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ANKHEG, Baldur's Gate

Ankheg Baldur's Gate

An enemy mage on Ice Island is backed up by four Ankhegs.

Ankheg is a Baldur's Gate enemy in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate. Ankhegs are armored worm-like monsters most notable for their ability to burrow around the area and eject lethal streams of acid. Ankegs are quite hardy due to their outer, chitinous shell

When encountered early in the campaign, Ankhegs can be difficult to beat in combat. It is best that our warriors gain a few levels and are wearing good armor before taking on Ankhegs.

Ankheg Stats

For their ranged acid-spit attack, Ankhegs have THAC0s of 9 and inflict an average of 10 missile damage and an average of 10 acid damage at a rate of 2 ApR. The acid component of the attack is save vs. Death.

In melee, Ankhegs have a THAC0 of 13 and inflict an average of 13 crushing damage and 1-4 on-hit no-save acid damage.

Defensively, unhelmed Ankhegs have ACs of 2, 52 HPs and saving throws of 10-12-11-12-13.

Ankhegs have a morale of 10, a morale break of 3 and morale recovery of 60.

975 XP, Ankeg Shell.

Ankheg Resistances

Ankhegs have 25% resistance to fire.

Ankheg Location

Ankhegs are found mostly in the Ankheg tunnels under the farmland north of the Friendly Arm Inn, but can also spawn as on-rest ambushes, above-ground.

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