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Star Wars: TIE Fighter IBM PC MS-DOS 1994 Totally Games

Star Wars: TIE Fighter

Totally Games released Star Wars: TIE Fighter for IBM PC MS-DOS 5.0 on July of 1994. TIE Fighter was designed by Lawrence Holland and Edward Kilham; its Gouraud-shaded 3D engine was programmed by Peter Lincroft.

Star Wars: TIE Fighter is the prequel to Star Wars: X-Wing of 1993.

Star Wars: TIE Fighter was distributed on 6x 5.25" 1.2 MB HD floppy disks or 5x 3.5" 1.44MB HD diskettes. Star Wars: TIE Fighter extracts and installs via TIE Fighter Space Combat Simulator Installation Program. The install size is 14 megs (213 files). Installation time for Star Wars: TIE Fighter is approximately 20 minutes.

TIE Fighter requires an i80386 with 572K conventional RAM (582K recommended) and 900K 3.2 EMS RAM (2084K of EMS is recommended). Star Wars: TIE Fighter supports SMARTDRV disk caching (256K+) as well as 386 MAX, QEMM and NetRoom memory managers.

Star Wars: TIE Fighter audio is installed and tested via LucasArts Entertainment Co. Sound Setup Utility v.2.0. Star Wars: TIE Fighter audio supports AdLib, Roland (LAPC-1, MT-32, MPU-401), General MIDI (GMIDI/SCC-1), Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster 2.0, Sound Blaster Pro/2, AWE32 and Pro Audio Spectrum (8, 16, Audio Studio).

Star Wars TIE Fighter supports the Flightstick Pro and Thrustmaster WCS Mark II via TIE2.adv. The use of a mouse is optional (MOUSE.COM driver).

Star Wars: TIE Fighter Features

  • 256-color VGA 320x200
  • Gouraud 3D graphics engine
  • Sprite-scaled explosions
  • iMUSE soundtrack based on original John Williams Star Wars score
  • Cinematic cutscenes
  • Customize game difficulty and settings (datapad)
  • Imperial Training Simulator and Virtual Combat Chamber 
  • Pilot different Imperial Starfighters (TIE Fighter, Bomber, Interceptor, Gunboat, Secret TIE Starfighter)
  • Authentic Star Wars Dogfighting
  • Reload weapons systems during missions
  • 50 non-sequential missions
  • Pilot Promotions, Decorations & Awards

Star Wars: TIE Fighter Starfighter Pilot Manual: 32 pages
Star Wars: TIE Fighter Stele Chronicles: 95 pages
Star Wars: TIE Fighter copy protection: Manual-reference


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