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Ring of Gaxx, BG2, Baldur's Gate 2

Ring of Gaxx BG2

Ring of Gaxx Location

Ring of Gaxx is a BG2 item in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Ring of Gaxx is a magical ring that can be erroneously worn with Ring of Protection BG2.

The Ring of Gaxx is found on the corpse of Kangaxx the Demi-lich in the Docks district of Athkatla. We can erroneously pick-pocket Kangaxx for a second Ring of Gaxx.

Ring of Gaxx Description

This ring is relatively unadorned, but the vile magic within radiates intense evil. Indeed, its creator, Kangaxx, was no less evil himself, even before millennia of undeath honed his power. It is said that a cadre of Netheril mages fought and imprisoned the demilich once, but being unable to truly destroy him they became liches themselves to stand guard over his remains. The construction of the ring may have led to their enmity, as each of the gem's nine facets was supposedly empowered by sacrifice and death.

Ring of Gaxx Stats

  • Armor Class: +2 Bonus: The primary reason the ring is in demand: it can be worn with a RoP +2.
  • Saving Throws: +2 Bonus: This is another useful feature.
  • Magic Resistance BG2: +10% Bonus: The MR bonus isn't that useful, but does stack with other MR sources.
  • Special Abilities: Immunity to Disease and Poison: Barely useful immunities. Poison and Disease are not common in BG2.
  • Equipped Abilities: Wearer regenerates 1 hit point every 3 seconds. Stacks with other sources of regen.
  • Special Use: Invisibility, once per day, Improved Haste, three time per day

Ring of Gaxx Item Code

The item code for the Ring of Gaxx is RING39.

Baldur's Gate 2 Item Codes Ring of Wizardry BG2 GoES BG2 Shield of Harmony BG2
Robe of Vecna BG2 Ring of Gaxx BG2 Drow Full Plate BG2 Staff of the Magi BG2

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