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Beneath a Steel Sky IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Revolution Software

Beneath a Steel Sky IBM PC 1994

Revolution Software released Beneath a Steel Sky for IBM PC MS-DOS in 1994. Beneath a Steel Sky is notable for its high-quality writing, background artwork and sprite animations. Beneath a Steel Sky also employs sprite-scaling, a context-sensitive cursor, easy-access inventory and precise pathfinding.

Beneath a Steel Sky was programmed by David Sykes, Tony Warriner and James Long. Along with others, Tony Warriner conceived, designed and implemented the Virtual Theatre System aka VT System engine originated in Revolution's Lure of the Temptress of 1992, of which BaSS is successor.

Beneath a Steel Sky displays in 256-color VGA 320x200, but its active-drawspace is 320x192.

Beneath a Steel Sky requires an i80386 CPU, 550K free conventional RAM and 2 megs of EMS/XMS RAM.

Beneath a Steel Sky audio supports Sound Blaster/AdLib, Roland and AdLib Gold.

Beneath a Steel Sky was distributed on 6x 3.5" HD 1.44MB HD diskettes and installs via Beneath a Steel Sky Installation and Setup program. The install size is 9 megs (6 files; SKY.DSK is 8.6 megs).

On the Amiga, Beneath a Steel Sky was distributed on 15x 3.5" 880K diskettes, but it is hard disk drive-installable.

However, the VGA IBM PC version is far superior to the Amiga version in terms of audiovisuals and performance.

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