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PGA Tour Golf IBM PC 1990 Sterling Silver Software

PGA Tour Golf Original Version

Sterling Silver Software released PGA Tour Golf for IBM PC MS-DOS 2.11 in July of 1990

PGA Tour Golf was designed and programmed by Lee Actor and Dennis Koble.

In PGA Tour Golf players compete against 60 PGA pro-golfers in four-round Tournament play. PGA Tour Golf employs a mouse-driven interface with drop-down menus and a flat-shaded 3D topographical grid of the putting green.

PGA Tour Golf courses are TPC Sawgrass, TPC Avenel and PGA West Stadium Course as well as the fictional Sterling Shores. TPC stands for Tournament Players Club.

Other Features of PGA Tour Golf

  • Practice on the putting green or at the driving range
  • 1-4 players
  • Comprehensive stat-tracking
  • Dropdown menus in the Pro Shop
  • Announcer commentary and insights from 10 PGA pros
  • TV-style panoramic aerial fly-by shot and look-back view
  • Chip shot, punch shot and fringe putting (putt from the fringe)
  • Dynamic wind conditions

PGA Tour Golf displays in 256-color VGA 320x200. PGA Tour Golf audio supports Roland MT-32, AdLib, CMS, Tandy and PC Speaker.

The original version of PGA Tour Golf requires an i808x or i80x86 and 512K of free conventional RAM. PGA Tour Golf does not require memory managers.

PGA Tour Golf was distributed on 1x 3.5" 720kB DS DD diskette or 1x 5.25" 1.2MB DS HD floppy disks. PGA Tour Golf is manually installed to hard disk drive via "copy *.* c:\". The install size is 370K. The PGA Tour Golf Tournament Course Disk is installed in the same manner. The install size is 500K.

The PGA Tour Golf: Tournament Course Disk of 1991 adds TPC Southwind, TPC Scottsdale and TPC Eagle Trace courses.

PGA Tour Golf manual: 60 pages.

PGA Tour Golf 486 IBM PC MS-DOS 1994

Hitmen Productions (NBA Live) released PGA Tour Golf 486 for IBM PC MS-DOS 5.0 in 1994. PGA Tour Golf 486 was designed by Steve Cartwright and lead-programmed by Adam Bellin.

PGA Tour Golf 486 displays in 256-color SVGA 640x480.

PGA Tour Golf 486 requires an i80486DX2 66 MHz CPU, 7 megs of XMS RAM and VESA Local bus or PCI Local bus video card with 1 meg of vRAM. PGA Tour Golf 486 employs a 12 meg swapfile even on PCs with 16 megs of RAM.

PGA Tour Golf 486 is a Rational Systems DOS/4GW Protected mode run-time.

PGA Tour Golf 486 audio supports Sound Blaster.

PGA Tour Golf 486 was distributed on 1x CD-ROM and runs from the CD and a swapfile. There is no installer or sound configuration.

PGA Tour Golf 486 Features

  • 3x courses: TPC at River Highlands, TPC at Summerlin, TPC at Sawgrass
  • 56x PGA Pros to compete against
  • 9x PGA Pros digitized
  • 4x modes of play: Stroke, Skins, Match, Tournament
  • Target Arc System
  • Swing: Backspin and draw and fade
  • Instant replays, snap-around view and auto fly-bys
  • Picture-in-picture
  • Digitized commentary and sound effects
  • FMV cinematization

PGA European Tour IBM PC MS-DOS 1996

Intelligent Games Ltd. released PGA European Tour for IBM PC MS-DOS 5.0 in 1996. PGA European Tour was programmed by Steve Cuss.

PGA European Tour displays in 256-color SVGA 640x480 (FMVs are 320x200).

PGA European Tour requires an i80486DX2 66 MHz CPU, 7,500,000 bytes of XMS RAM and VESA Local bus or PCI Local bus video card with 1 meg of vRAM.

PGA European Tour is a Rational Systems DOS/4GW Protected mode run-time.

PGA European Tour audio supports Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, Sound Blaster 16, Sound Blaster AWE-32, Gravis UltraSound and Microsoft Sound System.

PGA European Tour was distributed on 1x CD-ROM and extracts and installs to hard disk drive via PGA European Tour Installation. The install size is 90 megs and consists of 980 files.

  • 3x courses: West Course of England, Gut Caden of Germany, K Club of Ireland
  • Each course is made up of 100 megs of assets
  • Simulates European weather
  • Real-time picture-in-picture ball tracking
  • 21 megs of user interface / menu screens
  • 17 megs of digitized commentary (Peter Alliss)
  • 4 megs of sound effects
  • FMV fly-bys


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