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Spelljammer IBM PC MS-DOS 1992 Cybertech Systems

Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace

Cybertech Systems released Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace for IBM PC MS-DOS 5.0 in 1992. Spelljammer was programmed by Alexander J. Russell. Spelljammer employs AD&D 2nd Edition rules and it set in TSR's Spelljammer campaign setting of 1989.

Spelljammer displays in 256-color VGA 320x200. Spelljammer employs a combo of sprite-scaling and rotation, crude digitized graphics and ridiculous pixel art, but the GUI is well-presented and easy to get to grips with.

Spelljammer features first-person space combat in a 2D sprite-scaled viewport (firing, ramming, grappling, shearing) and top-down phase-based vessel-boarding combat (after a ship has been grappled). Vessel-boarding combat features 8-way tile-based movement and 8-way tile-based screen-scrolling.

Navigation of "Wildspace" is via headings and distances.

Spelljammer was distributed on 2x 3.5" 1.44MB HD diskettes or 3x 5.25" 1.2MB HD floppy disks and installs to hard disk drive via UNARJ 2.1 by Robert K. Jung. The install size is 8.5 megs (826 files). Spelljammer requires 1 meg of RAM and supports SMARTDRV.SYS disk-caching, but does not support QEMM memory manager in Stealth mode.

Spelljammer audio supports PC Speaker, Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro I/II, AdLib, Roland LAPC-1 and LAPC music and Sound Blaster Pro sound effects.
  • Spelljammer Manual: Captain's Guide to Realmspace: 58 pages.
  • Spelljammer copy protection: Manual reference.

Overall, I give this one 6/10.

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