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BloodNet IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 MicroProse

BloodNet IBM PC 1993

MicroProse released BloodNet for IBM PC MS-DOS 5.0 in in 1993. BloodNet was designed and written by John Vincent Antinori and Laura Kampo and programmed by Rick Hall, Frank Kern and Christopher Short. ECS and AGA Amiga versions were released in 1994-95.

BloodNet is cyberpunk-gothic cRPG that plays similarly to flip-screen adventure games.

BloodNet requires an i80386 CPU clocked at 16 MHz, 560K of free conventional RAM, 800K of EMS RAM and v.8.20. BloodNet displays in 256-color VGA 320x200.

BloodNet audio supports Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, Covox Sound Master II and Pro Audio Spectrum, Roland SCC-1, Roland LAPC-1, Wave Blaster and AdLib. BloodNet features digitized sound.

BloodNet was distributed on 4x 3.5" 1.44MB HD diskettes and installs via BloodNet Installation Program by MicroProse Software. The install size is 8 megs (38 files).

  • BloodNet manual: pages
  • BloodNet copy protection: 
  • BloodNet DOSBox: cputype=386_prefetch

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