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Chateau Irenicus, Baldur's Gate 2

Chateau Irenicus

Chateau Irenicus is the starting location in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. Chateau Irenicus is the name given to the sprawling subterranean stronghold of the elven archmage, Irenicus.

Constituting the Prologue of BG2 and consisting of Irenicus Dungeon Level 1 and Irenicus Dungeon Level 2, Chateau Irenicus is located beneath Waukeen's Promenade of the city of Athkatla, captial of Amn.

CHARNAME and the Baldur's Gate canon party have been imprisoned by Irenicus, but are attempting to escape the dungeon even as it comes under attack by Shadow Thieves.

During the escape, CHARNAME is able to recruit four Baldur's Gate companions:

Unfortunately, Khalid is found dead and Dynaheir has also perished.

Lower Dungeon:

Upper Dungeon:

In BG1 vs BG2, Chateau Irenicus was criticized for its lengthy word-count, long-winded interjections and themepark-like design. While veteran players can breeze through its cRPG combat encounter design and dungeon layout, there is still a lot of mouse-button clicking needed to get through all the unskippable dialogues and interjections even when a minimalist approach is taken. In addition, there are two lengthy cutscenes that cannot be skipped.

Basically, the Chateau just drags on for too long, tries too hard to impress, and ends up being a poor introduction that impacts the replayability of BG2.

Baldur's Gate (Index) Baldur's Gate WalkthroughBaldur's Gate Review
CHARNAME Baldur's Gate Canon Party Baldur's Gate Chateau Irenicus Baldur's Gate 2

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