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Shar-Teel Dosan, Baldur's Gate 1 BG1 Companion

Shar-Teel Baldur's Gate 1

Shar-Teel Location

Shar-Teel is a Baldur's Gate companion in BioWare's cRPG of 1998, Baldur's Gate 1. Shar-Teel is found on the map east of the Beregost temple (x=250, y=300, AR 3500). She is north of Korax the Ghoul. Consult Baldur's Gate world map.

Duel with Shar-Teel

Shar-Teel can be difficult to recruit early on when it is all-too-easy to kill her, be killed by her, or take too much damage from her. If you didn't die but took too much damage, you have to heal up and pay 20 GP to duel her again. In addition, she can also target any non-dueler standing nearby. Moreover, after the duel, you have to be quick to cancel your auto-attack, or she will go hostile again.

We can use Tweaks Anthology to stop Shar-Teel from getting killed.

Best Items for Shar-Teel

Will your champion step forward? I only fight men, so your women will have to be satisfied with just watching.  Don't entertain any thoughts about cheating.  If any of the rest of you try to interfere in this fight I'll kill them outright.

Shar-Teel Stats

This is the kind of stupidity we get with male leadership.

Shar-Teel Biography

When asked about her past, SHAR-TEEL has very little to say.  From the little she speaks of it can be gleaned that she is an orphan. She also seems to harbor an intense dislike for Flaming Fist mercenaries, as well as an obvious disrespect for men in general. She seems to have something to prove, and likely her childhood was not of storybook quality.

Reference to Predator (1987):

Shar-Teel Dual-Class

Shar-Teel is usually dual-classed to ThiefHer low Constitution score isn't a big deal because she gets enough HPs, and AC is more important anyway.

Shar-Teel Dual-class Level 2

Fighter 2nd (2,000 XP). Downtime is a trifling 2,500 XP. So yeah, Shar-Teel becomes a full-time Thief (maxing at 250 thief utility skillpoints + x4 backstab modifier), and the Fighter levels bestow a few advantages over pure Thieves; namely, Specialization in Large Sword and Small Sword (THAC0 +1, dmg +1 and +½ ApR over pure Thief Proficiency: Twinkle and Dagger of Venom), exceptional 18/58 Strength (and the ability to wear the Gauntlets of Ogre Power for 18/00 along with the ability to quaff potions of Strength up to and including Storm 24), and the ability to wear a helm to ward off the double damage incurred by crits. Due to an exploit, she can also Stealth in full plate. THAC0 caps out at 13 for what becomes Fighter (2) / Thief (9).

Shar-Teel Dual-class Level 6

Fighter 6th (32,000 XP). Downtime is 40,000 XP. For that we net +4 Fighter HD, High Mastery (+2 THAC0 and +2 dmg over Specialization) and a one-point THAC0 reduction (+2 from HM) while maintaining 250 thief utility skillpoints and the maximum backstab multiplier available to us in BG (x4). Thus, Shar-Teel becomes Fighter (6) / Thief (9). Solid.

Shar-Teel Dual-class Level 7

Fighter 7th (64,000 XP). Downtime is a less comfortable 70,000 XP. We receive +1 Fighter HD and another one point THAC0 reduction, but the prime reason behind this dual is to trade in one point of backstab modifier and 20 thief utility skillpoints for that juicy 7th level +½ ApR Warrior bonus.

Thus, Shar-Teel becomes Fighter (7) / Thief (8). This is more of a frontline option, though you might have to be careful due to Shar-Teel's average Constitution score. Employ flanking or just spec her for Bow in addition to your fave backstabbing weapon. But with that solid Dex adjustment to AC, I wouldn't be overly concerned about squaring up.

You can't go wrong with either of these options.

Shar-Teel vs Eldoth

Eldoth is the best trash-talker in the game, and he gets under the skin of many companions as a result, but getting under Shar-Teel's is a big no-no.

The build up continues:

And the culmination invariably results in an Eldoth "chunking":


Shar-Teel quotes

  • Hold travelers, I challenge your best warrior to a duel.
  • Discretion is the better part of valor.
  • Eat steel, scum.
  • It seems that this party isn't as pathetic as I first suspected.
  • This is the kind of stupidity we get with male leadership.
  • I can't take much more of this male imbecility.
  • Forget our deal, I'm leaving.
  • I'll lead this party better than any man could.
  • Some rest is in order.
  • This is such a waste of time, or should I say men are such a waste of time.
  • I don't have time to bleed.
  • Men are pathetic.
  • If it bleeds, I can kill it.
  • I love bloodshed.
  • Okay.
  • Really?
  • I'll do it.
  • Life is made fun by crushing your enemies.
  • Sometimes the smell of a man makes me sick to my stomach.
  • Steel is the only thing that a woman can depend upon.
  • Men never think with their minds.
  • Say another word Eldoth, and I'll cut out your tongue.
  • Your impudence will one day get you killed Eldoth.
  • Eldoth, you're an impotent, degenerate lout, who has delusions of male superiority.
  • Watch your mouth Eldoth, or I'll end your life where you stand.
  • You were warned Eldoth!  Now reap the consequences.
  • Flattery will get you nowhere.
  • You're a funny man, that's why I'm going to kill you last.
  • How would you like my sword tickling your innards.
  • Useless male dung heap.
  • I spit on your manhood.
  • Don't think yourself second to any man.
  • More carrion for the vultures.
  • The swine had it coming.

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