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GAUNTLETS OF WEAPON EXPERTISE, Baldur's Gate 1, BG1, best gauntlets

Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise

Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise is a Baldur's Gate Item in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate 1. Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise are most useful to Fighter BG1 that don't need the Gauntlets of Dexterity or Gauntlets of Ogre Power. In other words, to Fighters who have maxed Strength and Dexterity already.

For optimal Fighters, GoWE are the best gloves in Baldur's Gate 1.

Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise Description

Highly sought after among novice warriors, these items were once the property of the royal family of Threskel.  Imparting a portion of the prince's legendary skill, these gauntlets grant the bearer mastery over all forms of melee weapons.  The majority of their many previous owners seem to have come to bloody ends though; the gloves grant the ability of experience, but not the wisdom.  

Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise Stats

  • THAC0: +1 bonus
  • Damage: +2 bonus
  • Weight: 1

Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise Location

In Baldur's Gate 1 Walkthrough, the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise are found on the corpse of Meilum, who is found on the Firewine Bridge map. Another pair can be found on the corpse of Tazok in the Bandit Camp.

Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise Item Code

The item code for the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise is: BRAC10.

Gauntlets of Weapon Skill

Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Description

Xarrnous' Second Sword Arm: Perhaps the most well known owner of these gauntlets was a mercenary, named Xarrnous.  He specialized in smuggling, and frequently loaned these gauntlets to clients if they were to travel with him.  In his eyes, an extra sword arm was always handy.

Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Stats

  • THAC0: +1 bonus
  • Weight: 2

Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Item Code

The item code for the Gauntlets of Weapon Skill is: BRAC09.

Gauntlets of Weapon Skill Location

The Gauntlets of Weapon Skill are found on the corpse of Larze in the Blushing Mermaid.

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Cloak of Balduran BG1 Ankheg Armor BG1 Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise BG1
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