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Cloak of Displacement Baldur's Gate 2

Cloak of Displacement BG2

Cloak of Displacement is a BG2 item in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Cloak of Displacement is notable for its +4 AC vs. missiles and +2 saving throws.

Cloak of Displacement Item Code

The item code for Cloak of Displacement is CLCK03.

The Cloak of Displacement is a magical item that causes subtle shifts in the image of its wearer. It has the power to actually shift an individual's image by as much as six inches in any direction from their actual location. Aside from being an effective defense in combat situations, it has also been the cause of serious eyestrain amongst fellow party members.

Cloak of Displacement Location

Cloak of Displacement is purchased from Trademeet Merchant BG2 in Trademeet BG2. In BG1, Cloak of Displacement is purchased from the Ulgoth's Beard Store & Inn (see: Durlag's Tower Walkthrough).

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