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Nalia de'Arnise, Baldur's Gate 2 BG2 Companion

Nalia BG2

Nalia Location

Nalia de'Arnise is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. A noblewoman of Amn, Nalia is found in the Copper Coronet of the Slums district at the start of Chapter 2.

Nalia has access to full arcane spellcasting, making her one of the best companions in BG2. Along with Jaheira, she is the best-written companion.

Nalia's Quests

de'Arnise Keep has been Invaded. ← Very involved quest.

Nalia's Father's Funeral: After liberating the Keep (see above), a messenger spawns to tell Nalia to attend her father's funeral in the Graveyard District. At the funeral, there is an exchange between Isaea Roenall and Nalia.

Nalia Abducted by Isaea Roenall. After an interval, Isaea spawns with armed guards and arrests Nalia. Khellor Ahmson then spawns to give the player some leads on Isaea's corruption (piracy, slavery and smuggling).

Barg can be found near the Sea's Bounty Tavern in the Docks District (near where Xzar spawns). He refers us to Officer Derth on the ground floor of the Sea's Bounty. On Derth's corpse (3,200 XP), we find Isaea's Slavery Document (MISC8P: an incriminating transaction ledger).

In addition, Isaea's estate is located at x=2800, y=150 in the Government District (adjacent to the Council of Six Building). In one of the cabinets, we find Isaea's Financial Statements (MISC8N: evidence of a smuggling operation).

Take the evidence to Corgeig Axehand in the Council of Six Building (7,000 Quest XP). Her personal troubles with IR now over, Nalia rejoins the party.

Nalia's Stats

Being a Baldur's Gate dual-class, Nalia has good scores in the relevant stats. She even has some ranged martial ability, which is a nice bonus. We can also buff Nalia's thief stats with Mercrykiller Ring.

Nalia's Biography

When asked about her past, NALIA is a bit hesitant. She comes from a wealthy land-owning family headed by Lord de'Arnise, and while she speaks of her relatives with affection, the fact of her upbringing seems to embarrass her at the same time. Nalia clearly identifies more with the 'poorer classes'... but also looks upon them with the eyes of the privileged. She has been educated and taught the magical arts, as per her dead mother's wishes, but Nalia states that her years of sneaking out of the castle have taught her the other side of life as well. She still has much to learn about life beyond her caste, however, and she knows it... and she is sure adventuring is the answer.

D'Arnise Signet Ring

This ring was given to Nalia by her father upon her ascension to adulthood. Bonded to her blood as it is, the ring may not be removed from Nalia, nor its powers used by anyone else. The ring grants a +2 bonus to all saving throws, +2 armor class bonus, and 50% resistance to fire.

After we clear Nalia's keep of trolls, she may offer us title to the stronghold if we are Fighter, Fighter kit or part-Fighter:

Nalia quotes

  • It's just like I thought it would be: helping others and doing good things.
  • This isn't right. We're supposed to be better than this.
  • If we don't change our ways I'm going to have to leave. I cannot tolerate this.
  •'re nothing like I thought! I will have no part of you!
  • I shall strive to help all those under me.
  • I'm not accustomed to these long days. Could we stop and rest?
  • I could sit around doing nothing back at the keep. Let's get going.
  • For the needy!
  • In my father's name!
  • I will do what I must!
  • I'm afraid I'm the needy one me, please.
  • I am not used to such wide-open spaces. Aunty never went anywhere that was not carpeted.
  • I don't like cities much. They are built on the backs of the unfortunate.
  • I really don't like this. How are we helping the less fortunate trudging around in here?
  • Another day of freedom. I never felt like this back in the ballrooms of home.

Companions BG2 Aerie BG2Jan Jansen BG2 Jaheira BG2 Edwin BG2 Nalia BG2
Anomen BG2Haer'Dalis BG2 Keldorn BG2 Minsc BG2 Valygar BG2 Korgan BG2
Mazzy BG2 Viconia BG2 Sarevok BG2 Yoshimo BG2 Imoen BG2 Cernd BG2

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