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STONESKIN: Baldur's Gate 2 BG2

Stoneskin BG2

Stoneskin is a BG2 Best Spell of combat protections BG2 type in BioWare's cRPG of 2000-2001, Baldur's Gate 2. Along with Mirror Image and PfMW, Stoneskin constitutes strong Mage BG2 defense.

Stoneskin is a god-tier spell.

  • Stoneskin (Alteration) 
  • Level: 4
  • Range: 0
  • Duration: 12 hours
  • Casting Time: 1
  • Area of Effect: Caster
  • Saving Throw: None
  • When a wizard casts this powerful spell upon himself, an outer skin of stone will move up from the ground completely covering him.  This skin is of course magical and will hinder the wizard in no way.  The effect of this is to protect the wizard from physical attacks such as melee weapons and projectiles.  For every 2 levels of the caster an additional skin is gained upon casting, for example a 10th level wizard would receive 5 skins while a 20th level wizard would receive 10.  For each skin the wizard possesses the spell will stop one attack, so a 10th level wizard would be protected from the first 5 attacks made against him, but the sixth would affect him normally.  The skins will remain on the wizard until he is affected by a dispel magic, all of the skins are removed due to physical attacks, or the spell duration expires.  It is important to note that this will not protect the wizard from any magical attacks such as fireball, however it will protect him from physical magical attacks such as magic missle.

A fourth circle conjuration that allows the caster to troll physical-based damage dealers, since, with the exception of magical and rainbow, we won't take any damage until each and every skin has been hit through. The 12 hour duration is icing on the cake: we can rest for 8 hours and still have Stoneskin active for another 4. This godly spell is so useful that even the laziest player will always have it active.

Stoneskin Location

Scrolls of Stoneskin can be purchased from:

  • Lady Yuth at the Adventurer's Mart, Waukeen's Promenade: x2

Combat protections are brought down by weapon ward removers, most commonly Breach BG2.

BG2 Best Spells Improved Invisibility BG2 Mislead BG2 Spell Trigger BG2
Blindness BG2 Minor Globe of Invulnerability PfMW BG2 Chain Contingency
Chromatic Orb BG2 Minor Sequencer BG2True Sight BG2 Shapechange BG2
Invisibility BG2 Stoneskin BG2 Mordenkainen's Sword Spell Trap BG2
Mirror Image BG2 Animate Dead BG2 Project Image BG2 Time Stop BG2
Web BG2 Spell Immunity BG2 Spell Sequencer BG2 Wish BG2
Melf's Minute Meteors Sunfire BG2ADHW BG2 Improved Alacrity
Skull Trap BG2 Improved Haste BG2 Simulacrum BG2 Summon Planetar BG2

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