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GREATER GHOUL, Baldur's Gate

Greater Ghoul Baldur's Gate

Greater Ghoul is a Baldur's Gate enemy in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate. Greater Ghouls are cadaverous undead notable for their fast movement rate and ability to inflict on-hit paralysis and THAC0 drain. As both conventional and on-rest ambush spawns, Greater Ghouls can be found on Durlag's Tower level 3 and Durlag's Tower level 4. Up to six accompany Grael.

Greater Ghoul Stats

Offensively, Hasted Greater Ghouls have THAC0s of 5 and inflict an average of 10.5 piercing damage at a rate of 3 ApR, wielding 1d8 ghoul touch claws that inflict on-hit 7-round duration paralysis on failed saves vs. Death AND on-hit 2-point THAC0-draining nausea on failed saves. vs. Breath.

Note that paralysis and nausea can be dispelled, and can be warded by free action status.

Defensively, Greater Ghouls have ACs of 4, 48 HPs and saving throws of 9-11-10-12-12.

Greater Ghouls have a morale of 10, a morale break of 2 and morale recovery of 1.

Greater Ghoul Immunities

Greater Ghouls are immune to panic, poison, petrification, confusion, berserk, charm, paralysis and slay.

1,000 XP.

cf. Grael.

cRPG Blog Baldur's Gate Enemies Aec'Letec BG1 Firkraag BG2
Baldur's Gate 1 (Index) Baldur's Gate NPCs Shandalar BG1 Irenicus BG2
Baldur's Gate 1 Walkthrough Sarevok BG1 TorGal BG2 The Ravager BG2

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