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Abuse IBM PC MS-DOS 1996 Crack Dot Com


Crack Dot Com released Abuse for IBM PC MS-DOS 5.0 in March of 1996. Abuse is a stylish run and gun game that features multi-directional scrolling and firing, seven different weapons, jumping, climbing, teleporters, and destructibility of walls, floors and ceilings.

Targeting is conducted via on-screen mouse-controlled crosshairs. The controlled character can fire in one direction while moving in another (strafing). The character battles mutants, robots, turrets, fliers, mines and forcefields.

Abuse was programmed by Jonathan Clark, its sound was composed by Robert Prince, and its graphics were drawn and animated by Murray McMillan and Duong Nguyen.

Abuse displays in 256-color VGA 320x200 and supports MIDI music and digital sound effects. Abuse music supports MPU-401, Roland Sound Canvas, Roland RAP-10 and Roland SCC-1 or LAPC-1. Abuse sound effects support Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, Sound Blaster 16, Sound Blaster AWE and Ensoniq SoundScape.

Abuse was distributed on 1x CD-ROM and extracts and installs to hard disk drive via LHA's SFX 2.13L of 1991 by Yoshi. The install size is 9 megs and consists of 312 files.

Abuse is a Rational Systems DOS/4GW Protected Mode run-time. Abuse requires an i80486DX2 50 MHz CPU, 400 kbytes of free conventional memory, 8 megs of RAM and 1 meg of vRAM.

Abuse also supports 2-8-player networking. And it can run under Windows 95 to Windows XP, not just MS-DOS.

It would have been awesome if Abuse was coded in and drawn for square-pixel SVGA 640x480.

Abuse Weapons System: Laser, Incendiary Grenade Launcher, Heat-seeking Rocket Launcher, Napalm, Energy Rifle, Novaspheres, Death Sabre.


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