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Coran, Baldur's Gate 1 BG1 Companion

Coran Baldur's Gate 1

Coran Location

Coran is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate 1. The ultimate THAC0 lord, Coran is the best companion in terms of archery. Coran is found standing on a bridge at x=1520, y=700 on the first Cloakwood Forest map (AR 2200).

Coran's Quests

Coran actually has two quests. The first involves hunting wyverns in the Cloakwood and the second involves an ex-lover in Baldur's Gate city.

Coran the Wyvern Hunter

Coran's first quest involves hunting a wyvern that can be found in a cave on the fourth Cloakwood map (AR 4501). The wyvern head (item code: MISC52) should be taken to Keldath Ormlyr at the Song of the Morninglord temple (AR 3402) on the Temple map east of Beregost (AR 3400).

Sorry if I startled you but I always approach strangers cautiously. I'm Coran, hunter and archer. Are any of you interested in making some money? If you are, I'm the person who could help you do it.


The second quest triggers if we meet Coran's ex-lover, a mage named Brielbara, in Baldur's Gate city. 

Brielbara is found standing around in the northeast of the city at x=730, y=2250 in AR 0300 (the same map the Blushing Mermaid and Splurging Sturgeon are on). If we refuse to help Brielbara by bringing her Yago's Book of Curses (BOOK70), she turns hostile and Coran runs away.

Yago can be found on the third deck (AR 0135) of the Low Lantern, which is a tavern on a ship at the Harbor located in the south of the city (AR 1200). Get the book from Yago and return it to Brielbara to complete the quest (1,000 XP, Rep +1, 200 GP).

Best Items for Coran

Coran Stats

Coran has an illegal Dexterity score of 20 and an illegal High Mastery in bows (Fighter Thieves should only be able to Specialize).

Great peril yields great beauty.

Use Tweaks Anthology to set Coran's Dexterity to 19.

Coran vs Imoen

As part-thief, Coran usually replaces Imoen once we reach the Cloakwood Forest because Coran is much better at fighting than Imoen, yet he can still open locks and disarm traps almost as well as Imoen can.

Coran Biography

When asked about his past, CORAN reveals that he hails from the Forest of Tethir, and while he has great memories of his time there, the serene lifestyle he felt it offered was ultimately not for him. Instead he traveled to the city of Baldur's Gate, dreaming of wealth, power, and respect. With nary a coin to his name he resorted to thievery, stealing only from those that he felt could spare it, and swearing that he would quit once he had enough gold to start his own business. Unfortunately he soon grew to love his new lifestyle, looking forward to each hair-raising escape, dangerous break-in, or beautiful woman. Occasionally he would need to leave town for a while, disappearing into the wilderness until things had cooled down and his name was less known. His most recent retreat is apparently the result of a relationship with the female sorceress Brielbara. He sheepishly admits to being caught in the act of seducing a female member of the Knights of the Unicorn, and being forced to flee from the violently jealous mage.

Coran & Safana

Coran and Safana dialogue:

Coran charmed:

Coran quotes

  • Ho! Travelers, hold a moment.
  • This adventure has gotten out of hand.
  • I think we all deserve a pat on the back.
  • I cannot give my approval for what we've just done.
  • If our fellowship continues in this vein, I may have to leave.
  • I can't stay with this group any longer. I have to call it quits.
  • I think my new responsibility will be a great deal of fun.
  • Even the most prolific adventurer must take some time to rest.
  • My worst hate is reserved for sitting and doing nothing.
  • It's only a flesh wound.
  • Yes?
  • What is your bidding?
  • Life is adventure or nothing.
  • Luck be a lady.
  • Great peril yields great beauty.
  • Wherever fate takes me.
  • The storm is always preferable to the calm.
  • The essence of pleasure is spontaneity.
  • You can't live without a little adventure.
  • Luck is always on the side of the romantic.
  • Safana, you are full of such subtle wit and charm.
  • Sometimes Safana, I find myself attracted to you, despite your shallow spiteful demeanor.
  • You've been dominating my thoughts recently Safana.  It's distracting my work.
  • If you weren't such a self serving wench. . . .  don't think I'd find you half as attractive.
  • Admit it Safana, you sometimes find me to your liking.
  • You are rather uncouth today.
  • I don't appreciate your humor.
  • I accept your compliments.
  • A fine figure like yours shouldn't be risked in an occupation such as adventuring.
  • A more beautiful girl, I don't think I've laid eyes on.
  • You have the most beautiful . . .er. . .eyes.
  • I grieve to lose a friend.
  • I wish we had more time to know each other Safana.

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