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Fallout 1.5 Resurrection Guide

Fallout 1.5 Resurrection Guide

Fallout 1.5 Resurrection is an sfall mod for Black Isle's cRPG Definition of 1998, Fallout 2. There are approximately 100 quests in Fallout 1.5 Resurrection.

Fallout 1.5 Resurrection is easily the best TCM for Fallout 2. You should question the cRPG pedigree of anyone who says otherwise.

A truckload of effort has gone into making Fallout 1.5 Resurrection. Also, 1.5 feels like a genuine Fallout campaign -- grim for the most part, but not without humor and light-hearted moments. The writing in 1.5 is also much better than the waffle and butchering of the English language found in some other Total Remake Mods (TCMs).

In this guide, "overworld" refers to the world map that we move across in order to get from town to town. Abbreviations:

  • kXP: Kill Experience Points: the XP awarded for killing critters.
  • qXP: Quest Experience Points: the XP awarded for completing quests.
  • APs: Action Points
  • HPs: Hit points
  • ApT: Attacks per Turn

Best Build Fallout 1.5 Resurrection

The best Fallout 2 Build for Fallout 1.5 Resurrection is a Fast Shot Gunfighter that focuses on Small Guns, Speech and Energy Weapons and/or Big Guns. You also need to invest in Science, Lockpick and Repair.

Note that in this mod you don't have to use Melee Weapons or Unarmed Weapons skills as early-game crutches: the Zip Gun gets gunfighters through until they reach Rat Hole (though just barely).

Power-building custom perks: At 15th level you should take the Divine Favor perk that gives you a perk every two levels thereafter, rather than every three. Then, once you hit 101 or 126 in core utility skills (Lockpick, Repair and Science), take the Tech Wizard perk to increase them by +20%.

Power-building, son. Power-building.

Best Weapons Fallout 1.5 Resurrection

The best weapons in Fallout 1.5 Resurrection are the Plasma Cannon, Gatling Destroyer, Gatling Plasma and Kriss Super V SMG. First, get the Sniper perk, a Sniper Rifle and an Assault Rifle. Then, go to the mutant camp in the south and use cover tactics to pick off the mutants wielding long-range rocket launchers. Move in over the moat, take out Dernus the Nightkin super mutant and loot its corpse for the Plasma Cannon Energy Weapon. You can now melt mutants and deathclaws with single shots.

Don't forget to get the Power Armor from underground as well. There are only three sets of PA in the mod.

Wielded by Sebastian at the Mutant Hunters' stronghold in Albuquerque, the Gatling Destroyer Big Gun is somewhat harder to acquire due to the size of the Mutant Hunters' force that backup its carrier. However, you can take out Sebastian first, loot the gatling from his corpse and then rake the joint hard.

See Weapons section below for more info.

New Hope Cavern

You begin your Wasteland adventure in a cavern on the outskirts of the farming village of New Hope. The year is 2170 and you're in what used to be New Mexico.

  • Slay the x14 rats and x8 radscorpions (1,105 kXP + 500 qXP). You should reach Level 2.
  • Loot the necklace from the corpse of a young man.
  • Remember to hold down the Shift key to highlight interactables.
  • Exit to the pastures.

New Hope Quests

Located a few squares north of Rat Hole, the farming village of New Hope is a backwater even by Wasteland standards.

  • You will be time-lapsed to the home of Greg and Rachel in New Hope. 
  • Find the lost necklace for Rachel. Give her the necklace you found in the cavern (250 qXP).
  • You can trade with Mayor Helen. Also, she can mark the Rat Hole on your map. Don't sell your Talisman.
  • Find Oswald's son Tommy. You can find Oswald in his tent.
  • Slip the necklace to Rachel so she doesn't know Tommy stole it.
  • Take Adam's letter to his family in Rat Hole. You can find Adam in his tent (200 + 300 qXP).
  • Guard the grazing brahmin herd.
  • Help the hunters hunt geckos.

Hit the overworld and head for Rat Hole. The Fallout 1.5 Resurrection map is small but its locations are big and contain more content than most other TCMs.

Rat Hole Quests

You need arms and armor at this point: go to Julian at South Side and Alexa at North Side. Now you can browse everything at their stores and yet you can't afford anything. You need to scavenge and do quests.

Aptly named, this wretched town is building up to all-out gang warfare: Julian's gang vs. Leonard's. You could just wipe out one gang for the other, wipe them both out, play both sides for a while or simply ignore their issues and move on.

  • Recruit dog companion: Like Dogmeat, Mutt is a dog companion found in a South Side house. You can pay its cruel owner 100 caps or ask him what he wants chiseled on his tombstone before putting a bullet in his head (50 kXP and no karma loss, 100 qXP).
  • Give the letter from Adam to Samuel in South Side (200 qXP). Bring Adam in New Hope the reply to his letter (300 qXP).
  • Talk to Julian and Natalia at the South Side gunshop. They refer you to Dr. Moore at the nearby Clinic. Moore wants you to get 3 stimpaks, 2 Buffouts and an antidote, which are sold by Leonard's store (though you could get them from another town). If possible, get a doctor's bag. Bring everything to doctor Moore and report back to Julian (500 qXP, $500, ammo).
  • Talk to Alexa of Leonard's gang at the North Side store. She wants you to get 5 boxes of 10mm ammo JHP, 2 boxes of AP and 1 magazine of .44 Magnum JHP, which are sold at Julian's gunshop (500 qXP, $1,000).
  • Eliminate doctor Moore. Next, Alexa gives you a poison syringe to "administer" to Dr. Moore (750 qXP, $500, 2x Stimpaks).
  • Meanwhile, Julian wants you to get the protection money from the barman in North Side (600 qXP, $100).
  • Note: Completing the above two objectives causes the opposing gang to turn hostile.
  • Kill Leonard and his sidekick Alexa for Julian (x11 kills, 1,500 XP. 500 kXP, $500, .223 FMJ). This fight starts on the street and ends at the store, but Leonard escapes. It would have been better if he was found holed up in the basement.
  • Finish off Julian once and for all for Alexa (x10 kills, 2,000 qXP, 600 kXP, $1,000).
  • Don't forget to loot corpses and the store of the losing gang.
  • Haul from taking out Alexa: 2x 10mm SMG, 1x Sawed-off Shotgun, 1x Desert Eagle, 5x 10mm Pistol, Leather Jacket, x300 10mm JHP, x40 12 ga. shotgun shells, x13 Stimpaks, x5 Antidote, 1x Doctor's Bag, 1x Rad-X, 1x RadAway, 1x Sledgehammer, 1x Knife.
  • Haul from taking out Julian: 2x 10mm SMG, 3x Sawed-off Shotgun, 1x Desert Eagle, 2x 10mm Pistol, Leather Armor, Dynamite, x100 10mm JHP, x60 12 ga. shotgun shells, x9 Stimpaks.

Just what the doctor ordered.

En route to Sedit, I cleared out a random pig rat cavern (x40 pig rats = 2,000 kXP). In the south, you may also discover caverns guarded by x30 Deathclaws that yield 1,000 kXP per kill.


  • Find the murderer of Maria, George's daughter.
  • Get Trevor his favorite cigarettes, sold by Alexa.

Sedit Quests

A caravan town run by mercs posing as cops (Old West), Sedit is located nine squares east of New Hope. You also want to hit the Scrapyard three squares northeast of Sedit to loot the Electronic Part from Jonathon's footlocker, which is used at the Mutant Camp to fix a generator.

  • Recruit companion: Keri at Crimon Caravans, Little Hub.
  • Strike a deal between the Crimson Caravan and New Hope.
  • Secure the supply of Peter's brahmin fodder for the Crimson Caravan.
  • Kill Tadeus, a former member of The Children of the Cathedral.
  • Eradicate all mantises from Peter's field.
  • Get the necessary supplies for Falcon's Flight: 15x beer, 10x fruit, 5x Xander.
  • Steal the sheriff's gold nuggets for the ghouls from Falcon's Flight.
  • Kill Juan Rodriguez and his deputy Sanchez.
  • Arrange with one of the companies that ghouls may join the caravan.
  • Get the poison Tyler ordered from Doc.
  • Talk to Kevin and kill Nicol, the boss of Sedit Caravans.
  • Slip the hip flask with the poison to sheriff Carpenter.
  • Find David Carpenter and bring him home.
  • Send Frederyk to the meeting with Sedit Caravans.
  • Get the money from Marvin, who owes Sedit Caravans.
  • Acquire the valuable necklace of Lucy Carpenter for Nicol.
  • Kill the Frederyk's Dream brahmin.
  • Close down the Crater, the pub which competes with Sedit Caravans.
  • Go to the meeting with Sedit Caravans instead of Frederyk (250 kXP, 350 qXP).
  • Root out the informer for the raiders within Frederyk's Dream.
  • Escort the man you labeled as informer in Frederyk's Dream from the town.
  • Eliminate the raiders hiding in Lost Town.
  • Join the large Frederyk's Dream caravan and make sure it arrives in Albuquerque.
  • Get rid of the loud drunk at the casino.
  • Sanchez is meeting Tyler. Attend the meeting as Sanchez's bodyguard.
  • Join Rodriguez's men at the meeting with the raiders.
  • Kill the Falcon's Flight ghouls.
  • Sell the God's gifts (3 Psychos) to the policeman guarding the gate to the sheriff's villa.
  • Sell the God's gifts (3 Psychos and 2 Buffouts) to Gordon. You'll find him in Corath.
  • Clear the tunnel between Lost Town and the rest of Sedit of deathclaws.
  • Join the raiders' attack on the caravan.

Sedit Locations

  • Sedit Short Street: Short Lane
  • Sedit Downtown
  • Sedit Little Hub: Falcon's Flight
  • Sedit Main Street: Sedit Caravans Basement
  • Sedit Lost Quarter: Lost Town, Casino, Casino Basement, Raiders' Hideout

Corath Quests

An iron mining town that solves its disputes by pit-fighting, Corath is located seven tiles east and three south of Sedit. Nestor and Uncle are currently engaged in a power-stuggle for control of the iron ore mine.

  • Find clues leading to the identity of the Corath murderer and report them to the sheriff.
  • Help convict Chadwick of the Corath murders.
  • Get Suzan to Chadwick so he can cut out her tongue.
  • Convince Valery to go work at Wanda's brothel.
  • Convince Abby to stop working at the brothel.
  • Deal with the grave robber issue.
  • Silence Richie forever.
  • Make sure the miners' strike turns to a revolt.
  • Challenge Nestor to the ring and defeat Blaster.
  • Find and kill Nestor. Bring proof of his death to Uncle.
  • Bring Richie to Nestor.
  • End the miners' strike. Make sure they return to work.
  • Challenge Uncle to the ring and defeat his representative.
  • Take part in the attack on Uncle and his loyal men.
  • Get the money Clint stole from Morton the accountant.

Corath Locations

  • Corath Old City: Old Town
  • Corath Uncle's Street: Uncle's Yard, Uncle's House
  • Corath Iron Quarter: Iron District, Corath Mine, Mine

Scrapyard Quests

  • Loot the Electronic Part from the footlocker.
  • Get the junk from Charlie to Jonathan.
  • Find out why there are mutated monsters appearing around Jonathan's scrapyard. Make sure they don't threaten him any more.

Albuquerque Quests

Controlled by the Mutant Hunters, Albuquerque is located nine squares south of Sedit. The Leader of the Mutant Hunters is Sebastian, and his three commanders are Dutch, Herman and Tulsa.

The mission of the Mutant Hunters is to exterminate all mutants.

  • To gain access to the Mutant Hunters' stronghold, go to Mutant Hunters' Territory and give the Hunter standing outside the H.Q. x10 Talisman looted from random Rebirth ghouls encountered on the overworld ($25 ea.) You can also get in without Talismans if you pass a Speech check.
  • At this point you only have access to ground level. Nothing is stopping you from going in guns blazing to reach lower levels -- except an army of heavily-armored machinegunners. kXP: ground (10,900), Level 1 (3,500), Level 2 (5,575). Kill count: 78. Loot: Tons of guns, 1x Power Armor and 1x custom Anti-Materiel Rifle, aka AMR.
  • Bring information to Sebastian about Rebirth from the base controlled by super mutants. Clad in Power Armor, Sebastian carries the Gatling Destroyer. He marks the location of the Camp of Mutants on your map. Sebastian wants a holodisk containing Tunrida's Report, which is found plugged into a computer on Level 1 of the Mutant Camp (4,500 qXP, $7,000). Do NOT tell Sebastian your story or he will put two and two together when he reads the report.
  • You can now storm the Rebirth Base with a Hunter contingent (see Rebirth Base section below).
  • Talk to the dwarf-like Kraig across the corridor from Sebastian, take the medical examination with the doctor and return to Kraig. Then, he gives you this quest:
  • Get a YK32 pulse pistol for commander Tulsa and bring it to Kraig. Even better, give him the Pulse Research Weapon holodisk (1,000 qXP). As a reward, Kraig gives you a choice of weapon: custom Heavy Grenade Launcher, Combat Shotgun, Minigun, Flamer, Super Sledge, custom M249 SAW.
  • Take part in the night watch with commander Dutch. Report to Dutch at the gate and go with him to take out six Rebirth ghouls (1,500 qXP).
  • On orders from commander Herman take care of the mutated savages. Clad in Combat Armor, Herman is found in the office adjacent to Kraig. If you pass a Speech check, the tribals won't be slain but the mutated tribal will be "put down" (1,000 qXP).
  • You are now factionally a Mutant Hunter, vilified by Imperial City. Access to Levels 1 and 3 of the Mutant Hunters' Stronghold is granted. At the terminal in the lecture room, download Sebastian's Speech, Mutant Hunters' History and Our Greatest Warriors to your Pip-Boy.
  • Get Sophie to Imperial City.
  • Bring Vex's head to William.
  • Kill one of William's women.
  • Participate in the kidnapping of David Carpenter. Bring it to a successful conclusion.
  • Take care of Chuck's sweethearts.
  • Find out who in the city is responsible for the disappearing savages.
  • Help the savage tribe get revenge on the hospital.
  • Find out what the savages know about their lost people for Falber.
  • Get permission from Herman for collecting savages in Albuquerque.
  • Take part in the great savage collecting in Albuquerque.

Albuquerque Locations

  • Albuquerque Hunters' Territory: Hunters' Base
  • Wild Paradise: Basement
  • Albuquerque Emperor City: Imperial City
  • Albuquerque Vault: Levels 1-3 (2 is overrun with Aliens)
  • Albuquerque Vex Ransom

Camp of Mutants Quests

Formerly the Mutant Hunters' forward base, the Camp of Mutants aka Mutant Camp is located four tiles south of Albuquerque. Sebastian of the Mutant Hunters' stronghold in Albuquerque marks its location on your map. You are here to find the location of the Rebirth Base.

  • Several Super Mutants guard the approach to Camp. Wielding Rocket Launchers etc., the super mutants have incredible range and can crit-hit for 300+ damage. You can gain peaceful admittance to the camp by passing a Speech check in dialogue with Marry, the Super Mutant guarding the walkway over the radiated moat. No XP for passing the Speech check.
  • Fix the generator for Vatras using the Electronic Part looted from the Scrapyard (500 qXP).
  • Upgrade Big Guns through Vatras after fixing the generator. He cannot upgrade custom 1.5 Gatling Destroyer, Gatling Plasma, Plasma Cannon or Rocket Launcher. He upgrades Flamer to Improved Flamer and Minigun to Avenger Minigun.
  • Nightkin Super Mutant Dernus carries the Plasma Cannon. You MUST have Sebastian's quest active or Dernus turns hostile in dialogue even if you have 100 Speech and fixed the generator for Vatras. Also, you must agree to Dernus' demands or he turns hostile, namely:
  • Lure Sebastian into Dernus's ambush. Trick Sebastian into coming to the camp. After Dernus punches a hole through Sebastian with his Plasma Cannon, the battle is on between the mutants and their hunters (2050 kXP + 5,000 qXP). Post-battle, Dernus gives you Power Armor and grants unhindered access to Level 1.
  • If you slay the 110 HP Super Mutants as well: x7 Super Mutants, 2x Gun Turret (4,800 kXP).
  • Level 1: Slay x3 Super Mutants (1050 kXP).
  • Power Armor location: If Dernus was slain you need 100 Lockpick to loot the locker containing the Power Armor.
  • Take the Holodisk from the computer, download Commander Tunrida's Report to your Pip-Boy and then take the report to Sebastian in Albuquerque if you are allied with the Mutant Hunters.
  • Plot-critical: Talk to Thomas the Ghoul to get the location of the Rebirth Base (1,000 qXP). If you don't have a Talisman, Thomas gives you his.

Rebirth Base Quests

Stronghold of the Cult of Rebirth, the Rebirth Base is located six squares east of the Mutant Camp. You receive 10,000 qXP for arriving here. You CANNOT discover the Rebirth Base by just exploring the overworld; only Thomas can mark its location on your map.

Stop Rebirth by destroying their base: You get this quest from Thomas the Ghoul on Level 1 of the Camp of Mutants. You can storm the base with maximum overkill or infiltrate and overthrow Rebirth without a single kill via a combo of hacking and persuasiveness.

Stealth (moving unseen and unheard) is not an option due to elevator scripts that kick in when you click on their doors. The modders would have needed to give the player ways to trick guards to leave their posts, or it wouldn't be realistic anyway.

Storming the Rebirth Base

You can storm the Rebirth Base solo, with Mutt or with the Mutant Hunters. If you allied with Sebastian, five Hunters storm the base with you. However, they are going to get shredded in short order so you need a power-built Fallout 2 character if you are taking this route or going solo. You also want 130 Lockpick, but you won't need Science or Speech at all.

  • kXP: 2,500 (exterior), 5,300 (Level 1), 8,490 (Level 2), 5,830 (Level 3), 7,830 (Level 4), 6,900 (Level 5), 5,110 (Level 6).
  • Kill count: 134 ghouls and 26 bots.

Leader of the cult, the Savior is confronted on Level 5 (500 qXP). Yielding 999 kXP when slain, he has a whopping 500 HPs, wears Power Armor and wields Gatling Plasma and Mega Power Fist. Loot the holodisk journal from his corpse: Andrew Ryamon: Personal Log.

Loot the security card from the Savior's wall-mounted locker, insert the card into the terminal in the adjacent mainframe chamber, and initiate the 5-minute destruction sequence for the reactor (10,000 kXP).

Massive power-armored reinforcement forces now spawn on each level, but power-builds can tank their fire, divide their forces with partitions and otherwise run rings around the mobs with superior movement AP pools. Also, you can level your Gatling Destroyer at the mobs or fire explosive grenades into their ranks if you are going for maximum carnage and overall epicness, but it isn't a cakewalk on Game Difficulty: Hard / Combat Difficulty: Rough.

Infiltrating the Rebirth Base

At the approach, you can get the Purple Robe disguise from under a pile of rocks. Then, gain admittance with your Talisman or Speech. You need over 100 in Science, Speech and Lockpick skills to infiltrate and quest in the Base. In fact, make sure you're verging on 130.

On Level 1, loot the Red Access Card (to use on Level 3), use Science on the terminal behind the purple-robed Leonard, download the files and then watch the vid (500 XP). Then, go to admin, hack access and register a new name (Max) to receive Yellow 2 authorization. Next, bypass the security protocols to authorize Red 5. You can also allocate weapon and ultra-stim (1,500 XP). Then, you can present yourself to James at the elevator to gain access to Levels 2 and 3.

On Level 3, reprogram the Red Access Card to Max Red 5. Then, show the card to the elevator guard to access Levels 4 and 5, unhindered.

On Level 5, reveal to Aaron that you are the Thirteenth Reborn in order to gain access to the Savior. In dialogue with the Savior, you can agree to infiltrate Albuquerque for Rebirth in preparation for its annexation, thereby ending the game (0 XP).

But with 130 Speech or thereabouts, you can discover the Savior's real motive and then persuade him that there is hope for humanity, convince him of his folly and remind him who he was: Commander Andrew Ryamon of the Mutant Hunters (5,000 + 10,000 qXP). Ryamon then initiates the 5-minute destruction sequence for the reactor.


  • Turn off the broken robot in the canteen.
  • Help Chris with the construction and storage of a Gauss rifle prototype. For Energy Weapon upgrade, give him the Plasma Transformer found in PROGEMA.
  • Help the prisoners escape with violence by deactivating generator No. 1.
  • Help the prisoners escape quietly by deactivating generator No. 2.


PROGEMA is located nine squares west of Albuquerque and seven squares south of Rat Hole.

  • Don't come here without Rad-X, RadAway, Power Armor and 1x plastic explosives or dynamite. You also need Repair 90 and Science 130.
  • Remember to hit the Shift key to highlight interactables, some of which are obscured by walls in isometric perspective.
  • Remove the rubble aka cave-in with explosives, thereby gaining access to the elevator shaft.
  • Loot the rope from the Power-armored corpse, use it on the elevator shaft and then click on the rope to arrive on Level 1.
  • As in the Glow of Fallout 1, the vault is radiated: do not tarry and do not rest or read textbooks unless you want to build up rems.
  • Loot the Geiger Counter from the locker (check your rems), the Plasma Transformer from the floor and an Ultra Stimpak and holodisk containing Col. Feustel's private journal; also on the floor, but elsewhere.
  • Repair the backup generator and then use the adjacent computer to take control of the Service Bot on Level 3, which assumes the stats of the player character (Repair) in its Skilldex.
  • Direct the Service Bot to Repair (skill) the immobile Security Bot and clear rubble from access routes by exploding.
  • The way now cleared, direct the Service Bot to play the restored holographic record, which reveals the Raygun Energy Weapon location: a desk in a sealed-off office on Level 1.
  • Then, on the mainframe reactor terminal, direct the Service Bot to reroute main computer power to the backup generator that you repaired on Level 1.
  • Destroy the two Floating Eye Bots on Level 1 (550 kXP). Two previously sealed doors are now open, one of which leads to a room with a wall-mounted power switch that opens the ventilation hatch to the surface; the other of which leads to the office and Raygun.
  • You can also drop down the crater to arrive on Level 2.
  • On Level 2 destroy the two Robobrains (600 kXP), loot the Minigun and Combat Armor, and then slay the Deathclaw in the cavern en route to the surface (1,000 kXP).

Imperial City Quests

Currently ruled by Emperor Myzrael, the Imperial City is home to the descendents of Vault 16. The palace is built atop Vault 16 whose lowest level is actually occupied by the Mutant Hunters; it is contiguous with and currently an extension of Mutant Hunters' Territory. From their base's bunker, the Mutant Hunters tunelled into Vault 16 Level 3 and released aliens that overran Level 2. You can see the tunnel-boring machine in the screencap.

The entrance to Imperial City aka Emperor City is located in the north of Dead Quarter, Albuquerque, but the gate guard won't admit foreigners unless they have an official invitation from Private Sneed, Lorain Velasquez or Adviser Elisa.

The easiest way to get into the Imperial City is via referral from Lieutenant Terrak, who is found at the bar in Wild Paradise of Hunters' Territory, behind the Mutant Hunters' Base. However, you will still need a Speech score greater than 100 (min. 101) to convince the guard to let you in without an actual invitation.

After the convo with Terrak, a sly-grinning dwarf named Benicio approaches with an offer. In the employ of one "Anonym", Benicio suggests that you convince the Imperial Advisors to send a search party to an abandoned house in Dead Quarter in pursuit of their enemy, Anonym.

Holster firearms and sheathe weapons. Then, go to the Emperor's Palace in eastern Imperial City and inform Adviser Elisa that Anonym has been tracked to the abandoned house. After she convenes a council in which Emperor Myzrael decides to dispatch the search party, return to Benicio who requests now that you slay any survivors in the basement of the western abandoned house in Dead Quarter (225 kXP, Plasma Pistol x2) -- or convince Terrak to leave town.

Either way, impressed by your performance, Benicio tells you to meet up with Anonym in the basement of the northeastern abandoned house in Dead Quarter. Anonym -- or rather Adviser Elisa (Anonym was conjured by Elisa to facilitate her coup) -- greets you in the basement, disguised in hooded robe. Before making her exit, Elisa warns that Adviser Aran (her challenger to the Crown) and the Imperial soldiers are en route; that you must slay Aran and bring her a shred of his sleeve as proof the deed is done.

After slaying Aran and the five Imperial soldiers (1,475 kXP, custom Light Plasma Rifle x2, Magneto-Laser Pistol), tell the gate guard you have an official invitation from Elisa, and return to her at the palace (5,000 qXP). Since they know too much about her operation Elisa now requests that you slay Benicio and his mercenaries when they meet the courier for payment at the gate in Dead Quarter (custom Kris Super V SMG, 1,400 kXP).

In the meantime, Adviser Elisa completes her coup by slaying Emperor Myzrael personally, and crowns herself Empress Elisa.

At a terminal in the palace, enter the password "Theodor" and link your Pip-Boy to palace comms to receive future messages from Elisa. You can also download The Empire's Greatest Tales and then loot the suites for Pulse Research Weapon holodisk. Lastly, go and get what was supposed to be Benicio's payment of 5,000 caps from Margaret at the gunshop for services rendered. You can now come and go from Imperial City as you please.

You should receive a message on your Pip-Boy from Elisa approximately one week later. Unless you are allied factionally with the Mutant Hunters, Elisa requests that you remove the Mutant Hunters from Vault 16. To this end, she grants you elevator access and gives you the Vault 16 Recon Mission holodisk. (If you are a Mutant Hunter, Elisa rebuffs you in no uncertain terms.)

On Level 1, Colonel Parson of the Imperial Army tells you that Level 3 is held by Mutant Hunters and Level 2 is infested with Aliens released by them.

On Level 2, slay x5 120-160 HP aliens, x11 alien eggs and the 220 HP Silver Alien Queen (4,410 kXP). Report back to the Col., use rope on the elevator shaft and descend to Level 3.

On Level 3, flip the switch on the wall to set off the alarm, which releases the captive aliens and causes the Mutant Hunters to flee back to base in terror (x8 aliens, 3,600 kXP). Then, detonate the explosives in the tunnel to cause a cave-in that seals off Vault 16 from the Mutant Base bunker (8,500 qXP). Take the Power Armor and custom Anti-Materiel Rifle before heading out.

In conclusion, Empress Elisa gives you permission to come and go from the vault as you please.

  • Convince the Imperial advisers to send soldiers to Dead Quarter (1,000 qXP, 1,000 caps).
  • Eliminate the Imperial soldiers sent to Dead Quarter (2000 qXP, 2,200 caps).
  • Get Shaun Terrak out of the way (1,000 + 1,500 qXP, 1,000 caps).
  • Meet Anonym and do what he wants (1,475 kXP, 5,000 qXP).
  • Find out what happened to the imperial soldiers sent to Dead Quarter.
  • Meet the informer in Dead Quarter. Find out what he knows about Anonym.
  • Apprehend Anonym in his hideout.
  • Help Aran in the fight against Elisa.
  • Emperor Aran has summoned you. Find out what he wants.
  • Empress Elisa has summoned you. Find out what she wants.
  • Eliminate all of the aliens on the second floor of Vault 16 (4,410 kXP, 0 qXP).
  • Get all the Mutant Hunters out of the third floor of Vault 16 (8,500 qXP).
  • Help Lystra find her brother. Lystra is a recruitable companion.
  • Find Felix Velasquez.
  • Help Cole get out of Imperial City.
  • Help the soldiers catch Cole.
  • Ensure that Benicio and the other mercenaries disappear from Albuquerque forever.

Fallout 1.5 Resurrection Companions

There are five companions in Fallout 1.5 Resurrection. You can take the custom Loner perk if you are ignoring recruitable NPCs though +10% to all skills at 9th level is a wasted perk selection when you could have taken Better Criticals or Bonus Move (2), which are two of the best perks in Fallout 2.

Bolded = can recruit very early and recommended.

  • Keri (Good): Crimon Caravans, Little Hub in Sedit. Keri only wants to wear non-metal armor. Have Keri fire from 10mm SMG or .223 hand cannon or wield Ripper or Super Sledge. She only gets 8 AP.
  • Gabriel: Sedit (Evil)
  • Mutt: Kill the dog's cruel owner in Sedit or buy the dog for 100 caps. Mutt starts off with 75 HPs and 10 APs, which is worth it. At max level Mutt has 135 HPs and 22 melee dmg bonus.
  • Lystra location: Impreial City, Palace
  • Drools (a floater)

Fallout 1.5 Resurrection Tips

  • When you arrive in a new town, ask your companions what they know about it.
  • Money is hard to come by in the early game. Obvious questing aside, I would suggest stealing items and beating random encounters in order to accumulate wealth and gain levels. Gang warfare, caravan runs and stealing ammo and stimpaks are the way to getting cashed up. This mod does a good job of getting veterans of Fallout to relive the early-game uphill battle, whereas newbies will get absolutely wrecked.
  • Look for random encounters around Rat Hole that have caves, which are packed full of pig rats, molerats, radscorpions and golden geckos.
  • Get yourself some armor -- any armor -- before you go exploring. Armor is hard to find unless you know where to look. As a rule, NPCs do not drop armor when slain because it imbalances the econonmy (in Fallout 1, you could get x14 Leather Armor from the Khans). You should be able to get some Leather Armor and 10mm SMG from Julian's gunshop in Rat Hole South Side, though its spawning is random.
  • To be clear, you want Leather Armor and 10mm SMG as soon as possible. Then you can you start slaying six-pack 60-125 HP Rebirth Ghouls on the overworld outside Albuquerque for their Combat Shotguns and Hunting Rifles, Assault Rifles, Flamers, Sniper Rifles and Laser Rifles (which increases wealth and allows us to assail the super mutant camp). You can also farm 115 HP Mutant Hunters for Flamers, Rippers, Super Sledges, Rocket Launchers and Miniguns (1,260 kXP). And 110 HP Super Mutants in the west for Power Fists, Miniguns and Flamers (1,700 kXP). The battles do not impact karma.
  • There are gunshops in Rat Hole, Sedit, Corath and Albuquerque (Alvarez). Don't aggro the proprietors; be careful what you say -- and be sure to utilize the replenishing cash reserves of merchants when bartering.
  • The gun merchant in Sedit can upgrade some weapons if you give her enough cold, hard cash. Two other NPCs can as well: Chris of Rebirth and Vatras of Mutant Camp.
  • If you get Radiated and don't have any RadAway, look for a Clinic in town.
  • Keep an eye out for Ultra Stimpaks, which are rare. There are no Super-stims in the entire game, but plenty of normal stims.
  • Resting in towns is inexplicably disabled. That means you can't even wait a few hours for a shop to open. Just exit the town and move around on the map, watching the clock.
  • Stealing and Lockpicking have been nerfed. Or rather, the checks are much harder. At 100%, you will still fail often. On the other hand, Barter seems to have been buffed a bit.
  • The Barter button is disabled along with the Trade button in Companion Control (use Steal to transfer items to and from companions, as in Fallout 1).
  • Factional reactivity can lock you out of quest-lines.
  • Skillpoints do NOT accrue over 99.
  • Due to the increased accuracy and damage of enemy gunfire, Jinxed on Slayer builds would be even better than it is in stock Fallout 2.

Special Encounters & Other Areas

  • Asmodeus Cave
  • StarGate Encounter
  • MacGyver Encounter: Stadium Under Construction
  • Spammers Encounter
  • Closet Encounter: Outhouse
  • Special BIS Encounter: Graveyard

Perks Fallout 1.5 Resurrection

There are seven custom perks in Fallout 1.5 Resurrection. Of them, Divine Favor is easily the best. Take DF as soon as you can, which is 15th level. The only other custom perk I'd take is Tech Wizard.

  • Die Hard: You don't give up easily, when your Hit Points get below 20% you get an additional 10% to Damage Resistance.
  • Divine Favor: Some divine power has blessed you. You gain perks one level sooner than usual.
  • Heavenly Gift: Wow! By a complete coincidence you found 10,000 caps. You are incredibly lucky.
  • Leader: You are a born leader who can get the best out of his companions. Each member of your party gains 1 extra action point and 10 points towards their armor class.
  • Loner: You work and live best on your own, without anyone bothering you. When free from the company of tag-alongs, you gain +10% to all skills.
  • Miraculous Regeneration: You heal miraculously. Broken limbs regenerate almost instantaneously, damaged eyesight returns incredibly quickly.
  • Tech Wizard: You are a great fan of all things technical, and you're pretty crafty with those things, too. You gain a one-time bonus + 20% towards Science, Repair and Lockpick.

Fallout 1.5 Resurrection Weapons

There is an array of custom weapons in Fallout 1.5 Resurrection. If you have Fast Shot trait + Bonus Rate of Fire perk, deduct 2 points from the weapon's base AP costs and then divide your AP total (12 max) by the AP cost to get Attacks per Turn, aka ApT.

Gatling Destroyer

A custom-made Gatling gun, one of a kind. At first glance, only the best materials and remarkable craftsmanship went into this gun. Shooting is regulated by built-in electronics which ensure accuracy even at maximum rounds per minute.

  • Damage: 14-18
  • Range: 40
  • AP Cost: 6 Burst
  • Rounds per burst: 40
  • Ammo: 160/160 5mm JHP
  • Weight: 32 pounds
  • Min ST: 7

Gatling Plasma

A plasma H&K P30 Gatling gun. The weapon can fire particles of overheated plasma in full automatic mode. It is the pinnacle of pre-war weapons engineering. Min ST: 6.

  • Damage: 30-50
  • Range: 40
  • AP Cost: 6 Burst
  • Rounds per burst: 10
  • Ammo: 50/50 Micro Fusion Cells
  • Weight: 30 pounds
  • Min ST: 6

Plasma Cannon

Browning PC75. This plasma cannon originally intended for attack vehicles was modified for hand-held use. Shooting it requires immense strength.

  • Damage: 45-80
  • Range: 20
  • AP Cost: 6
  • Ammo: 10/10 Micro Fusion Cell
  • Weight: 35 pounds
  • Min ST: 8

Anti-Materiel Rifle

Sniper rifle model DSR-66 is a heavy long-range weapon for eliminating armored targets. Normally, a 2-man team services this rifle. Firing this weapon alone requires a strong and experienced operator.

  • Damage: 34-50
  • Range: 50
  • AP Cost: 6
  • Ammo: 6/6 7.62mm
  • Weight: 21 pounds
  • Min ST: 7

Kriss Super V SMG

A sub-machine gun of surprising power. Considered by many to be the ultimate weapon for close quarters combat. Capable of single shot or burst action.

  • Damage: 16-20
  • Range: 30
  • AP Cost: 5 single / 6 Burst
  • Rounds per burst: 8
  • Ammo: 24/24 14mm AP
  • Weight: 7 pounds
  • Min ST: 4

The best Small Gun in Fallout 1.5 Resurrection is the Kriss Super V SMG.

Kriss Super V SMG is found for sale by Margaret in the eastern section of Imperial City. Margaret has two vendor inventories that you can swap between by refreshing the dialogue. You can also find a Kriss Super V SMG on the corpse of Benicio.

M249 SAW

M249 is an efficient support weapon for infantry units. Despite its low mass (when compared to other heavy weapons) it can deliver devastating effects in burst mode. Except it isn't really accurate.

  • Damage: 17-22
  • Range: 25
  • AP Cost: 6 Burst
  • Rounds per burst: 10
  • Ammo: 50/50 7.62mm
  • Weight: 25 pounds
  • Min ST: 6


The result of trying to produce the most efficient laser pistol. The unique design allows for high weapon output, but fits very few energy cells. This pistol was never mass-produced, and has thus become a collector's piece.

  • Damage: 25-38
  • Range: 20
  • AP Cost: 5
  • Ammo: 5/5 Small Energy Cell
  • Weight: 9 pounds
  • Min ST: 4

DKS-501 Pistol

This DKS-501 sniper rifle has been manually shortened and adapted for one-hand use. The result is a handgun with unparalleled accuracy and range.

  • Damage: 14-44
  • Range: 40
  • AP Cost: 5
  • Ammo: 6/6 .223
  • Weight: 9 pounds
  • Min ST: 5

Apollo Laser Pistol

This pistol, nicknamed Apollo, was designed for combat in outer space. Its massive frame and a huge grip for ease of use in a space suit make it slightly impractical for use in any other setting.

  • Damage: 10-22
  • Range: 35
  • AP Cost: 6
  • Ammo: 12/12 Small Energy Cell
  • Weight: 9 pounds
  • Min ST: 4

Browning Rifle

A modern, lighter version of the classic Browning automatic rifle used ever since the First World War. Thanks to the adaptation, this is now a simple light rifle with a strong punch.

  • Damage: 12-22
  • Range: 30
  • AP Cost: 5 Single / 6 Burst
  • Rounds per burst: 5
  • Ammo: 20/20 14mm AP
  • Weight: 16 pounds
  • Min ST: 6

P95 Plasma Rifle

The Winchester company developed this plasma rifle as the successor to the P94. For its specific shape, it's often termed "the shark". This particular piece has been stripped of some of its chassis. But it's still fully functional.

  • Damage: 35-70
  • Range: 35
  • AP Cost: 4
  • Ammo: 10/10 Micro Fusion Cell
  • Weight: 15 pounds
  • Min ST: 6

Annihilator Shotgun

A stripped-down version of the Winchester shotgun. The life of the weapon has been shortened, and it cannot be used in burst mode, but it's that much more deadly.

  • Damage: 25-35
  • Range: 22
  • AP Cost: 5
  • Ammo: 12/12 12 ga. shotgun shells
  • Weight: 10 pounds
  • Min ST: 5

Light Plasma Rifle

A weapon uniting the accuracy and low weight of a standard rifle with the efficiency of plasma. It was developed by the empire as standard issue for its army. It is a testament to the empire's technological advancement.

  • Damage: 20-42
  • Range: 40
  • AP Cost: 5
  • Ammo: 20/20 Small Energy Cells
  • Weight: 12 pounds
  • Min ST: 5

Light Grenade Launcher

This weapon is the result of Chinese engineers trying to create a simple one-shot grenade launcher. Thanks to its accuracy and range, one grenade is all an experienced operator ever needs. Listed as a heavy weapon.

  • Damage: 24-65
  • Range: 40
  • AP Cost: 6
  • Ammo: 1/1 40mm Explosive or Armor-piercing
  • Weight: 14 pounds
  • Min ST: 5

Heavy Grenade Launcher

H&K VG68 is a very efficient grenade launcher with a revolver clip. It boasts a shockingly large destruction zone. In practice, you don't even need to aim this thing. You just fire in the general direction. Listed as a heavy weapon.

  • Damage: 30-85
  • Range: 45
  • AP Cost: 6
  • Ammo: 1/1 40mm Explosive or Armor-piercing
  • Weight: 28 pounds
  • Min ST: 7

Grenade Launcher location: Both Grenade Launchers and 40mm grenades are found for sale at Chuck's Weapons in Mutant Hunters' Territory.

40mm Explosive Grenade

A grenade made as ammo for grenade launchers. The explosive is surrounded by a steel shell. On impact the grenade explodes and the steel shell segments can cause massive damage to lightly-armored targets.

  • AC Mod: 0
  • DR Mod: -20
  • Damage Mod: 1/1
  • Weight: 2

40mm Armor-Piercing Grenade

A grenade made as ammo for grenade launchers. The cartridge carries less explosive than the explosive grenade. Its titanium tip is designed to pierce armored targets.

  • AC Mod: -10
  • DR Mod: -35
  • Damage Mod: 1/1
  • Weight: 2

Fallout 1 SPECIAL Fallout 1 Best Builds Fallout 1 vs Fallout 2
Fallout 1 Traits Fallout 2 Best Builds Best Fallout Game
Fallout 1 Skills Fallout 1 Versions Fallout 2 Military Base
Fallout 1 Perks Fallout 1 Time Limit Arcanum Best Build

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