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Belm Baldur's Gate 2

Belm is a Baldur's Gate Best Weapon in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. In addition to the +1 ApR that comes from dual-wielding (an off-hand attack), equipping Belm, Kundane or Scarlet Ninja-To in the off-hand will add another attack to our on-hand. Thus, these three weapons make even the best on-hander better (even a werewolf claw). 

As an item, Belm receives a cRPG Itemization score of 7/10. It should really have been a weapon in BG1, which lacks many of BG2's ApR sources. Kundane I'd rate a 7 as well, and Scarlet I'd rate 8 due to its usage restriction.

These ApR weapons are best wielded off-hand in conjunction with king-tier on-handers such as the Flail of Ages, Celestial Fury BG2 and Blackrazor BG2. Since ApR is KING, there are very few optimizing situations in which we will NOT want to off-hand +ApR weapons. In 90% of cases, not even Crom Faeyr is preferable.

Best Off-hand Weapon BG2

Belm is the best off-hand weapon in BG2. Belm is better than Kundane because Belm inflicts 1 point more damage on average per hit. Belm is also better than Use Any Item BG2 and Monk-only Scarlet Ninja-To BG2 (which Haer'Dalis BG2 should wield) because warriors and Jaheira BG2 can wield Belm.

Belm: Scimitar of Speed

Belm Stats

The stats for the Belm scimitar are THAC0 +2, 1d8 +2 slashing, Speed Factor: 0ApR +1.

  • Combat Abilities: sets attacks to +1 per round
  • THAC0: +2 bonus
  • Damage: 1D8 +2
  • Damage type: slashing
  • Weight: 3
  • Speed Factor: 0
  • Weapon Proficiency BG2: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To
  • Type: 1-handed
  • Requires: 10 Strength
  • Not Usable By: Cleric, Mage

Belm Item Code

The item code for Belm is SW1H30.

Belm Lore

This enchanted scimitar bears the mark of Taka Kobe, an honored swordsmith of Kara-Tur, though how it came to be here is unknown. Perfectly balanced, it affords quick recovery in combat and even allows the wielder time for an additional attack.

Belm Location

To find Belm, we need to be in Chapter 2 BG2. Then, we need to speak to Flydian in the Gates District of Athkatla. Then, we need to go to Trademeet BG2 and speak with the mayor followed by Cernd BG2. Finally, we need to go to the Druid Grove and loot it from the tower south of the Rakshasa lair.

Kundane: Sword of Quickness

Kundane Stats

The stats for the Kundane short sword are 1d6 +2 piercing, Speed Factor: 0, ApR +1.

  • THAC0: +2 bonus
  • Damage: 1D6 +2
  • Damage type: piercing
  • Weight: 2
  • Speed Factor: 0
  • Proficiency Type: Short Sword
  • Type: 1-handed
  • Requires: 5 Strength
  • Not Usable By: Druid, Cleric, Mage

Kundane Item Code

The item code for Kundane is SW1H25.

Kundane Lore

Disfigured as a child, Dramnek Olk was ostracized and ridiculed by his peers.  In his loneliness he spent many hours alone on the hills overlooking Trademeet.  A nearby wizard, Galloma discovered the youth and found in him a kindred soul.  The two fast became friends; master and apprentice.  Galloma died before Dramnek's tutorage could be completed however and the youth found himself once more alone in the world.  Eventually he made his way to the streets of Athkatla.  There he became a cutpurse, augmenting his thieving skills with the little magic he'd learned from Galloma.  Eventually he crafted this sword, which enhanced Dramnek's weak physical body.

Kundane Location

Kundane is found on the corpse of a thrall in the Planar Prison BG2. To get it, we need to be in Chapter 2 BG2. Then, we need to rescue Haer'Dalis BG2 from the clutches of Mekrath in his lair in the sewers under the Temple District. Then, we need to go to Raelis Shae in the theatre under the Five Flagons of the Bridge District in order to gain access to the prison.

Scarlet Ninja-To +3

Ninja-To of the Scarlet Brotherhood

Scarlet Ninja-To is the most damaging +ApR melee weapon due to its enchantment and on-hit poison, but it can only be wielded by PC Monks or Thief and Bard PCs as well as BG2 companions with Use Any Item BG2.

Scarlet Ninja-To Stats

The stats for the Scarlet Ninja-To are 1d8 +3 slashing, Speed Factor: 1, ApR +1, 6 points of poison damage per round for 2 rounds on failed save vs. poison (stacks), Monk or Thief/Bard UAI only.

  • Equipped Ability: one extra attack per round
  • Combat Ability: Poison damage of 6 hit-points per round, for two rounds, if target fails a saving throw versus poison
  • THAC0: +3 bonus
  • Damage: 1D8 +3
  • Damage type: slashing
  • Weight: 2
  • Speed Factor: 1
  • Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To
  • Type: 1-handed
  • Requires: 6 Strength
  • Usable By: Monks

Scarlet Ninja-To Item Code

The item code for the Scarlet Ninja-To is WANINJA.

Scarlet Ninja-To Lore

When a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood kills one of that organization's 'great enemies', they are often rewarded with this sword.  How this sword made its way from the world of Greyhawk (where the Brotherhood is based) to Faerun is a mystery.  When unsheathed the ninja-to will glow blood red.

Scarlet Ninja-To Location

Scarlet Ninja-To can be purchased from Joluv BG2 (bonus merchant) in the Copper Coronet of the Slums District in Athkatla at the start of Chapter 2 BG2. With a Charisma score of 18 and an average reputation, it costs 23,800 gold.

cf. Tuigan BG2 (ranged +ApR weapon).

Best Weapons BG2 IMoD BG2 Carsomyr BG2 Silver Sword BG2 Ravager BG2
Flail of Ages BG2 Gnasher BG2 Staff of the Magi Staff of the Ram BG2Axe of the Unyielding
Celestial Fury BG2 Tuigan BG2 Crom Faeyr BG2 Ixil's Spike BG2 Stonefire BG2
Belm BG2 Blackrazor BG2 Foebane BG2 Spectral Brand BG2 Jhor the Bleeder BG2

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