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THE RAVAGER, BG2, Baldur's Gate 2

The Ravager BG2

The Ravager surrounded by whirling blades

The Ravager is a Baldur's Gate enemy in BioWare's cRPG of 2000-2001, Baldur's Gate 2. In Throne of Bhaal, the Ravager is notable for its epic damage resistance BG2, epic immunities and Urge to Kill special ability. The Ravager is the physical manifestation of the taint of Bhaal that lies within the protagonist Bhaalspawn BG2.

Ravager Location

As the final challenge before the Throne, the Ravager can be found in the Pocket Plane of ToB.

How to Beat the Ravager

The Ravager is an offensive juggernaut in melee or from range. The best way to beat the Ravager is with a Fighter Mage BG2 (warded by PfMW) or an epic level warrior who is both an Armor Class BG2 Lord and a THAC0 BG2 Lord.

Activate Hardiness BG2 (pre-dialogue) and then charge in to unleash several Greater Whirlwind Attack BG2, wielding the upgraded Flail of Ages on-hand and Crom Faeyr off-hand. That will put the Ravager into the Own Zone quickly, even with only -10 THAC0 and -10 AC (we can go MUCH lower). Ignore the Bone Blades and Blade Barrier.

Alternatively, on-handing The Answerer [SW1H77] will nerf the Ravager's MR to 0 and convert his AC to a pathetic 10 with a single GWW; and Soul Reaver BG2 will Nerf his THAC0 to that of a Mage in short order. Buff Strength beforehand with Blackrazor BG2 for 25 Strength, of course. cf. Best Weapons BG2 for many more options. Note that Foebane BG2 cannot leach the Ravager.

Mage BG2 (such as Edwin BG2) can easily beat the Ravager by debuffing its magic resistance BG2 with Pierce Shield x3 followed up by ADHWs in Chain Contingencies. PfMW is mandatory in order to tank Bone Blades.

Ravager Offense

Wielding a Bone Blade +4 dagger (1d4 +4) with High Mastery from range, the Ravager has a THAC0 of -13 and inflicts an average of 9.5 missile damage at a rate of 5 ApR. There is also a good chance the claws inflict on-hit 2d4 cold, on-hit poison on failed saves vs. Death at -2, and on-hit Stun on failed saves vs. Spell at -2.

Wielding its natural claw (1d10 +2) with High Mastery in melee, the Ravager has a THAC0 of -16 and inflicts an average of 22.5 slashing damage at a rate of 5 ApR. The claw inflicts on-hit no-save Remove Magic, Dispel Magic and Lower Resistance.

Additionally, the claw has built-in Lower Resistance immunity and a 50% chance Dragon-like Wing Buffet ability that inflicts 1d8 no-save crushing, knockback and unconsciousness. However, it is not MR-bypassing.

Ravager Defense

Defensively, the helmed Ravager has an AC of -12 and a whopping 534 HPs along with 75% physical resistance. That is, it resists a full three-quarters of physical damage meaning that we need to inflict over 2,000 damage to slay it. See: Damage Resistance BG2.

On top of that, the Ravager has 100% resistance to fire, cold, electricity and acid, as well as 90% magic resistance BG2, 75% resistance to magic cold and 50% resistance to magic fire.

The Ravager has innate true seeing, regenerates HPs at a rate of 5 per second and surrounds itself with a Blade Barrier, as per the Cleric spell.

The Ravager yields 50, 000 XP and 30,000 quest XP when slain.

Urge to Kill

The Ravager's Urge to Kill special ability charms evil-aligned gates, summons and reanimates which brings them under its ranks in battle. This ability does not affect evil-aligned PCs or party members.

Ravager Immunities

The Ravager is immune to backstab, Time Stop, Slay (vorpal and insta-kill from death magic) and weapons equal to or lower than +3 enchantment

In addition, it is immune to Charm, Panic, Poison, Sleep, Stun, Feeblemindedness, Disease, Paralysis, Confusion, Petrification, Polymorph, Power Word: Kill, Imprisonment, Maze, Level Drain, Power Word: Sleep, Teleport Field, Wing Buffet, Disintegrate. cf. Best Spells BG2.

Bone Blades

The Ravager calls forth up to six Bone Blades to hassle the party. These dancing swords have THAC0s of -4 and inflict an average of 11 slashing damage at a rate of 2 ApR. They also inflict on-hit 1d4 no-save cold damage as well as Slow on failed saves vs. Spell at -2.

The Bone Blades have ACs of -10 and 50 HPs.

Bone Blade Immunities

Bone Blades have true seeing and are immune to non-magical weapons, Backstab, Time Stop and Slay. They are also immune to Panic, Poison, Sleep, Petrification, Confusion, Berserk, Charm, Paralysis, Nature's Beauty, Level Drain, Stun, Entangle and Morale Break. In addition, Bone Blades are immune to Hold, Feeblemindedness, psionic blast, psionic domination and domination.

Bone Blade Resistances

Bone Blade resistances are also impressive. Bone Blades have 75% resistance to piercing and missile damage, 50% resistance to crushing and slashing damage as well as 100% resistance to cold, magic cold, electricity and poison. They are not immune to magic or acid.

Slaying the Bone Blades is a waste of time and resources since they perpetually auto-replenish.

2,500 XP.

Baldur's Gate 2 Adamantite Golem BG2 Gromnir BG2
No Reload Run Baldur's Gate Irenicus BG2 Yaga-Shura BG2
Baldur's Gate Enemies Slayer Irenicus BG2 Sendai BG2
Firkraag BG2 Bhaalspawn BG2 Abazigal BG2
Troll BG2 Sarevok BG1 Balthazar BG2
TorGal BG2 Illasera BG2 The Ravager BG2

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