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Storm of Zehir Walkthrough Guide

Storm of Zehir Walkthrough Guide

Welcome to my walkthrough guide for Storm of Zehir, a cRPG Definition developed by Obsidian. For an overview of Storm of Zehir, please refer to 2005-2010 RPGs.

The Vigilant

We find ourselves on the Vigilant en route to Samargol in Samarach. Lastri, the halfling captain, starts waffling on about a passenger manifest.

Read the Adventurer's Guide with a non-dumb character: 250 XP for each party member.

Volothamp Geddarm goes belowdecks to ride out the storm that's brewing. Follow him and you'll see the manifest Lastri was on about, especially if you remember to hit the Z key to highlight it.

Click on the manifest and create the other three characters of your party using the interface that pops up.

Storm of Zehir Starting Level

We can create and build up to four 4th level characters at the beginning of the game. In the early game, one companion can join our party very early on in the proceedings, for a party of five. We can then recruit another companion once we have a character take the Leadership feat. That feat can be taken at 6th level. Thus, we can have a full party of six as early as 6th level. This is what we are aiming for.

Storm of Zehir Companions

The early-game companions are found in the Openpalm Bazaar at the start of the campaign: Inshula the Ranger (5) & Umoja the Druid (5).

New players would be crazy not to take one of them along on the first couple of missions. Indeed, I recommend keeping them in the party for the campaign's duration. In that case, don't create Ranger or Druid characters because Inshula and Umoja already cover those bases.

Storm of Zehir Party Composition

Party composition is of critical importance. A balanced, traditional party is recommended for new players. In my opinion, it's also more fun. It was more fun in IWD1 and IWD2, and it's more fun in SoZ as well.

By that I mean, one tank, one wizard, one cleric and one rogue. 

I don't recommend getting creative with builds and multi-classing (mix-ins) unless you know exactly what you are doing, as you might gimp your skill, spellcasting or BAB progression. Nor do I recommend selecting races with severe ECL penalties: yes, they will be more powerful at the end of the campaign, but it's the early-to-mid game that counts.

Assuming the characters are created and built to focus on a specific combat/utility role, and not diluted to become Jacks-of-all-trades, such traditional parties will get through the campaign without too much trouble; mainly, because they don't sacrifice core progression just to do fancy stuff, late-game.

The first created character should be the OLM character

What that means is, the first character we create should be the one that is tailored to excel on the overland map. It should be the stealthiest character, it should be the survivalist character, it should be the skillmonkey. Thus, it should be Rogue or Ranger. That is because the game defaults to the first created character when we reload on the OLM. If our first created character isn't the stealthy OLM one, then they are going to attract aggro from the roaming monsters, which gets old quickly.

Note that Rogues travel slower over the OLM than Rangers, but they utilize more skills on the OLM (which means we find more treasure). A Rogue/Ranger build would be perfect for the OLM, but that would impact our Rogue skills too much. And trust me, you DON'T want your Rogue skill progression negatively impacted in SoZ.

Storm of Zehir Builds

cRPG build is simply a number of levels of a class or mix of classes along with the stats, feats and skills chosen (in the case of Sorcerers and Bards, spell picks also factor in). Classes may be taken in a specific order in order to push the limits of power and flexibility, but it's just not necessary.

If you're new, don't get overwhelmed by heavily multi-classed builds and all the technical rules: I'm going to keep this simple by posting builds with clearly defined combat and utility roles whose skillset is easily recognizable and who will complement one another in battles and general adventuring. That's what makes them "the best": each build will be more than good enough from beginning to end.

Fighters hold back the aggro so that Wizards, Clerics and Archers can unleash hell (AoEs and projectiles). On the flip-side, Wizards and Clerics buff, ward and heal the Fighter. That is what I mean by classes complementing one another.

Unlike MotB builds, we should build our SoZ characters with about 15 levels in mind, making sure that they have clearly defined roles from the outset. It's possible to grind the party on the OLM to 30th level, but that's boring. Obsidian should have enforced a level cap of 15 for SoZ. I recommend just relying on a 15th level party + crafts and itemization to beat the game. 30th level is a cakewalk and ruins the fun completely.

Indeed, I'd go so far as to say that you cheated if you farmed XP on the OLM just to reach epic levels: you didn't work within restrictions, which is a large part of the fun and challenge in playing RPGs in the first place. The same goes for editing the module in the toolset to allow for six player-created party members instead of just four + two companions: that's cheating. Play how you like, though. I don't care. Just don't tell me SoZ is easy when you grinded a party of six to 30th. I'm not interested in such stupidity.

Storm of Zehir Rogue Build

  • Race: Moon Elf
  • Stat-line: 16-20-6-14-8-8
  • 01. Rogue 1: Able Learner, Sneak Attack (1d6) (save 5 skillpoints)
  • 02. Rogue 2: Evasion (cross-class SPs: Survival, Spellcraft)
  • 03. Rogue 3: Point Blank Shot, Sneak Attack (2d6), Trap Sense (1)
  • 04. Rogue 4: Uncanny Dodge, Dex +1
  • 05. Rogue 5: Sneak Attack (3d6)
  • 06. Rogue 6: Rapid Shot, Trap Sense (2)
  • 07. Rogue 7: Sneak Attack (4d6)
  • 08. Rogue 8: Improved Uncanny Dodge, Dex +1
  • 09. Rogue 9: Dodge, Sneak Attack (5d6), Trap Sense (3)
  • 10. Rogue 10: Mobility
  • 11. Rogue 11: Sneak Attack (6d6)
  • 12. Rogue 12: Improved Critical: Longbow, Trap Sense (4)
  • 13. Rogue 13: Spring Attack or Improved Evasion, Sneak Attack (7d6)

Skills: Appraise, Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Spot, Survival, Tumble, UMD.

Moon Elf gives us +2 Dex and longbow proficiency. Note how I didn't mix-in Fighter for the extra feats: I like to keep my Rogue utility skills peaked in SoZ, and for good reason.

This build gets in damaging ranged sneak attacks. It is NOT useless on the battlefield. Indeed, it kicks ass.

The Survival skill has been somewhat overrated by me in the past in that it does not grant huge bonuses to movement speed on the OLM. Besides, there are items that buff that skill enough for the movement speed to be tolerable.

Storm of Zehir Fighter Build

This character draws the aggro so that spellcasters are free to cast spells and archers are free to fire their ranged weapons. The tank is the backbone of the party: without it, other party members can't do their thing without being chased down, attacked and killed off. This tank is also capable of inflicting non-trivial melee damage.
  • Shield Dwarf Male Lawful Good, Fighter 7 / Dwarven Defender 6.
  • Stat-line: 18-13-18-8-9-6.
  • Background: Bully
  • Dex 13 (requirement for Dodge), Int 13 allows for Disarm and Expertise, but expertise can't be used with Defensive stance.
  • 01. Fighter 1: Weapon Focus: Scimitar, Dodge
  • 02. Fighter 2: Power Attack
  • 03. Fighter 3: Toughness
  • 04. Fighter 4: Str +1, Cleave
  • 05. Fighter 5: --
  • 06. Fighter 6: Blind-Fight, Leadership
  • 07. Fighter 7: --
  • 08. Fighter 7 / Dwarven Defender 1: Str +1, Defensive Stance (1)
  • 09. Fighter 7 / Dwarven Defender 2: Improved Critical: Scimitar, Defensive Awareness (1)
  • 10. Fighter 7 / Dwarven Defender 3: Defensive Stance (2)
  • 11. Fighter 7 / Dwarven Defender 4: --
  • 12. Fighter 7 / Dwarven Defender 5: Str +1, Weapon Specialization: Scimitar, Defensive Awareness (2)
  • 13. Fighter 7 / Dwarven Defender 6: Dwarven Defender Damage Reduction 3/-

Wields Scimitar +2 with corrosive or cold enchantment. Umoja buffs the weapon with Flame Weapon.

How to make this character a supertanker in Samarach: craft Full Plate +1 and Tower Shield +1, get Brooch of Shielding from Tempest's Fury, get Ring of Protection +3 and Amulet of Natural Armor +3 from waterfall cave. There is another tanking item in Luskan if we attack the pirates on the docks.

Buff with Bless, Aid, Prayer, Magic Circle, Recitation, Heroism, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, Greater Invisbility, Stoneskin, Haste, Flame Weapon (Umoja), Endure Elements (Umoja).

Should have AC 40 when Defensive Stance is activated.

Storm of Zehir Cleric Build

The Cleric buffs, debuffs, wards and heals. This healer is also an offensive spellcaster (Domains) and a ranged combatant (Zen Archery, Rapid Shot).

  • Stat-line: 10-13-14-12-18-8
  • Human, Lawful Good
  • Domains: Fire (for Fireball) and Water (for Ice Storm).
  • The choice of god doesn't matter though Torm, Tyr and Ilmater are the LG gods. Take Zen Archery at BAB 3.
  • 01. Cleric 1: Spellcasting Prodigy, Point Blank Shot
  • 02. Cleric 2: --
  • 03: Cleric 3: Rapid Shot, 2nd circle spells
  • 04: Cleric 4: --
  • 05: Cleric 5: 3rd circle spells (Fireball)
  • 06: Cleric 6: Zen Archery
  • 07: Cleric 7 --

Other feats: Take Extend and Empower spell.
Skills: Concentration, Diplomacy, Heal, Spellcraft.

Storm of Zehir Wizard Build

The wizard buffs, debuffs, wards and casts direct damage spells. This Wizard also doubles as crafter and archer.

  • Stat-line: 14-16-6-20-8-8. 
  • 01: Wizard 1: Spellcasting Prodigy
  • 02: Wizard 2: --
  • 03: Wizard 3: Craft Wondrous Items, 2nd circle spells (Invisibility, Ghostly Visage)
  • 04: Wizard 4: Int +1, Fox's Cunning, Tasha's Hideous Laughter
  • 05: Wizard 5: Craft Magic Arms and Armor (3rd circle spells: Haste, Slow)
  • 06: Wizard 6: Extend Spell, Fireball, Heroism
  • 07: Wizard 7: Greater Invisibility, Ice Storm
  • Beetle: +1 HP per level

Sun Elf generalist wizard. Sun Elf for the +2 Int, took the Wizard's Apprentice history for +1 Spellcraft, Lore and Craft Alchemy, and Generalist (I don't like being barred from schools). 

Skills: All crafting skills except Craft Trap. Takes Lore, Spellcraft, Concentration.

Feats: Spellcasting Prodigy is a no-brainer for most spellcasters. It's the equivalent to Spell Focus: All and grants extra spells per lvl.

This is what we want to see, damage numbers floating over all the enemies:

Without Wizards and Clerics for buffing and warding, tanks don't survive in SoZ. The cRPG Combat Encounter Design in SoZ is much harder than in most other cRPGs: the enemies are tough, there are many of them and they come for us when they hear commotion. A lot of people, in their ignorance, will say "nonsense." But then, for example, they bumble into the Sauringar Temple and their party gets ripped a new asshole in one second flat. Because SoZ is so easy, right?

The above party covers all bases. If you roll with that party and recruit Inshula and Umoja in addition, then you should enjoy playing SoZ.

When you've finished Chargen you should fill in any spellbooks with buffing spells before going belowdecks and resting.

The storm hits and the ship wrecks in an exotic, tropical region: Samarach.

Storm of Zehir Map: OLM

The Storm of Zehir realtime Overland Map (OLM) is an innovative addition to Neverwinter Nights 2, but the high frequency of random encounters might frustrate new players. Ideally you want to engage enemies on your terms (ie, farming XP and crafting ingredients) rather than constantly being ambushed by the many roaming mobs.

To avoid forced engagement as much as possible you need a "survivalist" character or cohort, aka companion. That would be one who has the skills to adventure in the wild, like a Ranger or Druid. Your bread and butter skills are Hide, Move Silently (Stealth), Survival (Speed), & Spot (finding stuff). Other skills help in the wild, but none more than these, so make sure when this character levels up that you put points into these vital skills.

Also try to find, buy, or craft equipment that boosts these skills so that it's even easier to move around and not draw the aggro (e.g, Jungle Headdress, Watchman's Helm, elven boots and cloaks etc.), and make sure when you exit from an area onto the overland that you do so with your survivalist, so she takes the lead while traveling. Your survivalist should be the first character you create in chargen; the leader. I could go into detail as to why, but you'll realize the reasons as you play.

If none of your created characters are survivalists, hire the ranger cohort (Inshula sar Mashewe) from the Openpalm Bazaar (that's the first hub of the game). Note that she doesn't level Spot by default, so raise it ASAP. Put points into Search and Lore, too, but stealth & speed are paramount.

Faster OLM movement is dependent on the survivalist's actual Survival skill and movement rate coming from items, feats, race etc. Inshula is suitable here, and as a Ranger receives the Woodland Stride feat as a bonus. The absolute fastest character on the OLM would probably be a Gray Orc Monk with the Dash feat and high Survival, but any skilled survivalist will do.

If you still bump into enemies or can't outrun them for some reason (worgs, wyverns, megaraptors), try to use a Tanglefoot Bag and run away again. Wild Empathy is also helpful to use on certain creatures, such as dinosaurs.

Lastly, if you fix the teleporter in your Keep, then you can travel to any town instantly.

Party & Teamwork Feats

At sixth level have one of your party members take the Leadership feat, this enables you to recruit a second cohort and adventure with a party of six, just like in the Infinity Engine cRPGs. As the plot progresses you might notice Crossroad Keep hosts an Adventurer's Guild where you can be trained with Teamwork Feats that affect your party as a whole. One of them is called Team Rush and what it does is make all your party members move at the speed of the fastest party member, both overland and in normal exploration and combat areas. To gain this feat all you need to do is have all party members with at least one point in the Survival skill; and complete a simple FedEx quest. The reward might sound trivial, until you realize your fastest party member is a Grey Orc Monk with Dash and Survival...

Cohorts aka Companions

By default you create four characters and recruit one cohort, but with the Leadership feat you may recruit a second cohort for a full party of six, a la the Infinity Engine RPGs (i.e, Baldur's Gate). You can't select the Leadership feat until sixth level, so you can only have a party of five until that point. Still, five is enough to get by with in the meantime.

The first available cohorts are found in the Openpalm Bazaar at the start of the campaign: Inshula the Ranger (5) & Umoja the Druid (5). As a new player you would be crazy not to take one of them along on the first couple of missions. I recommend the former because she has stealth for the OLM. When using Inshula as my OLM character, I like her to take ranks in Survival, Hide, Spot, Search and Lore. I also build her as an archer despite her Ranger focus in two-weapon fighting.

Lastri the Swashbuckler will likely be the third prospective cohort you come across (since one of your first quests is to rescue her). Chir Darkflame is located close by in the "mindflayer market" but she's a little less attractive thanks to being a svirfneblin (Level Adjustment +3). Anyway, those are the first few cohorts that are available to you.

Samarach: Optional OLM Locations

• Tower. This is a small crumbling tower - most of the walls have collapsed, but the lower ones still seem sturdy. A large, thick wooden door seems to be the only entrance.

South of Lantanese lumber camp, north of Chokemist, bugbear infested (Warmace +1). A pathetic, one-room dungeon that is hardly worth your time.

• Crypt. This is a lonely, marble crypt. There is no indication of who - or what - is buried within.

Westernmost Samarach, west of Bugbear tower, undead infested. Sarchophagus: Ancient Trap Parts x2, 300 GP, Fire Opal x2, Bloodstone x2. Loot the receptable spawns hostile skeletons and zombies. You will need to unlock or bash down the door to get out.

• Ruins. A staircase leads down into the depths of this jungle ruin.
Tip of peninsula, lizardfolk and arcane nexus
Gloves of the Yellow Rose +1 x2.
Chest (OL DC-22, DD DC-21): Greenstone, Fluorspar, Amethyst.

• Cave. This is a narrow opening leading underground.
On eastern side of peninsula. It's one-room dungeon with kobolds in it. Chest (OL DC-28, DD DC-28): Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2.

• Cave. The cave entrance is wide and tall enough for a large creature, but crude attempts have been made to conceal it with boulders and dead trees.
North east of Singing Caverns. several ogres (Giants Heart) and goblins.
Chest (trapped): 435 GP, Kama +1.

• Cave. The faint smell of brimstone and charcoal emanates from the cave entrance.
North east of the Crypt and west of the Mines of Selgol, firenewts and fire elementals. Beware the sorcs who unleash fireballs.
Crate: Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x3, Scroll of Restoration, GP.
Sorcerer: Scrolls of Fireball & Fireburst.

• Mine. This is an old, abandoned mine. Several tracks lead in, but none lead out.
between Torich and Waterfall cave, shadow infested (drops Shadow Dust, need +1 to hit).
Crate: Phenelope x3, Garnet.
Crate: Amethyst x5, Topaz.

• Crypt. Between Taruin and Tempest's Fury, wraith infested, scimitar +2.

• Cabin. This cabin lies half-hidden in the foothills, concealed by lush jungle growth.
Follow the shoreline southeast of Rassatan. Enter and inside there's a journal.
Foreboding music plays in this area, but no one is here.
Chest (OL DC-28, DD DC-28): 250 GP, Glittering Necklace, Scroll of Displacement.
Bookshelves: Journal (of a Fisherman).

• Waterfall cave. Great effort has been expended to disguise the massive entrance to this cave with rubble and jungle plants. Massive footprints lead in and out of the cave.
The Wild Elves OLM encounter will mark its location on your map, assuming you asked them about it. However, it can be discovered independently of the elves.

Holed up inside the cave is a two headed fell troll. Slay it and loot the gigantic corpse for a Ring of Protection +3, Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Lesser Magic Bag, 753 GP, Canary Diamond, Star Sapphire, Ruby (x6), Fire Agate, Silver Necklace.

• Nimbre. What is this village? Walk up and talk to the Samarchan captain. The villagers are accused of yuan-tiism. You can slay the Samarchans, but the villagers aren't happy. You can let the Samarchans take them to Samargol and nothing seems to happen, not even a journal update.
Captain: Longsword 1, Gilded Armor, Periapt of Wisdom 2.

There's a minor merchant, a boring boar farmer and a Loremaster. Loot the Loremasters home. Apparently the loremaster is a yuan-ti spy, but they set the Spot check too high. There is a mod to fix this and restore some content here.

• Viper temple.
Northernmost location in Samarach, northwest of the mines. Gated by plot progression.

Samarach: Optional OLM Encounters

These people and creatures appear with a blue circle under them.

• Wild Elves: They recognize Umoja as a Mazewalker from Mezro. They will tell you about a cave near a waterfall (this is the waterfall cave with the fell troll that has a ring of protection +3 and Amulet of natural armor +3), concealed by mist. You can then attack them.

• Diseased townsfolk. You can [Diplomacy] [Heal] them for 500 xp or kill them for chump change.

• Delirious Hunter. He has been poisoned. Again, you can [Heal] him or give him an antidote for 500 xp.

• Sister Horta. The hag will attack you unless you Intimidate her or have a companion do so in their own way (300-500 XP). If you choose to fight, Horta is a Warlock. She carries a Ring of Wizardry (2).

• Charm peddler. Quite possibly the most useless encounter in the game. Tries to rip you off 250 GP.

• Strange Druid. You see a strange figure dressed in an assortment of black, animal furs. Dark shadows circle the foliage around him.
(Kutamba) and his 4 panthers. He will attack. Carrying Zalantar Spear, Zalantar Light Shield.

• Korath Embersmith. Attack this Fire Giant (immune to fire) for 5,500 GP and Giant's Heart. This guy can appear for a level 5 party. If you kill him at that lvl you will get 84 XP for the kill plus a bonus of 600 XP for the encounter.

• Samarach Soldiers. The over-zealous xenophobes want to test you for yuan-tiism. If you don't pay them 2,000 gp, they'll try to kill you. So slay these dogs for Greatsword +1, Ring of Protection +1. For a sixth lvl party this encounter yields 384 XP.

• One Of Many. Talk with it. Attack it. Give it companions. Beware DC 37 fear.

Samarach OLM Item Discoveries

• Tree. A large tree limb lies on the ground, burrowed through by termites.
[Craft Weapon] Stripping off the outer layers of the limb, you craft a light but interesting staff, using the tiny termite trails within the wood to your advantage.

• Howling Staff (quarterstaff, Sonic 1d6, Damage Penalty -2, Weight Reduction: 70% of Weight).

• Nest. [Move Silently] You notice a panther has killed a large mature female Corollax nearby.
Corollax Egg: I believe this item can be used instead of the Glacial Snake (quest).

• Delicate Totem, Ornate Sculpture, Ancient Part Traps

Sword Coast: Optional OLM Locations

• Cabin. This place is directly north of crystal cave, near elven tower. Skullcrusher summons ivory shieldmaidens.
◦ Brainscrambler +1 (morningstar, on-hit ability drain DC-16 Wisdom, on-hit Confusion DC-20 25% 1 round)
◦ Cloak of Protection Vs. Evil (AC def +2 vs. Evil)
◦ Ring of Freedom of Movement
◦ Belt of Frost Giant Strength (Strength +4)
◦ Ivory Horn of Valhalla (Summon Ivory Shieldmaiden)
◦ Cadorna Family Sword +1 (greatsword, cold iron, Keen)
Chest: Studded Leather Armor +3, Longbow +2, Arrow +2 x99, Amulet of Natural Armor +2, potions.

• Arcane Brotherhood Outpost. Luskan pirates and beserkers, Hosttower wizards and a Pirate Captain who has a Luskan Battlemage's Rapier.
Loot: Enduring Vestaments, a ring of resistance +3 and about 6,000 gp.
There is an arcane nexus here.

• Forgotten ruin. There's an iron golem in here.
Forgetful robes and recipes.

• Malarite Hermit's Cave. As you approach this cave, the hair on your neck stands on end. Something here is not right.
Mad Hermit: Loot his corpse for a Greataxe +3 and Scale mail +3.
Chest: Delicate Totem, Potion of Heal, scrolls of Slay Living, Mass Contagion, Drown and Inferno.

• Gnoll cave. The leader has a flail +2.

• Onyx Cave (Sharran Temple): you need to cast Darkness on the door (through dialogue window that pops up when you click on the door). This spell can be purchased from the Thayan gnoll merchant in Black Lake.
Darkmoon Monks led by Cleric of Shar.
Kill off the Sharran Monks and Clerics of Shar.
Divine Champion of Shar - Morningstar +2
Dark Moon Master - Thundering Handwraps +2 (monk gloves, gauntlets, Sonic +1d6).
Unlock the door (DC-35)
Chest: 245 GP, Fire Opal, Obsidian, Sapphire.
Chest: Deadly Negative Energy Trap Kit, Thieves' Tools +10, Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals.
Footlocker: Adamantine Katana, Sharpshadow Blade +1 (kukri, Hide +2, Move Silently +2).
Cohort: Ribsmasher (DC-30 locked cell).

• Pirate Cove.
Captain "Blunderbuss" McGant: rapier +2
Chaplain Alessa: Talos' Fury
First Mate "Sparks": shortbow +2
There is an arcane nexus here.

• Eldreth Valuuthra camp. There are rangers here that attack on sight.

• Undead barrow. There are vamps in here and Lathar's Last Belt. Recipe for Gloves of Dexterity +6 and Headband of Intellect +6, also ring of major fire resistance. There's an arcane nexus here.

• Ruined Keep. Four gargoyles in here and some more +5/+6 recipes.
Broken Bookcase: Recipes: AC Bonus Enchantment +3, Amulet of Health +6, Spell Resistance, Cloak of Resistance +5, Bracers of Armor +3.

• Illefarn Ruin, actually a drow hideout. Warriors, arachnomancers and obligatory priestess of Lloth.
Loot her corpse for full plate +2 and cloak of resistance +2, Potion of Barkskin (2).
Hard to believe they don't even have a stash to loot, but there you go.

• Hunting Cabin. Slain hunters strewn about the floor and a crazed malarite druid with dire pets. Duskwood crossbow in here.
Corpse: Piercing Arrow x45, Composite Shortbow (4).
Bookcase: Recipe: Ring of Major Cold Resistance.

• Banite Enclave. This dungeon is no laughing matter. Clerics of Bane, agents and bodyguards just standing around waiting for an ass kicking. Destroy the Bane statue and loot their treasury, then head to the northernmost room to own the leaders.
Imperceptor Krassis: full plate +3, 523 GP
Fell Emriss: warhammer +3
Sulakh of the Ebon Hand: Fist of Bane (on-hit Inflict Moderate Wounds [7] Level 3), Sapphire
Painbinder Zyrax: cloak of protection +3, Greater Holy Water
1,200 xp.
Free Timothy Arneson for 500 xp.
There is an arcane nexus here.
Gold Piles: 600 GP
Chest: Garbage loot and 700 GP.

• Abandoned Mine. Duergar.
Duergar Leader: heavy crossbow +2, 458 gold, Mild Poison Arrow.
Chest DC-24: Deadly Trap recipes.

Sword Coast: Optional OLM Encounters

• Eldreth Veluuthra camp. It's just a fight against clerics and rangers. footlocker contains scroll and potions.

• Human mob. You can spot that they're slaves to Thayans and attack the slavers.
Garish rewards you with Zouldrin's Bauble.
Ograths' marauders: Dagger +1, Halberd +1, GP

• Wood Elf. It's a party of elves. If you're friendly they will offer you items for sale, including elven chain, ammo, bows and elven boots and cloaks (+5 hide bonuses), ring of the wood elves (SR 16). however, they do not buy so you'd better be cashed up.

• Strange Gnomes. You see a pair of gnomes. Neither seem to be aware of your presence. One speaks incessantly to the other, while the other chants the word "No" repeatedly.
Beat some sense into Noduab & Enleva, then loot their corpses for random ammo.

• Drow Kinslayer: Drow vs. Wood Elves.

• Old man (Daelton Canners): can educate ignorant adventurers on the basics of Realmslore.

• Liam Haverstead - free him, you get nothing.

• Wood Elf Female. It's a hostile dryad with treants and a wolf backing her up.

• Kana. Spar with her for 500 xp, then kill her and loot her corpse for a Katana +3. Not an easy encounter if you're low level (she sports concealment and devastating crits).

• Group of Chickens. A group of chickens approaches.
Speak to the leader and cast antichickenator on it. 600 xp, chain shirt +3. This is a reference to the famous Baldur's Gate quest, covered here.

• Wood Elf. Sells you stuff, some of it good - like elven chain.

• Dwarven Defenders. They're fighting ogres. Reward = Solemn Promise warhammer

• Cristov's Crew. You approach a band of adventurers.
These guys are pirates. Slay them.
◦ Cristov Darkmoor - Eyepatch of the Great Sea Corsair (Spot +5, Invisibility [3] 1/day).
◦ Zhantu
◦ Saravevor
◦ Alaine

• Creature Handler. A well dressed man tenderly strokes the feathered mane of a large wyvern. As you approach he eyes you suspiciously.
Says his wyvern is injured. Is actually a Zhentarim sky mage, kill for ~1000-2000 gp, or heal wyvern for 700 GP.

• Sobbing child. It's an archer ambush.

• Blue Dragon (Nes'tr'ryu). Talks and attacks. Blue Dragon Scales x3, Blue Dragon Horn. Hilariously, this thing took IGMS after IGMS without even attacking (probably out of its range).

• Quest: Fowl Play. Talk to the Chicken Leader who is actually an adventurer named Darius Noth. Use Wild Empathy to him normally and listen to their story, then ask if you can help them out. Cast Dispel Magic on them for 600 XP. He will give you Chain Shirt +3. Use Diplomacy to get a Dagger +2, too. You can then slay the fools.

Sword Coast OLM Item Discoveries

• Tree. Open Lock check. In the woods west of Gnoll Cave.
Loot: Arcane Archer Chain Shirt, Blue Diamond, Nymph Cloak +6 (party level 10).

Chult OLM Encounters:

Note that Hide and Move Silently scores of 23 are not enough to reliably move about undetected.

• EL 17: Megaraptor x3, 80 XP ea, 850 XP @ party 13th level
EL 16 Fell Trolls, EL 15 Fire Giants, EL 16 Yuan-ti Abominations, EL 15 Wyverns
• Delirious Hunter. Give two antidotes for 500 XP.

Optional Areas:

Abandoned Camp *:
Destroyed Temple *:
Barrow *: Ogre Mage x4, Warmace +3, Greataxe +3, Hide Armor +3, 4,500 GP
Ruined Shrine *: Nothing at all here.
Dwarven Mine: Talk to Foreman (Breastplate +3, Flail +3), attack. Up against dwarf miner crew and three elder earth elementals (Radiant Power Essence x3).
Chest (DC-38): Ruby x3, Beljuril, Blue Diamond, Star Sapphire, Diamond x2, Emerald x3.
Foreign Temple:
Yuan-ti Temple *: Chest: Diamond, Beljuril, Star Sapphire, Rogue Stone, Ring of Major fire resistance.
Zecorian's Demesne. Use Spellcraft to break the wards. Dread Wraiths x3 (Dread Wraith Rags x3)
DC 40 trap and lock.
Zecorian: ring of protection +4, bracers of armor +8
vamp lord: halberd +4, ring of major fire resistance, 7627 gp
vamp lord: morningstar +4, chainmail +4, ring of divine power(5)

Neverwinter Nights 2 6. Batiri Cave 12. Underdark Black Market 18. Conyberry Meeting
1. Storm of Zehir Walkthrough 7. Plainsrunner 13. Sauringar Temple 19. Storm of Zehir Chult
2. Storm of Zehir Samarach 8. Heavy Weaponry 14. Chokemist Cave 20. Temple of the World Serpent
3. Openpalm Bazaar9. Lantanese Lumber Camp 15. Storm of Zehir Sword Coast 21. Dread Herald of Zehir
4. Omgar's Teeth 10. Samarach OLM 16. Storm of Zehir Cartels 22. Storm of Zehir Item List
5. Stone Knives Tribe 11. Singing Pendant 17. Forktongue Bandit Hideout 23. Storm of Zehir Mods

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