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Sarevok Anchev, Baldur's Gate 2 BG2 Companion

Sarevok BG2

Sarevok Location

Sarevok is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Sarevok is found in the Pocket Plane at the start of Throne of Bhaal.

In Baldur's Gate 1, Sarevok BG1 was the antagonist.

Sarevok's Stats

Note the 17s in Dexterity and Intelligence. However, it is inadvisable to dual-class Sarevok into Thief or Mage, due to downtime.

Sarevok's Biography

When asked about his past, SAREVOK has little to add beyond what you already know. He grew up a homeless urchin in the streets until he was adopted by his foster father into the Iron Throne. He studied the art of intimidation, the cruelest and most brutal styles of combat, in order to become a Deathbringer that could paralyze an opponent in melee through fear well as sometimes killing the most powerful of opponents in a single, massive blow. Sarevok had an ambition that did not die even when his body you well know, now. Sarevok keeps mostly to himself, but at odd moments you can see him staring in your direction, his face an emotionless mask. Part of you wonders if your brutal half-brother ponders what might have been...

Best Weapon for Sarevok

Proficiencies: Two-Handed Sword (*****), Halberd (***), Crossbow (*), Two-Handed Weapon Style (**).

The best weapon for Sarevok is the Ravager. The Ravager is a Halberd. Thus, it is best to get Grandmastery in Halberd.

Deathbringer Assault

Sarevok's deathbringer assault randomly inflicts on-hit +200 piercing damage. Sarevok's fists also inflict on-hit, save vs. Spell Stun.

The best armor for Sarevok is Full Plate Mail.

Sarevok Alignment Change

As forseen by Tamoko BG1, in Throne of Bhaal of Baldur's Gate 2 Sarevok can be redeemed through dialogue that changes his alignment from Chaotic Evil to Chaotic Good.

CHARNAME's mother and Gorion:

Child-Sarevok then steps in and adds:

This dialogue segment is noteworthy in that it allows us to empathize with the conqueror-villain of Baldur's Gate. Charname can acknowledge a certain debt owed to Sarevok (his Fate could have been Charname's), and Charname is even able to redeem Sarevok (and Viconia) by shifting his alignment to Chaotic Good through various companion-based dialogues.

There are several dialogues in regard to Sarevok's redemption, but this lengthy third one is crucial, and the thread can easily be broken by a single "incorrect" response, so I doubt many players even know about the potential for redemption:

In the follow-up banter, Sarevok's alignment changes to Chaotic Good permanently:

Sarevok: Temple of Bhaal

Sarevok was the antagonist in Baldur's Gate 1. It is revealed that he and Gorion's Ward aka Charname are off-spring of Bhaal, and siblings. The player eventually confronts Sarevok in the Temple of Bhaal located beneath the city of Baldur's Gate.

Here is a variation in which Sarevok alludes to the evil within:

Tamoko and Sarevok:

Sarevok quotes

Sarevok BG1 Quotes

  • I do not fear death... do you?
  • Killing is our father's work; embrace it as I have!
  • Your death is inevitable.
  • Only the strongest shall prevail.
  • Run as you will; you cannot hide forever!
  • The streets will run red with blood when my work is finished.
  • Face ME! Face the new LORD OF MURDER!

Sarevok BG2 Quotes

  • So.  You have finally arrived.  I have been waiting for you.
  • They are too strong for me, I cannot continue!!
  • It appears I made the right decision in joining you, after all.
  • We should kill something...soon.  My impatience grows.
  • This is hardly what I expected.  If this continues I see little point in my remaining with your group...we are a poor match.
  • I can take no more of this!  Do what you must, I can bear your presence no longer!!
  • This is how it was meant to be.  Let no-one bar our path.
  • Enough.  I no longer have immortal energies to sustain me.  I...tire.
  • This is what you consider productive use of our time?  Do you prefer we stand around like this often?
  • Feel my unholy wrath!!
  • Death comes for you, feel its icy breath!!
  • Hahahahaa ha!
  • No!  I...I refuse...
  • Healing!  Quickly!
  • Shrubbery.  Flowers.  Weeds, all of it.
  • These are all pawns.  Pawns collected for the use of whoever knows how to place them on the board.
  • There is power to be found in places such as this...
  • In this light, it seems all the insects that prey on the living have retreated to their shadows.
  • Darkness is friend to all with evil intent.
  • WHAT do you WISH?
  • Sarevok stands ready.
  • Do not presume.
  • Show me.
  • I await your command.
  • I fear nothing.
  • Heh ha ha ha haaa...
  • So be it.
  • I shall carve a path, if need be.
  • What if we were to return to Baldur's Gate together.  What would people say, do you think?  (laughs)
  • Die! (critical hit)
  • Bah! (critical miss)
  • This one is invulnerable! (cannot hit)

Companions BG2 Aerie BG2Jan Jansen BG2 Jaheira BG2 Edwin BG2 Nalia BG2
Anomen BG2Haer'Dalis BG2 Keldorn BG2 Minsc BG2 Valygar BG2 Korgan BG2
Mazzy BG2 Viconia BG2 Sarevok BG2 Yoshimo BG2 Imoen BG2 Cernd BG2

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