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System Shock Original Version IBM PC 1994 Looking Glass Technologies

System Shock Original 1994

System Shock was released by Looking Glass Technologies in September of 1994 for IBM PC MS-DOS 5.0. Note that System Shock is NOT an immersive sim with emergent gameplay; it's just FPS. You are thinking of Deus Ex.

System Shock employs crouching, jumping and up/down looks.

System Shock is a Rational Systems' DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time. System Shock requires an i80486DX-33 MHz CPU with 4½ megs of RAM (for 128x128 textures). Displaying in 256-color VGA 320x200, System Shock features a full-screen render-field.

Distributed on 9x 3.5" HD diskettes, the original System Shock installs to hard disk drive via System Shock Installation Program, with a 24 meg install size consisting of 132 files.

The CD-ROM version of System Shock was released in December of 1994. Most notably, this enhanced version (which should have been the initial version) features SVGA resolutions of 640x400 and square-pixel SVGA 640x480. That means a render-field of 640x480.

The CD-ROM version requires 530K of free conventional RAM, 3,072K of XMS RAM and 7,168K of EMS RAM for speech + SVGA VESA.

Nice. :)

Pity it's only a sprite-scaler.


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