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Baldur's Gate No Reload Run

Baldur's Gate No Reload Run

The No Reload Run or No Reload Challenge is an attempt at a full Iron Man playthrough of Baldur's Gate 1 and Baldur's Gate 2. That is, if the player character (Charname) dies, the player does not reload the game to try again but instead starts a new game.

Or gives up.

Likewise, if a Baldur's Gate companion gets chunked from the portrait bar, the player does not reload the game to bring them back but instead attempts to play on without them (by, for example, sourcing a new companion if there is one available).

It doesn't matter how far into the game the player is: if the main character dies they stay dead, and it is game over. And if a companion gets chunked, they stay dead as well. We are not allowed to reload the game to bring ourselves or our companions back to life, but we can resurrect non-chunked companions because that is part of the game's rules. 

No Reload runs eliminate save-scumming completely. Power Word: Reload is no longer a factor. Even if we make a non-lethal mistake or suboptimal choice, the idea is to live with it and push on rather than reload with the intent to do better next time.

In general, this all means players put more thought into decisions and play the game more carefully (since one bad decision or reckless act can end the game for them).

Baldur's Gate does not feature a built-in Iron Man mode like Diablo 2's Hardcore mode. Thus, a Baldur's Gate No Reload run is self-imposed and requires discipline from the player to uphold its integrity.

Not reloading doesn't mean we can't save the game: we can still save the game and reload if we need to take a break or if we encounter technical issues.

No Reload runs are more easily conducted by veterans who possess deep knowledge of game rules (e.g, THAC0, AC, ApR and spells) as well as deep foreknowledge of campaign structure, encounters and Baldur's Gate Items. And while I succeeded in No Reload BG2 Solo runs back in the day, I acknowledge that we can occasionally come undone through bad luck or lapses in concentration.

No Reload Run Difficulty

Meta-gaming aside, the difficulty of No Reload runs is dependent on Baldur's Gate class chosen and general cRPG build parameters (min-maxed or not). Fighter Mage multi-classes, for example, are far more powerful and resilient than Necromancers (who can't even cast Mirror Image).

In addition, difficulty should be set to Core Rules at the minimum. Anything less is a laughing stock and doesn't qualify as a challenge.

What to Look out For in Baldur's Gate No Reload Runs

The main thing to look out for in No Reload runs are waylays (e.g., Wyverns & Greater Basilisks), Bhaalspawn, bosses such as Sarevok and Irenicus, and status effects on the player character that instantly end the game; for example, Charm, Maze and Imprisonment. Traps can also be effective at catching the player off-guard, and ending their game in an instant.

Increasing the Challenge of Baldur's Gate No Reload Runs

These days, stock-standard No Reload runs don't really offer up much of a challenge due to the knowledge players possess of Baldur's Gate; certainly, a Tutu or Enhanced Edition No Reload Run is an absolute laughing stock in both BG1 and BG2, but moreso in BG1:EE due to how easy BG1 becomes when played in the BG2 engine. Make no mistake: playing BG1 in the BG2 engine trivializes BG1. cf. BG1 vs BG2 and Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition Review, which cite numerous examples of trivialization.

Thus, assuming proper installs of the original games rather than their casualized versions, it is better to self-impose further restrictions or conduct runs based on Baldur's Gate mods installs, which increase cRPG combat encounter design lethality, nerf or remove game-breaking exploits that make tactics infallible or the character all but immortal, and randomize cRPG Itemization or remove over-powered items entirely.

SCS Iron Man Insane No Reload Run

You could attempt an SCS Iron Man Insane Run in SCS BG2. However, tactics aficionados would be advised to, you know, play an actual authentic tactics cRPG in Iron Man mode, prime examples of which are:

Afterall, SCS BG2 is a laughing stock in comparison to genuine tactics cRPGs. For proper tactics, a game needs to be built from the ground up for tactics. BG2 wasn't. Instead, BG2 is a themepark cRPG that appeals to a wide audience. SCS doesn't change that.

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