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Fate Gates of Dawn Amiga 1991 reLINE Software Olaf Patzenhauer

Fate Gates of Dawn Amiga 1991

reLINE Software of Germany released the Fate: Gates of Dawn on Amiga in 1991. Fate Gates of Dawn was designed and programmed by Olaf Patzenhauer.

Fates Gates of Dawn is a flip-screen cRPG in the vein of Dungeon Master of 1987 and Eye of the Beholder of 1991. However, Fate Gates of Dawn is far superior in terms of size, scope and options.

Fate Gates of Dawn employs it own disk system, datasearch file system and compacting algorithms.

Fate Gates of Dawn was distributed on 2x 3.5" 880kB diskettes and extracts and installs to hard disk drive via Holger Gehrmann's custom installation utility. You can play a clone of Pong while the game installs. The install size is 4.5 megs (631 files).

It is recommended to have a 14 MHz 68020 and hard disk drive for your Amiga or Fate Gates of Dawn plays like a slideshow. In addition, the game will load all assets into memory if your Amiga has 6 megs of RAM or more. Note that most Amigans did NOT have hard disk drives in 1991. And most Amigans only had 1 meg of RAM. Thus, Fate Gates of Dawn would have done better and been better on IBM PC MS-DOS.

Fate Gates of Dawn Features

  • 32-from-4096 color display on the Amiga / 16-from-512 color display on Atari ST
  • Icon-driven interface with kb/m control
  • Custom ruleset implementation
  • Real-time flip-screen first-person exploration
  • Sprite-scaled objects and actors
  • Turn-based combat (round-by-round)
  • Three-line combat feedback and text display
  • 320x200 resolution
  • 176x107 active drawspace (action window)
  • Experience points (XPs) and level-ups
  • Map-screen via jewel and other spells/items (you may need to draw your own maps on graph paper)
  • Control up to four parties of seven characters for a total of 28 controllable characters via Party-switching
  • 32x character classes (15 mundane classes and 17 mage classes)
  • 11x races
  • 200x magic spells and consumables (potions, items)
  • Spells are divided into 20 spell classes
  • Each spell has 7 stats (e.g., range, power)
  • 9x Party & Game Statistics
  • 8x Character Attributes (ch-values)
  • 10x State Statistics
  • 6x General Statistics (e.g., duration in party, sins)
  • 7x Extended Load Statistics
  • 11x Magic Statistics
  • 12x Battle Statistics
  • Eating, drinking and resting (survival)
  • Non-combat general actions (e.g., searching, digging)
  • Non-combat NPC interaction: 8x dialogue approaches (e.g., question, join, trade, give alms)
  • Encounter initiation: Fight, 7x actions
  • 7x ways to disengage (e.g., run away, bribe, pray)
  • 42x Armor, 24x helms, 21x gloves, 22x boots
  • 43x weapons: melee and ranged weapons (bows, crossbows, throwing)
  • Primary and secondary weapons
  • Weapons can inflict on-hit negative status effects (e.g., poison, enfeeblement, petrification)
  • Weather and night and day cycles impact NPC spawns
  • Minute-by-minute time-keeping
  • Over 80 animated character sprites (actor sprites are NOT animated, they only scale)
  • Explore nine massive dungeons with up to seven levels each
  • Explore four massive cities
  • Ship-travel with compass, windspeed and wind direction
  • Dungeons are dark: need conventional or magical light-source
  • Taverns, Merchants & Haggling
  • Priests, Healing & Confessions
  • Banks, Interest Rates & Investment
  • Animated cloud-cover and rainfall
  • Sounds: footsteps, birds chirping, owls hooting, rainfall, thunder and battle etc.

Fate Gates of Dawn Starting Location:

Fate Gates of Dawn Demolished Inn Location:

Fate Gates of Dawn Blacksmith location in city of Larvin (for Plate Mail):

Fates Gates of Dawn Manual: 68 pages.
Fate Gates of Dawn Appendices: 36 pages.
Fate Gates of Dawn Map.

Fates Gates of Dawn Atari ST 1991

reLINE Software released Fate: Gates of Dawn on Atari ST in 1991. The 16-color Atari ST graphics are brighter and in some cases clearer than the 32-color Amiga graphics. But again, you really wanted a 16 MHz ST, 4 megs of RAM and a hard disk drive or the game was barely playable. The install size is 4 megs (608 files).

You can mouse-wheel up and down to compare the graphics of both versions.

Atari ST:


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