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Jane's Combat Simulations AH-64D Longbow IBM PC MS-DOS Origin Systems 1996

Jane's AH-64D Longbow

Origin Systems, Origin Skunkworks and Janes Information Group Limited released Jane's Combat Simulations AH-64D Longbow for IBM PC MS-DOS 5.0 in June of 1996. In Jane's AH-64D Longbow players pilot the Boeing / McDonnell Douglas AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopter in war theatres of Iraq, Panama, Ukraine and North Korea.

Jane's Combat Simulations AH-64D Longbow was produced by Andy Hollis of Gunship fame, directed by Will McBurnett and programmed by Will McBurnett, Steven A. Muchow and Tsuyoshi Kawahito.

AH-64D Longbow is notable for its low-altitude tactics, realistic gunship flight model and intricate multi-function displays, aka MFDs. In addition, AH-64D Longbow is notable for its light-sourced and Gouraud-shaded texture-mapped terrain.

AH-64D Longbow displays in 256-color VGA 320x200 or square-pixel 256-color VESA SVGA 640x480.

AH-64D Longbow recommended system specifications are Intel Pentium 120 MHz CPU, 390K of free conventional RAM, 15 megs of XMS RAM (32 megs of RAM + SMARTDRV), VESA 2.0 driver and VESA 2.0-compliant Local Bus or PCI video vard with 1 meg of vRAM. In addition, quad-speed CD-ROM and 250 megs of hard disk drive space are recommended. AH-64D Longbow is a Rational Systems DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time.

Jane's Combat Simulations: AH-64D Longbow was distributed on 2x CD-ROM and extracts and installs to hard disk drive via AH-64D Longbow Gold Install Utility v3.2. The install size for v1.07F is 73 megs and consists of 90 files. However, AH-64D Longbow also extracts Iraq, Panama and Ukraine terrain to the HDD in-game (in low, medium or high detail).

Before installation AH-64D Longbow benchmarks system video speed, integer math speed, floating-point math speed and memory transfer speed.

Jane's Combat Simulations: Longbow - Gold  of 1997 -- which includes the Flash Point: Korea expansion of 1996 -- was distributed on 2x CD-ROM and extracts and installs to hard disk drive via AH-64D Longbow Gold Install Utility v4.0. The install size is 100 megs and consists of 122 files.

AH-64D Longbow digitized audio supports Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster 16, Sound Blaster Pro, Sound Blaster AWE-32, Media Vision Pro Audio Spectrum, Ensoniq SoundScape and Roland RAP-10.

AH-64D Longbow control supports keyboard, standard 2-button analogue joystick, Flight Stick Pro, Sidewinder Pro, Thrustmaster Flight Control System, Thrustmaster F-16 FLCS and Suncom F-15 Series. AH-64D Longbow supports toggleable rudder pedals and throttle control as well as in-game joystick calibration and control customization. A hardware mouse cursor facilitates menu navigation.

AH-64D Longbow Features List

  • 4x theatres of war and campaigns: Iraq, Panama, Ukraine, North Korea
  • Over 250 historically authentic missions
  • Low, Medium and High Detail digitized texture-mapped terrain
  • 20,000 square kilometres of real terrain
  • Tailorable far clipping plane, mesh detail and SFX detail
  • Toggleable perspective correction, detailed choppers, dithering, shadows, sky texture
  • Toggleable Hollywood explosions
  • Digitized sprite explosions and smoke trails
  • Slow-motion and 1x-8x Time compression
  • Tailorable sound and music volume
  • 3x flight models + custom flight model
  • 3x realism levels + custom realism level
  • Air-to-Ground tactics: Terrain Masking, Contour Chasing, Bob-Up, Pop Sideways
  • Air-to-Air tactics: Stern Conversion, High Yo-yo, Horizontal Scissors, Side Flare Quick Stop
  • Gravitational force, lift force, rotational motion, horizontal motion
  • 7x in-cockpit views
  • 6x zoomable and rotatable external views
  • 8x multi-function displays (MFDs) with symbology
  • Wingman Commands
  • Flight Recorder (MS-DOS version only; incompatible with Flash Point: Korea)
  • 650 megs of FMV cinematization (incl. Flash Point: Korea)

AH-64D Longbow Multi-function Displays (MFDs)

  • Tactical Situation Display (TSD)
  • Fire-controlled Radar ranges (FCR)
  • Target Acquisition & Designation Sight (TADS)
  • Weapons Display
  • Aircraft Survivability Equipment (ASE)
  • Main Systems Display
  • Engine Display
  • Flight: Integrated Helmet and Display Sighting System (IHADSS)

AH-64D Longbow Ordnance

  • M230 30mm chain gun autocannon
  • AIM-92 Stinger Infrared Guided Missile
  • Hydra 70mm Rocket System: Folding Fin Aerial Rocket (FFAR)
  • Hellfire AGM-114A laser-guided missile
  • Hellfire AGM-114B radar-guided missile
  • Chaff pods

Jane's Combat Simulations AH-64D Longbow manual: 300 pages.

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