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FIGHTER, Baldur's Gate 2

Fighter BG2

Fighter is a BG2 class in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. In BG2, unkitted Fighters should be eschewed in favor of Kensai BG2Berserker BG2 or Barbarian BG2. Even if we want to dual-class Baldur's Gate, Kensai and Berserker are superior to unkitted Fighters. On the other hand, unkitted Fighters are superior to Wizard Slayer BG2.

The basics of Fighters is covered in Fighter BG1.

The fighter is a champion, swordsman, soldier, and brawler. He lives or dies by his knowledge of weapons and tactics.Fighters can be found at the front of any battle, contesting toe-to-toe with monsters and villains. A good fighter needs to be strong and healthy if he hopes to survive.

Unkitted Fighters can certainly kick ass in BG2 -- indeed, they can solo BG2 -- afterall, they attain solid offense and defense numbers (including 10 ApR), but they can never match Kensai, Berserkers or Barbarians in terms of innates and special abilities. Ever.

Dwarf is the best Baldur's Gate race for any class that can be Dwarven, which includes Fighters, their Kits and Barbs.

Best Items for Fighter BG2

Best Classes BG2 Fighter BG2 Kensai BG2 Berserker BG2 Wizard Slayer BG2

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