Vorpal, Baldur's Gate 2

Vorpal BG2

In Baldur's Gate 2, on-hit vorpal (decapitation) and on-hit effects akin to vorpal (shattering and disruption) are attractive weapon properties because they allow us to bypass deep hit-point pools or damage resistance BG2 by acting like on-hit insta-kill spells.

The above screencap shows Minsc & Sarevok severing heads with Silver Sword BG2 and Ravager BG2 vorpal weapons. Those are the souls of the victims floating away.

It can be quite satisfying to instantly slay an enemy that is usually a huge troublemaker, such as demi-lich Kangaxx. Such powerful on-hit effects can noticeably reduce the length of a duel or even end the duel in the first round, thereby saving us time, energy and resources.

It's not just about duels against singular toughies such as marilith demons, though: insta-slay weapons can be useful against horde-based encounter design (as found in Throne of Bhaal and Icewind Dale 2).

Baldur's Gate 2 itemizes six notable weapons that sport on-hit insta-slay properties; they are:

So what's the better form of insta-slay? 10% no-save or 25-100% with save? That depends on the enemy in question and whether or not we have debuffed saves with Doom and Greater Malison first.

With the exception of Unyielding, Runehammer and Ravager (which are godly even without taking into account their insta-slay capability), insta-slay weapons are situational weapons. In many cases, I'd favor inflicting reliable raw damage (as well as on-hit Slow and Stun) over % chance of insta-slay [cf. recently-updated BG2 Best Weapons. Except in the case of undead: we should wield IMoD and Azuredge against undead whenever possible.

Icewind Dale 1, on the other hand, is not famous for insta-slay weapons, but it does itemize two melee ones that are largely unknown. IWD is famous for its ApR weapons and on-hit Stun or hammer property weapons and ammo. See Best Weapons Icewind Dale 1.

  • Ol' Withery (WITHERY, dagger, IWD): THAC0 +2, 1d4 +2 piercing, on-hit 2% chance Finger of Death.
  • The Snow Maiden's Reaver (REAVER, great sword, IWD): THAC0 +2, 2d4 +2 slashing, on-hit 2% chance freeze→shatter.

The coolest and rarest effect is the shattering one. Upon being hit, the enemy is frozen in place. Then, after one round or a follow-up hit, the enemy explodes into icy chunks (shattered).

2% chance is overly stingy but Black Isle were probably also concerned with framerates.

There are also weapons that insta-slay specific monster types. For example, the Arrow of Slaying in Baldur's Gate 1 slays ogre mages outright, and Crom Faeyr slays ettins and trolls as well as stone and clay golems outright, which is quite impressive.

However, the most useful example of these is found in the Heart of Fury mode of Icewind Dale 2; it's called Goblin Slayer IWD2. And the reason it's the most useful is because of the sheer number of goblins encountered in the campaign. An ignorant reader might say to themselves, "Goblins!? Goblins are weak!" But that's because they haven't played in IWD2 Heart of Fury mode.

As well, Kegsplitter IWD2 and Club of Disruption IWD2 are useful because they destroy tanky undead and constructs outright.

Please note that I'm only concerned with on-hit insta-slay, not special ability or spell-like insta-slay as seen on Daystar. I'm also not interested in the Deathbringer assault because that is the innate ability of Sarevok that has nothing to do with weapon properties. Likewise, Monk Quivering Palm.

Maximum Melee Damage BG1 Kensai Kai Damage BG2 Assassin 21 Mage 24 Backstab
Maximum Backstab Damage BG1 Kensai 21 Thief 31 Backstab Assassin 21 Cleric 32 Backstab
Maximum Ranged Damage BG1 Monk Unarmed Attack Damage Vorpal BG2

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