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Syndicate IBM PC MS-DOS 1993 Bullfrog Productions Sean Cooper

Syndicate Original Version

Bullfrog Productions released Syndicate for IBM PC MS-DOS 3.3 DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time v.1.8 in 1993. Syndicate is an innovative real-time tactics and strategy game with a dystopian theme.

Syndicate requires an i80386SX-33 MHz CPU and 4 megs of RAM. Syndicate was designed and programmed by Sean Cooper.

Syndicate menus and cinematic cutscenes display in 256-color VGA 320x200. And while the actual game technically runs in 16-color SVGA 640x480, its drawspace is only 640x400 and its pre-rendered isometric drawspace is 510x400. However, in 1993 Syndicate's 510x400 scrolling playfield was most impressive.

Impressive as well is Syndicate's hotkey- and icon-driven control of a squad of upgradeable cybernetic agents, aka cyborgs. Indeed, Syndicate's controls and interface were ahead of its time.

Syndicate audio supports Sound Blaster.

Syndicate was distributed on 5x 3.5" 1.44 MB HD diskettes and extracts and installs via Electronic Arts Install Program v.2.14. The install size is 11.5 megs (388 files).

  • Syndicate Manual: 62 pages.
  • Syndicate DOSBox setting: memsize=16.


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