trigger. As well, there are weapons that cumulatively buff the wielder as well as drain the enemy with every hit, such as Blackrazor BG2.

Note that, even though BG2 doubles ApR to 10, it doesn't look any good because they just double the animation speed. BG1 ApR 5 > BG2 ApR 10 in terms of look and feel. Plus, BG1 just looks and sounds better across the board.

Sample of Monster ApR in BG2

Exile IrenicusMage30111.51-596Spellcaster
Slayer IrenicusSlayer30-1231.52-10217--
Illasera the QuickFighter2077.53-398Pathetic
Gromnir Il-KhanBarbarian20-14305-5235Half-orc
Yaga-ShuraBerserker25-1428.5-6186Fire Giant
" "Blue Dragon---1341---15220--
BalthazarMonk---1223.53-8298Stances / Specials
The RavagerTaint---1622.55-12534Supertanker
FirkraagRed Dragon---1235.54-12184--
Adamantite GolemGolem---3371380Resistances

Dropping Drizzt with collective ApR 24 (no mods, original BG1):

Maximum possible collective ApR on the original Infinity Engine (30 ApR). Extreme effects. Note how there isn't any slow-down until things get really crazy, like when dozens of AoEs are dropped all at once. In some cases we hit the sprite limit, too.

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