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IBM PC MS-DOS DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time Rational Systems

DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time

This is a list of IBM PC MS-DOS games that employ Rational Systems' DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time. DOS/4GW is a DPMI-based DOS Extender for i80386 CPUs and above that allows DOS games to run in true 32-bit Protected Mode, which run-times are extremely fast and do not require EMS or XMS memory managers.

DOS/4GW increased PC game performance, overcame the 640K conventional memory barrier and allowed DOS games to address up to 64 megs of RAM.

DOS/4GW became mainstream via Doom of 1993 and was commonly employed until 1997.

Some MS-DOS games embed DOS/4GW into their exectuables, such as Heretic and Hexen

In addition, some games employ other DOS extenders such as Phar Lap (LINKS and U.S. Navy Fighters) and some games employ custom DOS extenders (Ultima 7).


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