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Edwin Odesseiron, Baldur's Gate 2 BG2 Companion

Edwin BG2

Edwin Location

Edwin is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Edwin is found on the top floor of the Thieves' Guild in the Docks District of Athkatla at the start of Chapter 2, after completing several FedEx quests given by Renal Bloodscalp, Mae'Var and Edwin himself.

By virtue of Edwin's Birthright Amulet, he gets more spell slots for arcane spells than anyone else, including CHARNAME Mages. In addition, he can wear the Robe of Vecna BG2 and wield Staff of the Magi BG2.

Edwin Stats

Edwin's low score in Strength and Dexterity do not matter because he is a dedicated Mage who can cast Best Spells Baldur's Gate. Edwin's Constitution score is also perfect for Mages: at one point above the prerequisite for Conjurer Specialist Mage BG2, 16 Con grants the max Con bonus for non-warriors.

Edwin's Quest: How to get Edwin

Edwin's ambitions are intertwined with those of Renal Bloodscalp of the Shadow Thieves, Mae'Var of the Night Thieves and Rayic Gethras of the Cowled Wizards. To get Edwin into the party, we have to jump through some hoops for Renal Bloodscalp, Mae'Var and Edwin himself.

Find Proof of Mae'Var's Treachery

As early as the beginning of Chapter 2, meet Renal Bloodscalp in the Shadow Thief Guildhall located in the northwest of the Docks District (Yoshimo may prompt you to do this). To find Renal, enter the back room and then go upstairs. Renal wants you to find proof of Mae'Var's treachery. He gives you a letter of transfer.

Mae'Var's Guildhall

Go to Mae'Var's guildhall in the south of the Dock's District, tell Gorch you're here to see Mae'Var, give him the letter of transfer, head through the door and then go downstairs to the basement and through the secret door to find Mae'Var.

Necklace of Talos

Mae'Var wants you to steal an amulet from the Weathermistress of the Church of Talos. Go to the Temple district in the evening, enter the Temple of Talos and steal the Necklace of Talos [item code: MISC4Y] from the chest in Mistress Ada's room while she is sleeping (20,000 XP). You can unlock the chest, bash it open or cast Knock on it. Return to Mae'Var (29,500 XP).

Rayic Gethras

Next, Mae'Var refers you to Edwin. To find Edwin, go to the main floor and then up two floors. Edwin wants you to assassinate Rayic Gethras whose home is just to the west of the guild. There are six mephits and two stone golems guarding the approach to Rayic, who is found upstairs.

Note that Rayic is a high level mage who can cast spells such as Symbol Fear, Symbol Stun and Finger of Death. In addition, he has Stoneskin already active and casts Shadow Door (9,000 XP). Return to Edwin once Rayic has been slain (20,000 XP).

Edwin's Documents

Edwin now wants you to get Edwin's Documents [item code: MISC4W] from Marcus at the Sea's Bounty tavern, also in the Docks. Simply go to the tavern, get them from Marcus and return to Edwin (10,000 XP). Note that Baron Ployer may curse Jaheira at this point.

Embarl's Dagger

Now, Edwin refers you back to Mae'Var. This time, Mae'Var wants Embarl dead. Embarl can be found back at the Sea Bounty. Either slay him to get Embarl's Dagger [item code: MISC4U] or let him go after he gives the dagger to you, and return to Mae'Var (28,750 XP).

Mae'Var's Letter to the Night Thieves

We can now recruit Edwin into the party. Edwin gives us Mae'Var's Strongbox Key [item code: EDWINKEY]. Then, we can find the proof we need on the floor below, in the locked cabinet next to the bed (AR 0303). It is Mae'Var's Letter [item code: MISC4V] to the Night Thieves, asking that Renal Bloodscalp be taken out. Edwin should interject to confirm the acquisition of the letter.

Take the letter to Renal (48,250 XP), slay Mae'Var (14,000 XP) and return to Renal again (45,500 QUEST XP, 10,500 GP, Short Sword of Backstabbing, Access to Thieves' Stronghold if Thief class).

Find the Nether Scroll for Edwin

Upon arrival to the Graveyard District, Edwin interjects to give us this quest. Descend to the lower tombs and then make your way to the southern dungeons (AR 0802). 


Clear out the first chamber of undead, head south, and then take the first passage that heads east. At the end of the passage is the lich, Nevaziah, which needs to be destroyed. Edwin auto-acquires the Nether Scrolls upon its destruction (11,750 XP).

After an interval of adventuring, Edwin will announce that he's translated some of the scroll (50,000 XP, Edwin only).

Then, after a second interval (a few rests), Edwin finds out that the scroll employs some kind of transformative magic. He casts the Nether Spell:

Edwin / Edwina:

Edwin is being hunted by the Red Wizards

After another interval, Edwin is tracked down by Red Wizard of Thay, Degarden. At this point, the party can turn against and slay Edwin (5,000 XP, 5,000 GP). If not, Degarden leaves. 

Degarden eventually returns to dispel the transformative magic disguising Edwin. The party is then forced to slay Degarden.

When asked about how he came to be in the employ of the Shadow Thieves, EDWIN sneers that it is none of your business.  In his opinion you are lucky enough to have encountered him at all, and further inquiries beyond this initial boon will only serve to tempt the fates. Despite his obstinate nature, there is a hint that his present circumstance is not all that favorable, and his willingness to join with you contradicts his supposed distaste for the company of others.  Edwin ignores speculation about his recent past, but he does appear to have placed less emphasis on the Red Wizard colors he has so brazenly displayed in the past.  It is an understandable act for a wizard traveler in mage-fearing Amn.

Edwin quotes

  • You can do nothing but die!
  • Have you nothing else to do but bother me?
  • Yes master, what should I fetch now?
  • Oh all right!
  • Yes, yes, I see.
  • One day...
  • If I must.
  • Very well.
  • Edwin do this, Edwin do that. Somebody get this jerk a banana.
  • Fear me! (crit hit)
  • Bah, useless weapon! (crit miss)
  • This weapon is worthless. (can't hit)
  • I will carry no more. Find your trinket upon the ground.
  • My spell disrupted? Argh!!

Companions BG2 Aerie BG2Jan Jansen BG2 Jaheira BG2 Edwin BG2 Nalia BG2
Anomen BG2Haer'Dalis BG2 Keldorn BG2 Minsc BG2 Valygar BG2 Korgan BG2
Mazzy BG2 Viconia BG2 Sarevok BG2 Yoshimo BG2 Imoen BG2 Cernd BG2

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