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Aerie, Baldur's Gate 2 BG2 Companion

Aerie BG2

Aerie Location

Aerie is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Aerie is found in the Circus Tent in Waukeen's Promenade at the start of Chapter 1. After freeing Quayle from Kalah, Aerie stays in the party.

When Chapter 1 begins, we find ourselves in Waukeen's Promenade of the city of Athkatla. Make your way to the yellow and white circus tent located just to the south of your starting position. Tell the guard stationed outside the tent that you can handle yourself, and he will grant you admittance.

Inside the tent -- which is under a powerful illusion -- answer the genie with dialogue choices 3-3 to get 19,500 XP. In the dome, you will find Aerie in Ogre form. The quickest way through the dialogue is to just choose option 5. Then, go and slay the male peasant illusion to the north and loot the Ogre's Sword from its corpse. Now, speak with Aerie again to dispel the illusion and Aerie will join the party (18,500 XP). Go through the next door and up the stairs. All you need to do now is defeat Kalah and save Quayle (25,000 XP). Just ignore the illusions and focus all attacks on Kalah.

Aerie can load divine spells and arcane spells into sequencers, which is a great perk. The Robe of Vecna also enables her to cast divine spells quickly (say, for quick healing). In addition, she can wield Flail of Ages BG2 and IMoD BG2.

At high levels, Aerie is the most powerful companion in BG2 because she can fight well (when buffed) and can cast both divine and arcane spells. In high-level SCS BG2, the gap between Aerie and other companions widens even more because SCS tests staying power, and Cleric / Mage has that in spades.

Aerie Stats

Aerie's issues are her low Strength and Con scores. However, both can be addressed with her divine spells. Once Aerie gets a few levels under her belt, she is a melee force to be reckoned with. But even if we don't bother employing Aerie in melee, she is still one of the most powerful companions simply because she can cast Best Spells Baldur's Gate.

Some of Aerie's high-level abilities are as follows:

  • Access to 191 arcane spells and 100 divine spells, some of which can be mix-sequenced.
  • Self-buff to Strength 25, Dex 23 and Con 24 with Draw Upon Holy Might
  • Main-hand THAC0 BG2: -10, off-hand -6
  • Armor Class BG2: -25
  • Up to 40 damage per hit at a rate of 4 ApR
  • 127 resist all due to Armor of Faith (damage heals) [original BG2 only]
  • Aerie maxes out at Cleric (25) / Mage (20).

Aerie Biography

When asked about her past, AERIE becomes silent for a time, obviously saddened by the memory.  She lived amongst the Avariel, the winged elves, and was captured by slavers when she was still very young.  She shudders when she speaks of her first years in the circus, on display in a cage that restricted her movements to the point that her wings atrophied.  They became infected... and Aerie can barely speak of the night she was taken out of her cage and her wings were sawn off brutally to keep her alive.  She was no longer of use to that circus, and were it not for the kindness of Quayle she surely would have died.  He restored her to health and gave her a reason to continue living, and out of respect for his generosity she learned the devotion of the gnomish god Baervan Wildwanderer.  She speaks of Baervan with affection, yet still pays tribute to Aerdrie Faenya, and approaches life outside of the circus with a combination of wide-eyed innocence and wonder mixed with an inborn determination to fight against injustice.

Aerie's Quest

Quayle has called for Aerie

After an interval, a Messenger spawns. Return to Quayle at the Circus Tent in Waukeen's Promenade (dialogue).

A friend of Quayle's needs help

The friend is Raelis Shai. She can be found in the theatre (basement) of the Five Flagon's inn in the Bridge District.

That's literally it for Aerie's part in this quest. Aerie and Quayle have nothing to do with Haer'Dalis' quest. All they do is point the way to him.

Aerie quotes

  • Faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws!
  • I'll do it.
  • I'll help however I can.
  • In Baervan's name, it shall be done.
  • This is a lot more exciting than any circus!
  • You need something?
  • I...don't like the looks of this...
  • I'll hurt you if I have to!
  • I...I won't let my friends be hurt!

Companions BG2 Aerie BG2Jan Jansen BG2 Jaheira BG2 Edwin BG2 Nalia BG2
Anomen BG2Haer'Dalis BG2 Keldorn BG2 Minsc BG2 Valygar BG2 Korgan BG2
Mazzy BG2 Viconia BG2 Sarevok BG2 Yoshimo BG2 Imoen BG2 Cernd BG2

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