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Best Bows, Baldur's Gate 2, BG2 - Tuigan & Gesen

Best Bows Baldur's Gate 2

Tuigan and Gesen are BG2 best weapons in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Tuigan and Gesen are the best bows in BG2, but Tuigan is better in the early to mid stages whereas Gesen is better in Throne of Bhaal.

Tuigan Shortbow

Tuigan is most notable for conferring +1 ApR. Ranged builds such as Archer BG2 are going to want to wield Tuigan for most of BG2, but then upgrade to Gesen once they get Greater Whirlwind Attack. That said, Tuigan can still be employed by second-rate "archers" such as Jan BG2 or even Nalia BG2.

Tuigan Description

The Tuigans are a nomadic people widely dispersed across the steppe regions of Faerun but bound together by a common bloodline. The bows they make are especially tailored for their mobile warriors, and the process used is carefully guarded, but the result is well known: any bow of Tuigan origin can be fired faster than is possible with a normal one.

Tuigan Stats

  • ApR +1
  • THAC0: +1 bonus
  • Damage: +1
  • Weight: 2
  • Speed Factor: 5
  • Weapon Proficiency BG2: Short Bow
  • Type: 2-handed
  • Requires: 6 Strength
  • Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage

Tuigan Item Code

The item code for Tuigan is BOW14.

Tuigan Location

Tuigan is found on the corpse of the Beast Master who is guarding the animals in the Copper Coronet of the Slums District. To access the back rooms of the Copper Coronet, choose dialogue options 1-2-2-3 with Lehtinan who is standing in the common room.

Gesen is only superior once we reach ToB and gain Greater Whirlwind Attack:

Tuigan Gesen

Shortbow of Gesen

Most notably, Gesen auto-ammo erroneously stacks with conventional ammo.

Gesen Description

The finest bow crafted by Gesen Khan, this weapon draws energy from another plane, firing spears of lightning instead of arrows... and therefore never requiring ammunition of any kind. It is said that Gesen prepared to retire from his craft after selling the invaluable weapon, only to have the bow wrested from his grasp by a thief who used it to end Gesen's own life. A side effect of the bow bestows protection from electricity upon the user.

Gesen Stats

  • THAC0: +4
  • Damage: 2 piercing, 1-8 electrical
  • Effects: Grants user 20% resistance to electrical damage
  • Weight: 2
  • Speed Factor: 4
  • Weapon Proficiency BG2: Short Bow
  • Type: 2-handed
  • Requires: 3 Strength
  • Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage

Gesen Item Code

The item code for Gesen is BOW19.

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