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Anomen Delryn, Baldur's Gate 2 BG2 Companion

Anomen BG2

Anomen Location

Anomen Delryn is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Anomen is found in the Copper Coronet of the Slums District at the start of Chapter 2.

Anomen Stats

As with Keldorn, Anomen's issue is low Dexterity. But just like Keldorn, that can be addressed by giving him the Gauntlets of Dexterity. However, Anomen's low Wisdom score is not as easy to address. Refer to the Quest section below for a possible solution.

Anomen Biography

When asked about his past, ANOMEN is quick to state that he has been serving the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart for years, and after his Test he will be a full and true knight.  Anomen is reluctant, however, to speak of his noble upbringing, saying only that he entered the Order without the support of his father, Lord Cor Delryn.  Since he could not be sponsored as a squire, Anomen chose the route of the warrior and priest of Helm, the god of guardians, and has fought many battles over the years against forces of evil.  Anomen often says that he is confident that he will prove worthy of his knighthood, but sometimes seems to be trying to convince himself of that fact more than anyone.

Anomen Quest

Anomen returns home after his sister's death

After an interval, Squire Anomen is tracked down by Terl who is carrying the news that Anomen's sister has been murdered.

Go to the Delryn estate in the Government district where Anomen meets with his vengeful father, Cor Delryn. It is best to advise Anomen to act within the law even though this angers Cor (10,500 XP).

Get out of my house, dogs. You have corrupted my son. I would spit in your face but you aren't worth the effort. - Cor Delryn.

Anomen refuses to take revenge for his sister's murder

Go to the Council of Six Building in the Government district. We need to speak with Magistrate Bylanna Ianulin (7,500 XP).

Anomen's Judgement

After an interval, Sir Ryan Trawl tracks Anomen down. Go to the High Hall of the Radiant Heart in the Temple district for Anomen's trial that will determine whether or not he will become a Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. If Anomen becomes a Knight, we get 10,000 XP and Anomen gets 50,000 XP and Wisdom +4.

Delryn Family Shield

This is Anomen's family shield, given to him by his father.  In addition to the magical protection the shield radiates an aura that grants the wielder fire and cold resistance.  To protect against ranged attacks, Anomen can use the shield to erect a field of energy.  This protection from normal missiles can be used three times per day.

  • AC Bonus : +2
  • Fire Resistance: + 30%
  • Cold Resistance: + 30%

Abilities: 3 times per day can cast protection from missiles on bearer.

Anomen's Proficiencies

Warhammer (*), Mace (**), Quarterstaff (*), Sling (**), Sword & Shield Style (*).

Mace (IMoD) and Sling (Sling of Seeking) are Anomen's only options since he can never Specialize for Flail of Ages.

Anomen receives +½ ApR for the seventh Fighter level, which, along with his Specialization in Mace is what makes him a prime candidate for wielding IMoD.

The best armor for Anomen is Drow Full Plate or Full Plate Mail.

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