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BATTLE HORROR, Baldur's Gate

Battle Horror Baldur's Gate

Battle Horror is a Baldur's Gate enemy in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate. Battle Horrors are constructs most notable for their martial prowess in wielding flaming swords.

Battle Horrors are encountered on the approach to Durlag's Tower, on the approach to Davaeorn, and in the final battle with Sarevok. Battle Horrors are most often employed as sentinels that spring to life when intruders trip traps or cross invisible triggers on the floor, though some spawn normally and can therefore be scouted out.

Five Battle Horrors attack the party in the Temple of Bhaal.

Battle Horror Stats

Battle Horrors have THAC0s of 5 and inflict an average of 11 slashing damage at a rate of 3 ApRwielding 1d2+4 + 1-4 on-hit no-save fire damage flame blades as Grandmaster.

The Battle Horror's flame blades can be dispelled with Dispel Magic. If successful, the Battle Horror can only punch with its fists, for an average of 4 damage per hit.

Defensively, helmed Battle Horrors have ACs of -5, 58 HPs, saving throws of 10-12-11-12-13 and wear Plate Mail Armor.

Battle Horrors have a morale of 16, a morale break of 3 and morale recovery of 60.

Two Battle Horrors patrol the approach to Durlag's Tower.

Battle Horror Immunities

Battle Horrors have 100% resistance to poison and missile damage. In addition, they are immune to critical hit, backstab, panic, poison, sleep, petrification, confusion, berserk, charm, paralyze and slay.

2,000 XP.

Two Battle Horrors swing their flaming blades at a character protected by Mirror Image.

cRPG Blog Baldur's Gate Enemies Aec'Letec BG1 Firkraag BG2
Baldur's Gate 1 (Index) Baldur's Gate NPCs Shandalar BG1 Irenicus BG2
Baldur's Gate 1 Walkthrough Sarevok BG1 TorGal BG2 The Ravager BG2

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