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WEB: Baldur's Gate 2 BG2

Web BG2

Web is a BG2 Best Spell in BioWare's cRPG of 1998-2001, Baldur's Gate 2. Enemy mobs caught within Web's expansive, caster-level-scaling AoE must make a save vs. spells at -2 penalty or be immobilized for 2 turns per caster level, with a save vs. spells allowed every round.

That means, unless the mob is innately immune to Web (e.g, spiders) or sports Free Action status (see Ring of Free Action), Magic Resistance or Minor Globe of Invulnerability (all of which are rare), it's going to be haplessly immobilized and become easy pickings for direct damage AoE follow-ups such as Cloudkill, Ice Storm, Fireball and Skull Trap.

Not to mention, with their Armor Class voided ensnared enemies are going to be casually picked apart by ranged and melee attacks, the latter by virtue of Free Action status which is easy to get in both BG1 and BG2. In conjunction with Spider Spawn Web is devastating, too (at caster level 12 the spiders scale into sword spiders that flaunt 5 ApR).

Want to wade in yourself without Free Action? Cast Minor Globe of Invulnerability.

In addition, Web's casting time is fast at 2, it stacks with itself and multiple castings of a second circle spell are inexpensive.

Imoen, Aerie, Nalia, Jan, Edwin, Haer'Dalis (See: BG2 Best Party) - they can all cast Web over and over again to ensure that almost nothing moves.

Furthermore, Web can be loaded into sequencers in order to guarantee that even epic mobs like BG2 Fire Giants will not escape the deathtrap; instead, just standing there like gigantic idiots waiting to die.

Most BG2 mobs tend not to resist multiple castings of Web but to be safe you can nerf their saving throws beforehand with Greater Malison.

Web is just so elegant and tidy: with the mob neatly caught in its AoE we have the time to dream up all sorts of ways to finish them off.

Web is a god-tier spell from the start of BG1 to the end of BG2, and thus holds the place as the best spell in the Bhaalspawn Saga, overall.

Web is so supreme that it doesn't lose much value in SCS BG2! It's also the best spell in Icewind Dale  1 and Icewind Dale 2. In fact, why don't we just say Web is the best spell on the Infinity Engine and one of the most powerful spells in cRPG history.

Web Spell Item Code

The item code for Web is SCRL99.

Web Spell Rules

  • Web (Evocation) 
  • Level: 2
  • Range: Visual sight of caster
  • Duration: 1 turn
  • Casting Time: 2 
  • Area of Effect: Special 
  • Saving Throw: Special

Web Location

Scrolls of Web can be purchased from:

Web Spell Description

A web spell creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands similar to spider webs but far larger and tougher. The web spell covers a maximum area of about 30 feet in radius (roughly the same size as a fireball). Creatures caught within webs, or simply touching them, become stuck among the gluey fibers. Anyone in the area when the spell is cast must roll a saving throw vs. spell with a -2 penalty. If the saving throw is successful, then the creature is free to move out of the area. A failed saving throw means the creature is stuck in the webs, unable to move. Each round that a creature remains in the web, he must make a saving throw or be unable to move.

Below: Multiple Webs are unleashed by a tenth level party, then followed up with Skull Trap, Fireball, Ice Storm and Cloudkill. Nothing moves and nothing lives. Rinse & repeat for many of the tougher SoA encounters. SCS Mae'var:

BG2 Best Spells Improved Invisibility BG2 Mislead BG2 Spell Trigger BG2
Blindness BG2 Minor Globe of Invulnerability PfMW BG2 Chain Contingency
Chromatic Orb BG2 Minor Sequencer BG2True Sight BG2 Shapechange BG2
Invisibility BG2 Stoneskin BG2 Mordenkainen's Sword Spell Trap BG2
Mirror Image BG2 Animate Dead BG2 Project Image BG2 Time Stop BG2
Web BG2 Spell Immunity BG2 Spell Sequencer BG2 Wish BG2
Melf's Minute Meteors Sunfire BG2ADHW BG2 Improved Alacrity
Skull Trap BG2 Improved Haste BG2 Simulacrum BG2 Summon Planetar BG2

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