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Minsc, Baldur's Gate 2 BG2 Companion

Minsc BG2

Minsc Location

Minsc is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Minsc is found in the lower dungeon of the Chateau Irenicus prologue.

Minsc is the most famous companion in cRPG history. No companion in the genre comes close to his popularity and fame.

If removed from the party, Minsc can be found at the Copper Coronet in the Slums District of Athkatla.

Along with Imoen and Jaheira, Minsc is one of three Baldur's Gate canon party members that survived BG1. Dynaheir and Khalid did not make it.

Minsc Stats

As Ranger BG2, Minsc has excellent martial statistics. Unlike some other martials, Minsc doesn't need any items to correct his stats.

Minsc's proficiencies should be tailored to the Flail of AgesCelestial Fury and Silver Sword.

The best armor for Minsc is Drow Full Plate or Full Plate Mail.

Minsc Biography

When asked about his past, MINSC proclaims that he is a berserker warrior from the nation of Rashemen in the utter east, though his affinity for animals speaks to his skill as a ranger as well.  He originally came to the Sword Coast on a dejemma, a ritual journey to manhood, as the bodyguard of a young Wychalarn of Rasheman named Dynaheir.  To his shame, Dynaheir is now dead, and he fears that the doors of the honored Ice Dragon Berserker Lodge are forever closed to him.  This personal tragedy has obviously not strengthened Minsc's hold on reality, as evidenced by his continued dependence on his animal companion 'Boo', a creature that he claims is a miniature giant space hamster.  Apparently such things do exist somewhere in the Realms, but Minsc has surely taken too many blows to the head.

Boo's paperdoll and character sheet stats

  • Minsc's Weapon Proficiencies: Two-Handed Sword (Specialized), Mace (Specialized), Longbow (Specialized), Two Weapon Style (**).
  • Minsc's utility skills & abilities: Stealth (63), Lore (0), Berserk! Animal Empathy (x4), Racial Enemy: Vampire.
  • Minsc's Perks: Boo! - and upbeat interjections and banters.

Minsc quotes

  • Despair not! I will inspire you by charging blindly on!
  • Minsc will lead with blade and boot! Boo will take care of the details.
  • Feel the backhand of justice!
  • Great fun! Right Boo?
  • Every hamster has his day.
  • Armored, sharpened, and raring to go.
  • Boo says 'what?'
  • Jump on my sword while you can, evil! I won't be as gentle!
  • Live by the sword, live a good long time!
  • See battle, Boo? Run Boo, Run!
  • Make way, villainy! Hero, coming through!
  • The bigger they are, the harder I hit!
  • Don't teach my hamster to suck eggs.
  • Go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE EYES!!  RrraaaAAGHGHH!!!
  • We are all heroes, you and Boo and I!  Hamsters and rangers everywhere rejoice!
  • This behavior must not continue! Feel the burning stare of my hamster and change your ways!
  • This is not right. Change our course or I will have to apply a considerable wallop of virtue!
  • Boo can stand only so much!
  • Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads!  Swords for everyone!
  • We must rest soon. Boo is getting squirrely.
  • Boo must have his exercise, lest he bite us all in hard to reach places.
  • I must get aid soon. Boo is too young to have to avenge me.
  • The forest likes Boo.
  • A den of stinking evil. Cover your nose, Boo, we will leave no crevice untouched.
  • Strange things go bump in the night, but none bump bigger than Minsc!
  • You point, I punch.
  • Swords, not words!
  • Minsc and Boo stand ready.
  • Where Minsc goes, Evil stands aside.
  • Squeaky wheel gets the kick.
  • Full plate and packing steel!
  • Stand back for justice!
  • When the going gets tough, someone hold my rodent.
  • There be safety in numbers and I am two or three at least.
  • Butt-kicking for goodness!

Companions BG2 Aerie BG2Jan Jansen BG2 Jaheira BG2 Edwin BG2 Nalia BG2
Anomen BG2Haer'Dalis BG2 Keldorn BG2 Minsc BG2 Valygar BG2 Korgan BG2
Mazzy BG2 Viconia BG2 Sarevok BG2 Yoshimo BG2 Imoen BG2 Cernd BG2

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