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ARCHER, Baldur's Gate 2

Archer BG2

Archer is a Best Baldur's Gate 2 class in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Archers are like ranged Kensai BG2, just not quite as powerful but they are more versatile in their weapons and ammo. Tuigan BG2 is itemized early for 5 ApR BG2 (10 under Improved Haste) and that's enough to give the Archer a place alongside the best of the best.

Gesen BG2 sports auto-ammo that sort of makes up for BG2's arrow nerfs (especially since conventional ammo erroneously stacks with auto-ammo), but there are attractive options besides bows and crossbows, such as the Sling of Seeking which is actually the best ranged weapon for strong-arm archers (despite the restriction to Specialization), since its dmg is modified by our Strength score.

Let us compare the accuracy and damage of a stock-standard Fighter BG2 firing Gesen BG2 vs. an actual Archer kit firing Gesen -- all sensible factors being equal except for class:

  • Fighter: THAC0: -11, dmg: 6 + 1-8 electrical
  • Archer: THAC0: -20, dmg: 15 + 1-8 electrical

Thus, the archer's natural THAC0 BG2 and damage bonuses become clear (+9 maxed). 

Archer Called Shot

In addition, remember that the Archer's Called Shot special abilities stack with each hit. Called Shot's on-hit cumulative Strength-drain can result in HP-bypassing stat-drain kills. Enemies first debuffed by Ray of Enfeeblement are dead meat.

Archer Called Shot Rule

Every 4 levels he gains the ability to make a called shot once per day. When he activates this ability, any shot made within the next 10 seconds is augmented in the following manner (according to the level of the archer).

Archer Called Shot on-hit effects

  • 4th level: -1 to THAC0 of target
  • 8th level: -1 to save vs magic of target
  • 12th level: -1 to strength of target
  • 16th level: +2 bonus to damage

Note that each of the four effects would be applied by a 16th level Archer, and each effect is cumulative with each hit.

Other Archer Advantages

  • Can Grandmaster in missile weapons
  • +1 to hit, and +1 to damage with any missile weapon for every 3 levels of experience.

Archer Disadvantages

  • An archer can only become proficient in Melee weapons; he may never specialize.
  • An archer cannot wear any metal armor.

Archer Description

The archer is the epitome of skill with the bow. He is the ultimate marksman, able to make almost any shot, no matter how difficult. To become so skilled with the bow, the archer has had to sacrifice some of his proficiency with melee weapons and armor.

Archer Other

Archer Build


Archer BG1: Tutu Archer

There is no Archer kit in Baldur's Gate 1 Original. There is only Fighter BG1 with Bow High Mastery.

Assuming optimized equipment, 8th level Archer BG1 has a THAC0 of -4 and inflicts an average of 13.5 missile/piercing damage at a rate of 4 ApR (5 when Hasted), firing Arrows of Piercing from a Composite Longbow +1 as Grandmaster.

  • Arrows of Biting: THAC0 0, 27.5 dmg (25 Strength: DUHM + Strength potion)
  • Acid Arrows: THAC0 -1, 16.5 dmg
  • Arrows of Detonation: THAC0 auto-hit, 6d6 Fireball AoE

Called Shot additionally inflicts -1 to THAC0 of target (Archer 4th) and -1 to save vs magic of target (Archer 8th).

Recommended BG1 racial enemy is Spider.

Best Classes BG2 Ranger BG2 Archer BG2 Stalker BG2 Beast Master BG2

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